Lenovo ophone photos


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Ein weiteres Markenphone aus China, das wohl dort als "Antwort" auf iPhone und/oder Meizu M8 gehandelt wird. So liest man(n) es zumindest ab und zu mal ;)




Active Member
wirklich interessant.wie siehts aus mit daten über cpu und speicher etc?Bildschirmauflösung und größe?wär ja zu schade wenn das ding mit ner mt6225 oder mt6230 daherkommen würde...


New Member
gibt es unter Linux, da nennt man es so, Desktop in der Würfel ansicht ^^...hab ich schon öfters gesehen.

Wenn auf dem handy ein echtes Android ist, wäre es echt praktisch


Ophone multimedia photos verglichen mit dem iphone:


Videos :
bild browser im Vergleich zum iphone:

music auf iphone / ophone:

ein etwas älteres video:

Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone measure against Apple iPhone
Source: pconline Comments: 0 Time :2009-07-06 Anonymous Contributor

O1 think we did before Apple iPhone 3G and the relevant comparative assessment, O1, as the production people, and fully take care of the domestic habits of the users use the system less restrictive, but the overall body configuration iPhone also does not in any way compared to the weak This makes us feel glad. This evaluation, we will focus on comparing the two machine's multimedia functions, I believe that friends are very much looking forward to, Lenovo O1 entertainment properties it can go beyond the iPhone? Immediately below the announcement for everyone.

Photo browser

Lenovo O1 a "picture" feature, iPhone is the "photos" are actually picture browser. O1 in support of the three square browsing, vertical, left lateral, right lateral, and the Apple iPhone 3G will support four-way, we can rotate a little better than O1, after trial, whether or O1 Lenovo iPhone, gravity sensor are very sensitive.
Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone Lenovo measure against Apple iPhone Apple iPhone battle 01/OPhone Multimedia Evaluation

Lenovo O1 interface interface Apple iPhone 3G

O1 with iPhone pictures can be displayed in abbreviated form, open a picture, Lenovo O1 does not support multi-point touch operation, 2 by clicking on the picture, the picture will be shown at its original size, and then point 2 will be the restoration to adapt to screen size. 2 through the bottom of the magnifying glass button to zoom to picture. IPhone is relative, O1 does not support multi-touch will be a little less certain, but the operation of OMS on the picture is very convenient.
Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone Lenovo measure against Apple iPhone Apple iPhone battle 01/OPhone Multimedia Evaluation

O1 image browser picture browser interface iPhone interface

Sliding around in the picture, O1 and iPhone can be a switch to the next picture, iPhone is the sliding effect, O1 is the flip, two very handsome machine, responsive.

Lenovo O1 / Apple iPhone 3G the picture to see the dazzling contrast

Music player

Apple ipod has its own player, there will be a professional some music, and Lenovo's OMS system O1 China Mobile design, the music player of two parts, can be downloaded online can also be a local player, we test the system is the OMS part of the local players. 2 shows the cover of machine support, iPhone 3G cover accounted for most of the screen area, and O1 are shown in the middle of the operation of the basic keys are placed in the bottom, in addition to the basic operation, Lenovo does not pre-O1 more professional Music features, does not appear equalizer.
Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone Lenovo measure against Apple iPhone Apple iPhone battle 01/OPhone Multimedia Evaluation

O1 Player iPhone player interface interface

Relatively speaking, iPhone is a feature of the largest player in music in Cover Flow into the function of the advantages of a touch phone, as long as the slide gently with your fingers, you can achieve the album's page. Also in the settings menu, iPhone support equalizer adjustment, the relative O1, the music player that features professional.
Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone Lenovo measure against Apple iPhone Apple iPhone battle 01/OPhone Multimedia Evaluation

Apple iPhone 3G and Cover Flow support equalizer

Video player

O1 Lenovo and Apple iPhone 3G are equipped with large screen, video capabilities are so much concern. From the parameters, the machine 2 the ability to support the video is similar to support 480 × 640 maximum resolution, 30 frames / sec of MP4 encoding H.263 video.
Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone Lenovo measure against Apple iPhone Apple iPhone battle 01/OPhone Multimedia Evaluation

O1 video list video list of iPhone

O1 with iPhone for the screen resolution 320 × 480, so we first transfer period of 320 × 480 resolution, 30 frames / sec, with a length of 4 minutes 17 seconds 2 mp4 video into the machine, the machine has been running smoothly in the two players, there is no sense of lag.
Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone measure against Apple iPhone

Comparison of video playback

Then we transfer the official video of the highest specifications, a resolution of 480 × 640, for 25 frames / sec, with a length of 4 minutes and 14 seconds of mp4 video, the two machine is still smooth playback, even rewind, fast forward, are completely there is no sense of lag, the performance is very good.
Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone measure against Apple iPhone

Finally, we try to play 480 × 720 resolution, 30 frames / s video articles mp4, Apple iPhone 3G using iTunes when the transfer has been prompted not play, it is not possible to transfer to the iPhone fuselage, and Lenovo O1 using large-capacity transmission mode, the We try to play. Click on the video file, O1 in a standstill a few seconds, and then be able to play the video smoothly voice, but have not been able to show screen, audio forever, play failed.

Lenovo O1 / Apple iPhone 3G video playback ability to contrast

O1 think we can see the video player, Apple iPhone 3G capability and the basic, like 480 × 640 for the mp4 video files can be a good player, but for avi, rmvb format, the two are not compatible machine.

CMMB TV function

O1 Lenovo support CMMB mobile digital TV functionality, CMMB is our own internal R & D system for mobile terminals, mobile phones, PDA, MP3, MP4, digital cameras, notebook computers and other IT products are available through S-band signal receiver to receive 25 sets of TV shows and 30 sets of radio programs. Lenovo's mobile TV features O1 very friendly interface, can influence the switching of different horizontal channels at the same time to support the recording, video shots, the other through the gravity sensors can be 3 to show the video, CMMB TV function is to associate the advantages of O1.
Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone Lenovo measure against Apple iPhone Apple iPhone battle 01/OPhone Multimedia Evaluation

O1 support CMMB TV function
Lenovo Multimedia 01/OPhone measure against Apple iPhone

Lenovo has its sights set O1 strength iPhone

The main comparison in this evaluation of the O1 and the iPhone's multimedia features, you can see O1 relative iPhone, the multimedia capabilities are not inferior, in addition to lack of professional music player, other aspects of the performance of O1 are very good, and even more powerful than iPhone 3G to be excellent, in multimedia applications, O1 to support large-capacity model, we can easily transfer audio, video files, it is relatively easy to a lot of iPhone, as well as CMMB TV function, the relative iPhone, the Lenovo does have its own O1 advantage of the local community.


leider haben die daß noch nicht mitgeteilt was es mal kosten soll. Es hieß bisher immer das es ein Vertragshandy für China Telekom ist. Also kann es sein daß es gar nicht international angeboten wird. Aber wer weiß.
Mir gefällt es auf jeden fall :)


erstes offizielles Video von Lenovo:



Lenovo 01/OPhone official function smartphone demo video
Source: Machine山寨Comments: 13 Time :2009-07-07 Instruction

Lenovo Mobile's TD OMS smartphone OPhone circulating on the Internet has been a long time, but also concerned about one of the highest mobile phone TD. Recently, Lenovo has finally released a mobile phone, and its models were named O1, O represents the OMS using the mobile operating system, and that it is a Lenovo mobile phone OMS for the mountains. O1 also used the selling point of the high-frequency 624MHz processor and has a 3.5-inch screen high HVGA.

Lenovo 01 main parameters: 3.5-inch 320 × 480 pixels (HVGA) touch screen, OMS operating system, 624MHz processor, support for Bluetooth, EDGE, GPS navigation, built-in 3.2 million pixel auto focus camera (built-in flash).


New Member
Wenn GPS Navigation jetzt heißt, dass ein GPS Empfänger eingebaut ist, wäre es das Handy schlecht hin.
Das ist nämlich mein Hauptgrund, warum ich mir das M8 nicht kaufe.


New Member
Ja gut, ist nen Argument;)

Aber falls es keine Navi Software für Android gibt und erst mal ein paar Handys gibt, die Android und GPS verbinden ist es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit bis genügend Alternativen angeboten werden.

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