der Name steht wohl noch nicht fest, soll aber diesen Monat erhältlich sein. Laut mtksj heißt es vielleicht G2 Super?
多达6种后盖颜色 佳域神秘机型本月底发布上市 mtksj

多达6种后盖颜色 佳域神秘机型本月底发布上市 mtksj
Cover up to six kinds of colors good domain mysterious models released to market this month
Good domain handset 's highly anticipated new machine recently good domain G5 small size of the offering has been recently , and next week there may be a greater number of available activities , in addition to this has a slim metal body and high-profile quad-core new machine, there 's a good domain mysterious upcoming models listed on the aircraft or known good domain G2Super, the legendary red rice phones will have a par value for money, but it will be released later this month , and now , after the mysterious colorful new machine cover photos have been made public.
Classic black and white color is obviously essential to the standard , the surprise is G2 Super optional rear cover color is very rich, achieve good domain its products the most. The aircraft also beautiful blue, green , orange and yellow cover four colors optional , plus black and white, to a total of six kinds , the beauty of the MM are believed to be more like it.
The core specifications of this phone already clear , G2 Super Lord will use 1.3GHz frequency MTK MT6582 new four nuclear program , 1G RAM/4G ROM memory , equipment size of 4.3 -inch IPS screen , resolution up to 1280 * 720 , Corning gorilla Glass 2 generations . Also owns the former 2000000 / rear 8000000 pixels OV camera, standard 2200 mA battery , can support USB OTG, a magnetic sensor and a separate audio chip, metal frame .