Pin Phone Problems MMS, ETC


New Member
Hello, I a apologize in advance for not knowing what I'm doing, but I got a new PinPhone 3gs the other day and am having a few problems.

Most Importantly I can't download my MMS messages. I tried changing a few MMSC addresses, but I can't come up with the right combination evidently. I also heard something about engineering mode, but I tried dialing the *#4324# and it just said not available.

So if someone knows what i need to put for MMSC address, data account, (if i should keep it on FET or change it) Connection type, and proxy I would be so appreciative.

The second problem is that when I tilt the phone it doesn't go to landscape. Is there a setting I am missing? I watched people on youtube do it, where they just tilt it and it rotates with the phone.


Hi :)

The code for the engineer mode is *#3234#

go to

Misc. - Internet Application - User Agent

and select "Nokia N93".

Then have the MMS settings send to you, request the settings for SE K850i.

I hope this helps?

The second problem is that when I tilt the phone it doesn't go to landscape.
What do you mean by that? NOTHING rotates? no pictures, videos, coverflow, landscape keyboard when text messaging?
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New Member
yes sir, the pictures dont' rotate, the text does not rotate into the landscape keyboard from the portrait keyboard.

However, the Zippo lighter, when i rotate the screen, the flame moves as it should. So I don't feel like the phone is broken, maybe I am just missing a setting that allows things to rotate when you turn the phone sideways??

Thanks again for your help


Oooooone moment, please :)

Do you have a DUALSIM pinphone 3GS+ ?

What does the phone tell you when you enter:


I'm asking because the "old" pinphone does NOT come with the zippo lighter.


New Member
sorry it is the Pinphone II, it only has one sim card slot (although it asks me in menus about a 2nd sim in a lot of different places)

It says A2DP normal mode when I put in what you said.


Well-Known Member
Could you post a Link or some Pic's ?
It's unusual for a Single Sim Phone asking for 2nd Sim Settings.
I think you got an I9 or similar.


I can't tell you exactly what it is but I can assure you that it's not a pinphone. Does it have a capacitive touch screen? Sure doesn't look like it.


New Member
oh man, so you're telling me i've been duped..

well any reccomendations on where to get a good one? Or if there is something better that works with T-mobile and has Wifi?


I'm not telling you you've been duped, you probably got what you've been promised, it's just not THE pinphone.

THIS is the pinphone:

You can also check out my YT channel (click on my slide to unlock in my signature) and check out some pinphone and the new pinphone 3GS+ videos :)


das isn efox/drachen 3GS in der singlesimvariante mit festem backcover. das teil, was sie auch bei DX verhökern. 119$.

@bobbymac: did you really pay 270$ for that???

EDIT: if you want to buy a genuine pinphone on ebay, watch out for the listings of a seller called "goodbargain168168".
just contact him, this guy will help you along...
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New Member
i paid 194 for it. it looks like he has just recently (today) jacked the price on them up though. It says Pinphone II right in the auction and it looks and functions very similar to all the youtube videos I see of it. I guess it's a pinphone clone. :(


no, it is not.

it has nothing in common with the pinphone but its iphone-like shape.

this is yours or a clone of yours or yours is the clone of this or whatsofuckingever...:

different OS, different hardware. different manufacturer. definitely worse than pinphone. believe me, i had them both, yours and the pinphone.

if i was you, i would try to open paypal conflict. As you are located in the US (i think?) as is the seller, this should be the best solution. after that, get yourself a genuine pinphone directly from china.

EDIT: right, quite expensive, check out , there you will get it for about 145$ free shipping. you may also check
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New Member
i just watched your videos ColonelZap, nicely done. I saw your link on where to get it. So if I get that phone I can just change the 4gb card out with a 16gb card?


you will have to remove the rear cover to get access to the tf-card socket. but why? you will never ever need 16GB. The phone is not able to handle more than approx. 2GB of music. you will surely never take so much pictures with it, even if, you will definitely be unable to watch them on your pinphone, it also will break down and require hardreset. watching movies also isnt that funny with that crappy mtk-processor...


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