Oppo N1 - neues Oppo Handy



wird angeblich im September vorgestellt. anscheinend kann man das handy mit der Rückseite bedienen? oder so was :)

OPPO N1将支持背部触控 将于9月份上市 pconline


OPPO N1 will support the back of the touch will be listed in September
[Information] PConline OPPO in the 19th through its micro-Bo announced that its latest flagship product OPPO N1 will be unveiled in September, according to insiders, OPPO N1 will support the back of the touch, and some applications and deep integration and optimization , do not point to point thumbs up. I believe this feature can be added on to the operator a better experience.
At a later date, OPPO official microblogging again exposed a picture, and with "N1 better use of the large-screen phone" words. Where "N1" and "more" with a special green, eye-catching. Exposing a length below the picture phone pictures, the speaker, USB excuse design side by side with the headphone jack, perhaps giving us a special operating experience to convey the information.


OPPO N1 OPPO N-lens series is the first product. N1 is likely to adopt 5.5 inches 1080p screen, and the main camera. The OPPO schedule will be published in all the big mobile phone manufacturers concentrate flagship product released in September, OPPO seem confident.



Meizu Fanboy
Finde ich bekloppt. OPPO geht einen ziemlich eigenartigen Weg..errinert mich an eine Koreanische Firma..;)

Gesendet von meinem M040 mit Tapatalk 4


Foto eines neuen Oppo Handys. Kann das N1 oder Find7 sein. naja mal abwarten, scheint ja schön dünn zu sein :)

或是N1? OPPO神秘新产品被曝 mtksj

Or N1? OPPO traced mysterious new product
OPPO OPPO N1 to launch photos weapon has received official sources confirmed, but there have been some previous spy photos of suspected N1 spread, but was officially denied, and revealed that N1 will be more beautiful. @ Evleaks microblogging recently released a mysterious new product pictures, did not specify the model, just announced a new product is the OPPO, Is this the N1? Or the legendary FIND7 it?

Spy photos show, this phone is the former black and white panda color, body upright, looks very slim, from the style of speaking and OPPO products are common. But main camera OPPO N1 is said to achieve a single micro-effect, if you really can do almost flush with the body, then it's too Guards. Course, does not exclude the possibility that OPPO FIND7 possible, pass the OPPO FIND 7 will be the next generation of its flagship product, there will be Xiaolong 800 processor, 2GB +32 GB large memory and 800 +1300 megapixel dual camera.

OPPO mysterious spy a new machine has been attracting countless hot, whether that answers will soon have N1, N1 will pass in September 23 release.


Active Member
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Hab hier noch was. Laut mydrivers ist die Kamera nicht unter 20 MP. Und ein Bild vom Bedienkonzept.


Further information also revealed, N1 camera not less than 20 million pixels, while the OPPO official gives a message is displayed, N1 main camera, and make pictures more interesting, the back with touch functionality.


OPPO new flagship touch back detail Exposure: function is very powerful
In the previous article, we had said, OPPO will be held in September to launch a flagship interesting pictures of the new machine: N-Lens first product N1, the screen size is 5.5 inches, resolution of 1080p, Fun flagship camera, the target alluding Nokia Lumia 1020. The aircraft is a major highlight is the unique rear touch capabilities, according to the real machine exposure, today announced the OPPO and back touch features and details of operation.

For the purpose of using the back touch, OPPO representation is to allow users to operate with the thumb and index finger, thumb to avoid fatigue, while also saying that the practice is more conducive to large-screen mobile phone with one hand. Implementation and our pre-guess almost, that is, OPPO N1 back cover plus a sensitive area, it supports sliding, double, long press (click) three kinds of operations, each operation has a wealth of application scenarios.

Well, this looks very mysterious back touch capabilities in the end what can be done? According to the OPPO introduced, mainly supports the following operations:

  • 1, the index finger sliding around in the back can be realized flick through photos, music replacement, transfer screens and other operations;
  • 2, index finger behind the slide up and down up and down can be achieved browse the web, find contacts, check mails, adjust the volume and other operations;
  • 3, double lock screen mode forefinger back touchpad screen can be lit or extinguished;
  • 4, unlocked, index finger behind double-click to open the specified application, the default state is the camera;
  • 5, into the application, you can get a lot of stand-alone operation, for example, stand-alone start recording, click send micro-channel, click play songs, stand-alone camera and so on.

Currently, OPPO is its official microblogging OPPO N1 back touch Zhengminghuodong, award-winning user receive exclusive personal signature edition N1.

From today's point of view according to the exposure of the real machine, OPPO N1 design an ultra-narrow frame design, body thickness control is relatively good, the overall style of the Founder, with news that its camera will not fall below 20 million pixels.

The OPPO N1 touch functionality from the back to provide design ideas is still very good, but is still easy to do after I get my real machine evaluation of it.


Meizu Fanboy
Sieht klasse aus.
Wenn es das N1 ist,bitte kein Find 7 :p
Sonst kann ich mich nicht entscheiden :(

SmartDroid meint es wäre das Find7.
Naja jeder sieht das wie er es wohl will.
Aber vom Design an sich wäre es logisch,da das Find 5 sehr ähnlich aussieht.

Wir werden sehen,allerdings denke ich halt dass das N1 eine "Dicke" Kamera bekommen wird die das Handy nicht so schlank aussehen lassen kann?! :(

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Bilder von der Kameralinse von Oppo

师从索尼?OPPO分拆式无线镜头组件曝光 pconline

Under the tutelage of Sony ? OPPO split wireless lens assembly exposure
August 30 news , OPPO perhaps split wireless camera in the Sony DSC-QX10 and DSC-QX100 inspiration today official microblogging forwarded Bowen exposure OPPO intends to launch spin-off wireless lens (Lens camera) , primarily the N-lens camera series to create your own photos ecosystem.

OPPO split wireless camera

Message is displayed , with a marked split OPPO wireless lens assembly with thin . Two versions thick and thin version 10x optical zoom , 15x optical zoom thick version , using the Sony 16-megapixel CMOS sensor , optical image stabilization , with the NFC chip , Wi-Fi modules, and built-in SD card expansion. To some extent, the exposure time ago with the Sony Wireless lens assembly QX10 and QX100 very similar.


Das Oppo bekommt den Snapdragon 800 ( MSM8274)

Oppo 营销人员透露 N1 将采用 Snapdragon 800(MSM8274)系统单芯片 engadget

Oppo marketers revealed N1 will use Snapdragon 800 (MSM8274) system-on-chip
Snapdragon 800 phone "Little Family" seems to have to usher in a new member, while his "identity" is coming on September 23 officially released by Oppo N1. Today Oppo marketers Liying Ming through its Sina microblogging released the above picture. From the figure SoC (System on Chip), we can clearly see the "QUALCOMM MSM8274" and other words, which representatives said Oppo new phone will use Snapdragon 800 series of products, while the second digit model also reveals it supports types of network 2 is represented by WCDMA.

In addition, we are very curious about the N1 main shooting functions will be mentioned many times recently added 4K recording function (Acer has just issued a "world's first"), after all, this is a major feature of Snapdragon 800 ah. Temporarily, we have been unable to find in the photo for more details, but if your eyes sharp enough to find anything in the response may also wish to share with you.


Das handy wird einen 5,9" Display haben

叫板MX3 OPPO新旗舰再曝:屏幕够大更好用 mydrivers

Destabilize MX3 OPPO then exposed new flagship: the screen is large enough to better use
September 23, OPPO will be released in Beijing the first N-series models N1, for the series before they have made it clear that he will targeting high-end flagship, and now the latest news also shows, N1 will be a big-screen phone.

OPPO official gives the news show, N1 is equipped with 5.9-inch IPS screen (larger screen, OPPO solution is given back can touch), resolution of the 1080p level, and given the official propaganda trailers, once again hinted that it flagship camera.

In addition, sources said, N1 stacked using a Sony camera, the aperture of F2.2 Find 5 from the previous upgrade to F2.0, with better transparency, and in order to avoid distortions caused by large aperture, N1 will be increased to six lenses, the same as with the Nokia 1020, and run the new Color OS system.

From previous exposure N1 real machine diagram, the aircraft's exterior design Founder, looks very good, relatively slim body, is a panda machine. Director of Operations released yesterday OPPO motherboard photos also show, N1 will be powered by Qualcomm MSM8274 (ie Xiaolong 800) processors.

It is reported that the aircraft appeared together along with the conference interesting accessories that plug-in camera with 16 million pixels Sony CMOS lens with optical image stabilization, support for NFC (N1 also supports NFC) and Wi-Fi connectivity, an SD card can be used expansion, divided into two versions, thick version supports 15x optical zoom, a thin version supports 10x optical zoom.

By the way, OPPO and Meizu slogan very interesting, MX3 Meizu emphasizes better use of the large-screen phone, while N1OPPO indicates veritable big screen phone, not just easy to use.


Meizu Fanboy
Grade auf Twitter gelesen..
Finde ich zu groß..

Also bei 5,5" ist die Grenze,ich hoffe das Find 7 bleibt da im Rahmen.


was vielleicht auch nicht schlecht ist , dann hat man für den Rest des jahres ein meizu und nächstes jahr ein Oppo :p


Meizu Fanboy
Haha genau ;)
Aber mir ist ein Meizu immernoch einen Tick lieber :)

Liegt wohl daran,dass ich Flyme in und auswendig kenne,
Oppos Color Rom ist mir da ein Tick zu unspektakulär.

Und auch die "Größe" liegt mir bei Meizu mehr.


Active Member
ja die 5,1" vom MX3 sind für mich auch die Schmerzgrenze!! Eigentlich sogar 5" aber hey man mus Felxibel sein ;) aber alles was noch größer ist (Xiaomi MI3 oder Oppo N1) ist mir dann echt zu viel des guten!!


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