just bought a yophone v3


New Member
hi all,

sorry for my english but this is the only good site i have managed to locate regarding the chinese i-phone clones.
I have recently bought the yophone v3. Its a fairly good looking phone and i dont complaint. I have a few questions if anyone can help me.
Since i have NO idea about java phone:

1.how can I unistall some of the applications that came with the phone?
2. is there a site where i can get nice java applications such as facebook etc?
3. can I install android on it? something like a dual boot or something?

Thank you in advance and iam looking forward to the replies


1. impossible, at least for the icons. you may probably connect the existing icons to new applications.

2. getjar.com

3. no. what do you think? if that would be possible, they would have sold the phone with android already on it, wouldnt they?


New Member
ok guys thank you for the info.

I have a couple of more questions for you in case someone has the yophone v3.

1. It looks like the screen is flashing when i make a phone call. could it be a problem with the proximity sensor?
2. when i log on to a wifi and i insert the code iam ok. when i log out and then log in to the same wifi i have to input the code again. it doesnt seem that it saves the code.
3. and could someone point to a nice browser as the one that is pre0installed is really annoying?

thnak you in advance guys


New Member
to 1: no idea, is there an option in the phone to switch the proximity sensor on/off?

to 2: try to connect not directly but use instead the menu "Manage Access Points" or something like that. You can definitly save the Code, but my MTK OS-Times are quite long time ago.

to 3: use the Java-Browsers "Bolt" oder Opera Mini 4.2., they're also available here in the Forum for download


New Member
no there is no option to adjust the proximity sensor :( ! i email technical support at fastcardtech and there is nothing much they can do. they are asking me to send them the mobile back to them and send a new one but that will take a month!!

as far as the wireless codes, still it will no save them in memory ! no idea why not ! there is no option such as "manage access points" or something like that. just the typical wifi meny like i-phone.

i downloaded opera but it seems to be quite slow for this device.

one more question guys if you can help: when i plug the handsfree-earphones in , and while iam making a phone call the person iam talking to can not hear me although i hear them just fine. i tried 4 different sets of earphones but still the same problem. any ideas? is there an option on yophone v3 that i need to activate or something?

or i just might accept the idea that this phone is problematic and i just lost 200USD :(


as it apparently doesnt match your expectations and also seems faulty - send it back to fct as defective and ask for a better phone ( such as gooapple for example) by paying some additional money.

those low-tech mtk clones like yophone just look nice, but you cant do much more than making calls with them.


New Member
thank you for the help guys i appreciate it.

since you are familiar with i-phone clones which one to you advise me to buy with android 2.3 from FCT ?


right now most phones still run 2.2

there are actually some 2.3 "clones", but, as far as i know, they dont have much in common (externally)with the real iphone 4.

have a look at iorange gt6 (also called iorgane, chinese guys themselves dont know how its really called) or gooapple 3g.


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