Need step by step tutorial for HDC recover firmware for GT-N7102


New Member
Hallo alle miteinander.Ich habe mir vor kurzem auch das HDC GT-N7102 von FCT bestellt.Habe das gleiche bekommen wie sumon530.
1x normal Sim und 1x micro Sim.Der eine von euch sagt es wäre ein Haipai,der andere es wäre ein HDC.
Meins ist in einer Schachtel mit Star Aufdruck gekommen.Wenn man jetzt das Angebot von FCT anschaut und sucht dort das Star N7102,und sieht sich die Fotos mit den Firmware Angaben an,
dann ist es das gleiche was ich bekommen habe.Mit Root und ohne China Apps.


Well-Known Member
you are right. It is not haipai but it is the same firmware!

Or let me explain other way.
FCT sell the S7100! You and the TE have the S7100. On the new S7100 is the haipai firmware and now they sell as N7102, but it is still the S7100 (N7100 on sign). In Device Info shows GT-N7102!!

I know the whole thing is very complexe and hard to understand!
They are confusing their customers!

(in short: S7100 with haipai firmware =N7102)
you can also run standard S7100 Firmware!!


New Member
Du kannst ruhig auf deutsch schreiben.Ich kann zwar englisch,aber zur Nacht ist mir deutsch lieber.
Zum Thema Haipai,HDC,Star usw.Da die Händler ab und zu Handys abbilden die den gelieferten dann nicht zuordnen zu sind,ist es mittlerwiele sehr schwierig,immer das passende dafür zu finden.
zb.gleiche Handys-total unterschiedliche Firmwares.

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Hab überlesen das Du ja im Prinzip daselbe geschrieben hast.
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Well-Known Member
yes hoomer i know, but we are in english section ;)
the TE gets threatened because he wrotes english in german section and now everybody writes german in english section *g


New Member
@ sumon

But no worry i have correct Firmware for you :)
Hi! Perhaps you could help with stock firmware for Star N9330 Note2 MTK 6577 1 GB chinese phone with these characteristics.
1. model number: e1901_v77_gq2002_9p017_fg
2. Android version: 4.1.1
3.Baseband version: MAUI.11AMD.W12.22.SP.V15.2012/10/08
4. Kernel version: 3.4.0 root@abc-desctop)) #1 SMP PREEMPT
5. Build number: e1901_v77_gq2002_9p017_fg_20121126
What xda sites offer is not for this version but for 512 MB. My phone is bricked and backups I have done are not for SP flash tool. Thank you
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Well-Known Member
did the other fw work for you? The N9330?

And what about the new fw? i have fw for the N7102, but what exactly do you need?


New Member
did the other fw work for you? The N9330?

And what about the new fw? i have fw for the N7102, but what exactly do you need?

No, it did not. I recovered my N9330 device from brick, using December 5, rom. Except wifi everything else works well. Wifi does not turn on and has unidentified MAC address. The only other rom, in addition to December 5 that can be installed through CWM, are Jackson and Lewa but wifi still does not work. I have replaced wlan.ko through renaming wlan_mtk6620.ko and wlan_mtk6628.ko to wlan.ko but unsuccessfully.

In addition to N9330 I have a Samsung Galaxy Note2 GT-N7102 Clone. I have rooted it but have not found any rom that can replace the stock rom. I am looking for zip rom that can be installed through CWM or TWRP. I am afraid to use rar rom, through SP flash tool due to the bad experience I had with N9330 that was bricked. The technical specifications of the device are as follow: Samsung Galaxy Note2 GT-N7102 MTK6577, android version 4.1.5, baseband version N7102ZCALH3, build number JRO03C.N7102ZCALH40. Thank you!
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New Member
I have one problem ,i have one HDC GT N7102 dul sim , with mtk 6775 , 4.1.9 jb , but not can root , need help for root ,have the google play in chine , need help please , thanks!


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