been following discussion about the pinphone 3gs for a while now (I can speek german pretty good, but writing is not my strong side and it goes a bit quicker in english).
the forum is very helpful and has a lot of info, but I still have some concerns about the battery of the phone.
- okay, what happens when for god knows what reason, the battery goes dead and you need a replacement?
- if it still has warranty, you must send the phone back?
- or will they send a replacement free of charge?
- or can you buy one seperately and swap it out yourself? (been browsing through a lot of shops, but didnt find any.)
I already asked fstcrdtch myself, but the anwser was "it has build in battery".........and thats really not helping me out.
so, if any of you guys had a similar problem and/or know the answer, dont hold it back!
been following discussion about the pinphone 3gs for a while now (I can speek german pretty good, but writing is not my strong side and it goes a bit quicker in english).
the forum is very helpful and has a lot of info, but I still have some concerns about the battery of the phone.
- okay, what happens when for god knows what reason, the battery goes dead and you need a replacement?
- if it still has warranty, you must send the phone back?
- or will they send a replacement free of charge?
- or can you buy one seperately and swap it out yourself? (been browsing through a lot of shops, but didnt find any.)
I already asked fstcrdtch myself, but the anwser was "it has build in battery".........and thats really not helping me out.
so, if any of you guys had a similar problem and/or know the answer, dont hold it back!