Kommt erst Mitte September:
骁龙800+三网通吃 OPPO Find 7曝光 mydrivers

骁龙800+三网通吃 OPPO Find 7曝光 mydrivers
The Xiaolong 800 + three Netcom eat OPPO the Find Exposure
OPPO previously released the Find 5 is the first 5-inch 1080p screen phone, the price of 2998 yuan is to force at the time, relatively speaking, the sales volume is quite substantial. Today there is news that Following find 5 after, OPPO's other 1080p models about to come.
Informed sources revealed today that OPPO is currently developing the Find without a doubt, the aircraft will be used the Xiaolong 800 processor and 1080p display, 5 inches above the front camera will be upgraded to 800 million pixels, continue to support NFC and three Netcom eat.
However, other specifications of the machine compared to the Find 5 is changed little, the memory capacity is still 2GB, the fuselage storage space is 32GB, or 13 million pixels rear camera.
Published in mid-September, the price is unknown.
In fact, I would like to ask, Find 6?