One PLus hält eine Konferenz am 7.4., wird aber wohl kein neues Handy vorgestellt. Naja wird noch dauern.
小米5劲敌!一加3 4月7日不会有 mydrivers

小米5劲敌!一加3 4月7日不会有 mydrivers
5 millet rival! A plus 3 April 7 there will be no
Plus a conference will be held on April 7 , the specific content of unpublished but no accidents should be the new hydrogen-based Android 6.0 OS operating system.
Interestingly, one plus one plus next-generation flagship 3 (OnePlus A3000) for the first time exposure , with a Snapdragon 820 processor, 1080p screen, 4GB of memory, 1600 + 800-megapixel camera, Android 6.0.1 operating system, the price may be holding 2199 yuan, millet face 5.
So, April 7 will see the new flagship of it?
Android Authority asked this a plus, get the reply is: " .. Conference April 7 focused on the Chinese market, then we will not publish next-generation devices ."
Obviously, this will not have a conference plus 3, plus "focus on the Chinese market", that is, further take real speculation the new hydrogen OS system is expected to bring Android 6.0 kernel and better stability and fluency.
In fact, a Canadian had previously disclosed, the third generation of the flagship will be launched at the end of the second quarter.