9:19:49 AM GMT+2
Good day!
How can I help you?
Visitor9:20:14 AM GMT+2
9:20:38 AM GMT+2
when will be this in stock?
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:21:26 AM GMT+2
It is hard to tell
9:21:58 AM GMT+2
it need time to upgrade the phone in factory
Visitor9:22:22 AM GMT+2
what do you mean with "upgrade"
9:24:24 AM GMT+2
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:25:27 AM GMT+2
Visitor9:26:07 AM GMT+2
still don't get the point, so you mean it is not produced yet, it must be "invented" first?
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:26:26 AM GMT+2
Visitor9:26:53 AM GMT+2
so it doesn't exists at the moment?
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:27:46 AM GMT+2
yes not exist yet
Visitor9:28:14 AM GMT+2
so you have no idea when it will come?
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:30:18 AM GMT+2
Visitor9:31:21 AM GMT+2
thats bad! can't point a date? for example summer 2015 or something like this
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:32:18 AM GMT+2
we still no idea sorry
Visitor9:34:08 AM GMT+2
so why this:
9:34:10 AM GMT+2
Kiphone i6 EX will be in stock in 10th, July. If you love this phone, please pay attention on our website.
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:37:29 AM GMT+2
it is lack of CUPto fis it
Visitor9:38:21 AM GMT+2
didn't get what you mean?
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:39:08 AM GMT+2
it's some factory problem
9:39:29 AM GMT+2
the haven;t give us the product
Visitor9:40:00 AM GMT+2
so the phone is ready but the factory doesn't give it to you?
9:40:08 AM GMT+2
or is the phone still not produced?
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:41:09 AM GMT+2
maby the phone still no ready
Visitor9:41:57 AM GMT+2
so why don't speak with factory?
9:42:09 AM GMT+2
there are many buyers you will loose
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:45:14 AM GMT+2
I will
Visitor9:45:21 AM GMT+2
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:46:26 AM GMT+2
this week but as for when the phone will in stock is not decide on me
Visitor9:47:43 AM GMT+2
okay. i really want this phone, and many others too. but when it comes 2015 it is outdated and nobody will buy it and even when it comes in the end of 2014 everybody else will go to another shop and will buy other phones...
9:51:25 AM GMT+2
so please tell your admins or whatever is controlling when the phone comes to store, that there many requests and they will go...
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:52:46 AM GMT+2
I totally get your point
Visitor9:53:27 AM GMT+2
thanks... can you please tell me about your results from contacting the factory and talking with the ones who decide?
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:54:09 AM GMT+2
sure how about contact us with Email
Visitor9:54:24 AM GMT+2
okay. what should i write in the mail?
9:54:29 AM GMT+2
and which mailadress?
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:56:10 AM GMT+2
9:56:22 AM GMT+2
say whatever you want
Visitor9:56:32 AM GMT+2
okay wait a secound
9:57:47 AM GMT+2
i wrote
9:59:58 AM GMT+2
but its wrong mail
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team9:59:59 AM GMT+2
Hope you wishes come true
Visitor10:01:01 AM GMT+2
its the wrong mail
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team10:02:10 AM GMT+2
Sorry!my fault
10:02:44 AM GMT+2
Visitor10:03:50 AM GMT+2
Amanda From Fastcardtech.com online support team10:04:36 AM GMT+2
my honour