Pinphone 4 questions


New Member
hi there folks,
I have just purchased a new pinphone 4gs 16GB from fastcardtech.
VERSION IPHONE_F_W_T_V1_1_5 BRANCH 08B I835D BUILD SVN_4719 SERIAL# 3290110139710 BUILD TIME 2011.04.02 12:04 BB CHIP MT6235 MS BOARD IWIT35_ HW Version IWIT35_08B_HW
I have realized that on the demo phone on FCT's homepage there are lot more icons on main screen that I have on my PinPhone4.
And the phone data shows 117 GB of memory....
I attach some pics to demonstrate:
I only have these icons, no BT on/off no WIFI on/off no stock no iTunes/aTunes no AppStore, and not the chinese dictionary expo other games icons they all missing!
These ones does not show up on my phone:

However the apps are in ROOT/Java/app folder, but without an Icon I am unable to start the apps, since the Java folder is hidden...

An other strange thing, my mem shows 117GB:
A little bit weird...

I just googled my firmware if I can find anyone experiencing the same problem, and I found only one guy from france, who has the same firmware but in a yophone 4!!!!

I wrote to fastcardtech techsupport and everybody now, I am skyping msn-ing and e-mailing everybody at FCT they sent me only a rar file containing the files on SD CARD, to copy them on my phone, since they think the SD-Card might have been damaged..
I did so, but the files were identical that they were on my phone originally. So nothing happened.
I am chasing FCT for 2 weeks now for help, telling them that the firmware must be wrong since I can not install icons on main screen...
I have not seen this firmware before. I received the phone in April, they say it is the latest firmware, dated 2/4/2011. But it does not work properly...

By the way: I have an apple folder in sd card, containing a lot of apple apps, .aif files and appmanager and so on, but I am unable to use them, unable to do anything with them... Anyone knows what is the reason they are on the phone?
An other thing: Talking Tom. It is installed there to ROOT/GOD folder, but doesnt work...
Why is it there then?

Anyone can help me solving the problem? It seems like I can not get any help from FCT :((( I saw firmware versions of 115 like IPHONE_CHN_W_V1_1_5 or IPHONE_F_W_V1_1_5 works fine.. I dont know what does the T means in my firmware version IPHONE_F_W_T_V1_1_5, but this one does not work for me.. :(

Thanks for your help in advance.


New Member
maybe FCT sent you the wrong Phone? And now you have a Yophone or any other clone but not a pinphone? I'm sure the forum specialists will give their opinion whether your Software version is a Pinphone software or not and rate the possibility of flashing another software to this phone.
I saw that there is a Java-Button on your Phone. Then you can start the Java-Applications not from the main screen, but from the Java-Menu, don't you?
By the way: it is not possible to add or remove icons to the main screen, they are implemented in the firmware.
Concerning the 117GB-Memory: this is only fake, some phones show 32GB, some even more, despite the fact there is only a 4 or 8GB in the phone.
I have no clue why there is an apple folder on the SD-Card, but you can't use them on the phone; you can use only *.jar-Files.


New Member
Thanks for your fast reply :) Hm.... how can i check that this is a PinPhone4 or not? I have e.g. pinphone mode at sms screen.
I ask FCT as well maybe they will reply on this :)
Since the Java folder in hidden, I can not see it from the phone, and can not start the apps from there. I can only connect to PC copy the whole app dir to an other not hidden folder and install all apps one by one..
It is not the same... and the Java install screen is ugly :((( and still dont have BT and WIFI on/off toggle button :(


how can i check that this is a PinPhone4 or not
Use the code *#1234# if it shows you your firmware version, your piphone is most likely real :)

About your "problem", which isn't actually a problem at all :)

The pictures with the extra icons on their webpage definitley shows a Chinese/English ONLY firmware. I BET your Phone supports more languages, right? In the multi-language fw-version they usually eliminate some of the CHINESE(!!!!!) apps that absolutely NOBODY outside of China can use. So, be thankful that stuff is not in your firmware!!!

If you MUST install some of the *beep* apps that are in the hidden Java folder, just copy them to a different location on your SD-card and install them from there. this will NOT create the missing icons but at least you can try some of the Chinese apps ;)

If you ever get your hands on a flashing cable, you could do a readback of your firmware and they try to flash a different firmware, if you like :)

And please be so kind to post in the "general discussions" forum in the future if you want to post in English. Thanks :)


New Member
thanks :) i just wanted to use the icons to start other apps with them, since these chinese crappy apps are useless :)
and do you know what reason are the apple folder copied to my sd card?
and I do not have BT WIFI On/OFF icons, what the older firmware has 109 and 139 i suppose...
but what the hell is this????

ok next time i will write in general disc... any way you can write to me in german i understand, but were unable to explain the problem described above in German language

Yes my phone has multi language, but i use the english anyway.
I asked FCT about the prob but your explanation is right but they were unable to tell me the reason why are those icons missing. But now its clear! :grin:
Tried some, they are just useful and only in chinese :(

If I plug it in the USB it shows MTK and 0 position and (Apple i) device... can it be somehow sync as an iPhone? with iTunes or 91 mobile for example?

Which flash cable to you recommend? can I change my firmware to the one here in downloads? FWV109 for example? Im gonna do a readback for sure!!
Thx for your help
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


New Member
Fatal Error? what the ****? :grin: never seen that before on one of the MTK-OS Phones...

Can you use Bluetooth and Wifi via the settings menu, or are they completely missing and not only the screen icons?
You can't use preinstalled Icons for starting other (Java-)applications.

No, you can't sync it like an Apple device. See it the positive way, you don't need iTunes ;-), just plug it into the computer and use it as a mass data storage. You can sync it eventually with a software called MobileEdit to sync contacts and short messages.

For flash cables please contact the user "Rumpelstilzchen", he can tell you more about cables and the possible firmwares.



New Member
Yes I can use BT and wifi from settings but very annoying that I can go deep into the menu just tu turn them on.. :(
I m watching the white screen for 2 hours now.. FCT said to push the little hole beside the earphone jack with a small pin.. they mean hard reset. i did it but nothing happened. there is nothing to push in that hole... :) i could not feel any click when i puch its fully solid.
I can start other java prg with the preinstalled icons just have to change the new app's name to the old one and it will start it :)
Thanks for help...
Im waiting my phone to wake up from fatal error.. :(((


the hard reset button is not beside the headphone jack, its inside the headphone jack, so take a toothpick and push the micro switch for hard reset


New Member
and really!!! there is a switch on the bottom of the headphone jack!! a little bit strange that FCT said it wrong... :)
thanks very much!!!


New Member
Hello, I am a new member. I am Thai people.
I used "Pinphone 4" my phone's firmware is OS4.1.a_F too.
And I have this same problem T_______T.
The many icon is not available on Menu screen but I have Weather Icon at the Menu screen.

I would like to know,When to do Hard Reset. what happen??
I can use many icon?

Thank You very much



As I wrote before, the ammount of icons on this phone depends on the firmware version that's on the phone. the Chinese / English firmwares USUALLY have more icons in it for (useless?) Chinese apps.

A hard reset won't change this fact, a reset will NOT create any additional icons!


New Member
I think my phone's firmware is multi-language because it have any language. These is firmware I can't create any icons for Chinese apps on MUNE scree and Hard Reset it can't too,right?

Thank you for you help ^^

I feel sad. T_____________T
I would like to have "iTune U" :p:p


It is simply IMPOSSIBLE to create any icons on these phones, they are NOT smart phones like Android or Windows Mobile phones where it can be done.


New Member
It depends on the firmware but most likely they are being sold with multilanguage firmwares.
fastcartech sells the version chinese/english with built in memory.. but I dont' know if is the real pinphone and i don't know if I can change the language without a dongle... what do you choose between pinphone4gs and yophone with new firmware? i saw your video but seems that is pinphone vs sophone first version..


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