Meizu MX - QUAD core handy von Meizu bis zu 32GB


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New Member

hatte damals ein Meizu handy weiß gar nicht mehr welches m8 glaube.
Das handy war einfach der hamma aber der hatte nach paar tagen lade störung als der am stecker war hat er gespinnt weil es mir aus der hand gefallen war...
Das MX hört sich sehr interessant an habe derzeit das htc desire hd ist zwar sehr gut aber brauch wieder was neues..
Hat jemand was neues gehört ? Ob es schon erschienen ist ? Wenn ja wo könnte ich es kaufen ohne Probleme zu bekommen ?
Damals hatte ich bei eBay gekauft gehabt.



New Member
Gut zu wissen nun ne Frage wo kriege ich das Teil her finde keine Seite wo Bestellen oder sonst was Steht hat jemand ne Ahnung damit ich es mir direkt Bestellen kann wenn es Tatsätzlich kommt ?


M8 User
12.11.11 xD

ich glaube eher 11.11.11 Die waren doch schon immer dafür bekannt dass sie es an wichtigen/besonderen Tagen machen und dieser Tag ist in China wichtig :p
besonders wichtig ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


das MX kommt im Dezember mit Android 4.0 ?

Meizu M9 MX market in December with the Android 4.0 upgrade
Recently, the Meizu boss J.wong users in the forum to respond to the questions that Meizu MX will not only market in December as planned, but also promised in the shortest possible time and for the Meizu M9 MX brings Android 4.0 system update.
Thus, in its latest statement, claim, as originally planned Meizu MX will begin in December listed for sale. However, the Meizu MX this official release date is still unknown so far. However, the launch date has been determined in the case next month, is expected to be Meizu in the month for people to reveal the answer.
Android 4.0 system update

The main functions of MX Meizu, Meizu boss also disclosed J.wong machine built-in 8 megapixel camera will be used to better back-illuminated CMOS sensor, even better for the user to bring the photographic effect. At the same time for the current hot Android4.0 system, Meizu is natural does not want the new and old users disappointed, J.wong commitment at the forum in the shortest possible time for the Meizu M9 to bring Android 4.0 MX and system updates. Unfortunately, perhaps the reason is based on hardware configuration, the Meizu M8 does not seem to update the list system.

Although the specific function of Meizu MX configuration, there are still many unknowns, but the disclosure of information after another look at the past, this popular mobile phone Meizu M9's successor in the overall performance is still achieved a considerable level. The aircraft will be used 4.0 inches 960 × 640 pixel resolution touch screen Sharp ASV, and different versions will be equipped with storage capacity of the different processors. Which, 16GB Meizu MX will load the 1.4GHz dual-core processor, while the 32GB version will load the performance is more powerful quad-core processors.
Low price

Meizu MX also supports the quasi-4G HSPA network, and in order to obtain a more fluid user experience, the aircraft will be equipped with 1GB dual-channel LPDDR2 1066 memory. It is worth mentioning that, although the Meizu MX is equipped with quad-core processors, 32GB version is likely to come out in years does not seem large, but at least 16GB of dual-core version should not have much problem.

The phone's price, the Meizu phone as millet MX though not cheap, but the 16GB version only 2,999 yuan price, before the original release was in similar models still have a certain price, but now looks in addition to mainstream identity, the lack of seems to have a more prominent selling point. Therefore, if you want to continue past the Meizu M9 MX impressive sales performance, in addition to its own characteristics on the effort, the retail version if the machine can be equipped with Android 4.0 system, then the user will probably be favored to win a favorable means of .


Nur so da
Naja, das Xiaomi is ja leider auch net eher zu bekommen, das wär ja auch ne interessante alternative, obwohl bei Xiaomi das Display leider etwas Kratzerempfinlich sein soll (siehe Blog auf "miui germany")..


Meizu Fanboy
Also ich erwarte schon das es im Dezember zu haben ist !
für uns heisst da Januar oder Februar weil die sich in China eh wie warme Sämmel verkaufen ;)


neues vom MX, langer Artikel auf shanzhaiji, über gerüchte und was der CEO alles sagt, bzw mal versprochen hatte:

还能相信J.wong吗?记魅族M9到MX Seite 1 - shanzhaiji
还能相信J.wong吗?记魅族M9到MX Seite 2- shanzhaiji
还能相信J.wong吗?记魅族M9到MX Seite 3- shanzhaiji
还能相信J.wong吗?记魅族M9到MX Seite 4- shanzhaiji

J.wong can believe it? Meizu M9 to the MX record hang around the whole process
hab jetzt nicht alles kopiert

From the perspective of time, Meizu MX is to be adopted by the more avant-garde techniques, such as HSDPA + quasi-4G network support, such a configuration has not yet licensed in other domestic mobile phone appeared, and 800 million pixels back-illuminated camera has only just recently was just listed iPhone4S equipped, and has an excellent user reputation.
And M8 and M9 compared to two models, MX is quite a place of security work, J. Wong, I also do not want to reveal too much, so in August, before the news on Meizu MX a little quiet for a while, but then ushered in a major outbreak, which was first patented in the State property Office of publicity page Meizu MX dug up a patent for design, the MX look thoroughly exposed in front of friends:
Meizu MX design patent map

The patented design from the point of view, MX design changes compared with the M9 is not great, but to be more rounded body lines, while the design on the back of the MX camera at the back of the upper middle, and can be seen surrounding the use of a decorative ring, in addition to the top there is an LED photo light.
fan made bilder :

User created real machine renderings Meizu MX

Meizu M9 MX compared to the shape and more rounded, and the overall style of the continuation of the M9 style, the same is returned with the body below the menu key, and physical touch Home key, the back camera is in the middle position, in use time should be more smoothly.

32G of the Meizu MX will use 4-core processor!

It is speculated that Meizu MX will use the 4-core processor is likely that only recently released Tegre3, so that we can take a look at the data Tegra3 it: over the previous generation, which is the most mainstream dual-core processor Tegra2 five times faster overall, four times faster Web browsing, image processing, 3 times faster, more simply, Fengyun quad-core processor performance has been with Intel Core Duo T7200 quite!

Comparable Core 2 Duo processor Tegra3 chip

J. Wong in accordance with previously published information, Meizu MX will be released in September, so the news of the exposure period is also particularly dense in the quad-core processors will be used to determine the following, J. Wong followed the release of a MX screen really making a map, it seems quite satisfactory degree of precision, but the screen size and display compared to M9 have a relatively large increase.
Meizu MX-screen debut this is not a real machine concept map of the

According to J.wong information disclosed, the author of a comparative picture PS, let everyone know MX intuitive screen in the end how much, and than the M9 much larger screen size.
Although this is only part of the screen, but has already created quite a Meizu forum vibration, this condensation of the Meizu and many "kerosene" I hope the dream of making, and now finally is no longer a concept map of the fantasy. According J.wong said Meizu MX will use stainless steel screen frame. 292PPI clarity and near the display width of 56mm, giving him a very shocking experience, not only looks better than the M9 screen "bright" color reproduction is also very realistic.

Meizu M9 in September announced the news of price cuts

In addition, M9 is also the first time in September announced the news of price cuts, both for the National Day promotion, but also for the upcoming year-end market price for the MX Road, Meizu announced that starting from September 20 will be released without a memory card low-cost version of the M9, the 2009 price and the upcoming release of MX 16GB version 2999 yuan / 32GB version 3999 yuan widen the gap.
Meizu MX Although there has been rumors, but in fact in addition to a strong processor and screen, look like a real MX, now we have not seen, and in the nearby market when the Meizu forum, even for the first time by the exposure of users a set of spy photos, but these photos appear rapidly after the forum administrator has been deleted for unknown reasons, no doubt greatly enhanced the credibility of spy photos, small series was good grassland, this group of photos preserved :

It is now less than two weeks in December already, although the official Meizu has not disclosed a specific launch date, but over played count to 31 December, a month, but also to succeed, the official attitude of silence now how many people feel some heart drums: not again bounce, right? But in October, when J. Wong has been state table: MX will be available in December as planned.
However, if the original listing by Meizu, MX 4.0 is almost impossible to carry Andrews in the year listed, but J. Wong also said that in Andrews 4.0 final will be open as soon as possible after the M9 and MX upgrade to Andrews 4.0, so At this point, no need to worry. The initial listing of MX will also use the latest Andrews 2.3 system.
Meizu MX 4.0 will soon be updated Andrews


Das Meizu MX bekommt anscheinend ein komplett anderes home button design, wenn die geleakten Bilder stimmen sollten .

Meizu -Home button mx -shanzhaiji

Cancel the Home button on the optical spy-like Meizu MX look 囧
Meizu CEO Huang has been a long time did not show up in the forum, but without prejudice to the fans take the initiative to tap the information, the latest engineering Meizu MX prototype plans circulating on the Internet, although the screen is still being marked with the mosaic, but the lower button to see the very clear Meizu MX will be used to cancel the Home key design, while the "Menu" and "return" button optical sensor will automatically turn with gravity, this may be the biggest operation of MX compared to M9 change.
According to previously disclosed under the yellow chapter news, 16GB Meizu MX will use dual-core processor, 32GB quad-core processor design, configuration, alarming, another machine will display a 4-inch capacitive screen resolution of 960 * 640, not excluded 1200 * 800, while the camera is also upgraded to 800 million pixels of size (MX shooting proofs exposure),

Meizu MX will be scheduled at the end of the market, and as soon as possible to upgrade to Android 4.0, from 2999 ​​yuan price of the aircraft, early Meizu M8 users will be able to redeem discount 800 yuan (detailed), M9 users will enjoy the Redemption, with the advent of the end, MX is closer and closer, JW dream machine can achieve the perfect, let's wait and see.

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