Need step by step tutorial for HDC recover firmware for GT-N7102


Hi, I'm New One .. I do not know how to recover my HDC GT-N7102. I rooted my device from this file وٴ - ķ ʳ .
Rooting after i uninstall some software china form my phone.
When I restart I do not see My Phone GPS Not works .. Last I install Busy Box Pro in my phone and uninstall it and reset my phone .. Now I see My Phone Wifi not works, and # Rooted Supersu not working now .. Can any body help me, how can I fix this? Please Give Me Step By Step Tutorial .. So I need HDC GT-N7102 ROM And Install Process And Process for Rooted My Phone
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Hello Thank you

Can You Please tell me how to I flash It From SP Flash tool.....
If possible please tell me Step by step...
I am New One.. i dont know What is Process.....


Well-Known Member
@ sumon
don't know if the link which was postet is for your phone!
If you want i can give you a link for your haipai model!

And than just load the scatter (which is inside the image) and select all except of preloader and dsp and than flash by using "download" button and skip the "warning"

but like i said don't know if the postet link is for your haipai, maybe it's for GT-N7102!

If you want i will give you for your haipai ;)

ME again!
does your internet work?!? I don'T think so, am i'm right?!?

And i'm sure the postet link is the wrong for your phone....seems to be the one of the GT-N7102" Just compared to mine.....iit is diffrent!!
But no worry i have correct Firmware for you :)
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ClonePhone Facharzt
the Link was for this Phone!
@sumon: when you will get a bricked Phone, than work with this 0815 jack!

@0815...........atention my friend!
Was will Sumon mit einem Link zu einer Firmware für ein Haipai Modell?
Er hat ganz klar geschrieben, dass es sich um ein GT N7102 handelt, das hat nichts mit deinen Haipai Phones zu tun!

Diese Firmware ist für das HDC GT N7102 !
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Well-Known Member
@ dorsch
he has HAIPAI N7102!!!
I see this on the picture!!!
And your Image is NOT for the Haipai!!!
Haipai has one micro and one mini Sim!!!

GT-N7102 (HDC) has 2 mini sim slots!!

The HAipai N7102 says in Device Info GT-N7102!!! But it is NOT the "HDC" GT-7102 they have diffrent Firmware!!!!
here you can see HDC GT-N7102 and on the picture you see the build nr...
it is NOT the one of the TE!!!
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Meine brauch er nich zufällig oder ? :happy:


Colonel wärst du bereit dein 3D Weather Widget zur Verfügung zu stellen aus dem andern Thread ? Thx



Well-Known Member
@ Testratte
you also have the GT-N7102 and not the Haipai!
Can you please tell us the formats of your simcards?
Does your phone look like the one of the picture or do you have two mini simcards?
I think it looks diffrent ;)

Haipai has hd screen, the GT-7102 has only 960x540

Könntet ihr mal beide eure Innenseite des Handys ohne Akku posten ? Habe zwei normale Simschächte und die SD daneben. MfG

like i picture of TE is Haipai N7102! And not the GT-7102 which Testratte has!!

so if you need firmware of your phone, you are welcome ;)
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Well-Known Member
i have exactly the firmware you need, no worry :)

most people just look at the things people write! But i saw in your Picure that you don't have the (hdc) GT-N7102, because this one looks diffrent to yours :)

The Firmware of haipai works on your phone, because like you see it says you have N7102 (Jr003C.N7102ZCALH40
but i have a firmware for the N7100 too.....but both are running on your device ;)

But not the one of the GT-N7102 it is diffrent! But you can try out :) You will see your phone won't boot any more... ;)

but that want be that bad because you will always be able to flash another firmware! The important thing is NOT to flash the preloader and the dsp!!! (first 2 files)


i have exactly the firmware you need, no worry :)

most people just look at the things people write! But i saw in your Picure that you don't have the (hdc) GT-N7102, because this one looks diffrent to yours :)

The Firmware of haipai works on your phone, because like you see it says you have N7102 (Jr003C.N7102ZCALH40
but i have a firmware for the N7100 too.....but both are running on your device ;)

But not the one of the GT-N7102 it is diffrent! But you can try out :) You will see your phone won't boot any more... ;)

but that want be that bad because you will always be able to flash another firmware! The important thing is NOT to flash the preloader and the dsp!!! (first 2 files)
When I go to Antutu Software..
It See This
Manufacture : samsung
Model GT-N7102
Screen resolution: 720x1280
CPU: 200-1600 MHZ
- MT6577 Dual Core ARM V7

Now Give me Real rooted Rom ...
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Well-Known Member
yes like i said.....haipai has hd and micro and mini sim
GT-N7102 has QHD (960x540) and two normal sims!

and you can see diffrent firmwares (build nr's)! On the now two diffrent pictures

thx to testratte!
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When I go to Antutu Software..
It See This
Manufacture : samsung
Model GT-N7102
Screen resolution: 720x1280
CPU: 200-1600 MHZ
- MT6577 Dual Core ARM V7

But one of other software says my Screen is 960x540.. ( I download it from Google play Store)

Now Give me Real rooted Rom ...


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