nettes 3gs klon. laut clonedinchina soll so um die 1000 yuans kosten.
Mit Wm 6.5 , 520 Mhz und 3.5" screen gar nicht so übel.
komisch nur daß der K3 Prozessor mit 520 Mhz angegeben wird, wo der doch 533Mhz hat. Naja.
http://www.shanzhaiji.cn/labs/20100713/18777.htmlthe price is just around 1000 Yuan
Mit Wm 6.5 , 520 Mhz und 3.5" screen gar nicht so übel.
komisch nur daß der K3 Prozessor mit 520 Mhz angegeben wird, wo der doch 533Mhz hat. Naja.
video : http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg5NTE5MzIw.htmli18 is still using the Huawei Hass K3 processor, but the relative past products, it has significantly improved the frequency, 520Hz the CPU is the intelligent high-end cottage symbol, i18 in the hardware is still 128M RAM/256M ROM, 3.5-inch resistive screen with a resolution of 320x480, using WM6.5 operating system, support TF card expansion, support the gravity sensor, built-in WIFI, GPS, FM radio function. Within the system with a high imitation of Apple's UI, they can easily switch to WM6.5 interface, experience pretty well.