Huawei P9 / P9 Lite / P9 Max Plus - neue Handys von Huawei



Am 9.3. werden die Handys in Berlin vorgestellt. Angeblich soll es mehrere Versionen des Huawei P9 geben.

华为P9发布时间曝光:3月9日德国亮相 cnmo

Huawei P9 exposure Published: March 9 German debut
 [ Phone ] China News this year MWC Assembly, Huawei officially launched MateBook, enter the notebook segment, but the new flagship P9 did not show up. But this is not surprising, since the introduction of the new flagship of Huawei would seem specially organized conference, such as Mate 8 and P8 . And now, there was news that Huawei will be held in Berlin, Germany P9 released March 9, domestic debut time is March 17.

  Early rumors Huawei P9 prepare shipments of 1 million, throughout the life cycle, expected sales could reach 10 million units. Further, in addition to Huawei P9, 7 glory or honor Plus 8 also will be available this March-April release, MateBook state line version will also debut the same period.

 Disclose information of friends, he said Huawei will P9 simultaneous release in 50 countries worldwide, can be described as massive. According to earlier revelations, Huawei P9 will use 5.2 inches screen, equipped with Kirin 955 processor that supports USB Type-C connector, with a 12 million-pixel dual cameras. Also, the machine will be available in four versions, it is divided into P9 Lite, P9 Standard Edition, P9 Max Plus and P9, and will have 2900mAh batteries, and rose gold color.
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Mi-Boy [CH]
kann mir vorstellen warum berlin wenn mann diesen artikel liest, hier mal ein auszug:

Der traditionsreiche deutsche Kamera-Hersteller Leica hat ein Auge auf den Smartphone-Markt geworfen. Dazu ist das Unternehmen aus Wetzlar eine Kooperation mit dem chinesischen Smartphone-HerstellerHuawei eingegangen. Erste Frucht der Kooperation soll dessen kommendes Flaggschiff P9 sein.[DOUBLEPOST=1456395520,1456394204][/DOUBLEPOST]was denkt ihr bezüglich preise ? ich nehme mal an 299€ für die günstigste p9 lite und high end p9 599€.
finde die huawei geräte echt gut, was mich nervt sind halt diese on screen tasten.


Well-Known Member
Ich habe bis jetzt auch nur gute Erfahrungen mit Huawei gesammelt. Mein allererstes, das erste Gerät aus der Mediapad Reihe, läuft immer noch bei meinem Neffen. Mein aktuelles, das Honor bzw. Mediapad X2, macht auch einen sehr guten Eindruck.

An die Soft Keys gewöhnt man sich, es gibt auch ein Xposed Modul, welches immer die passende Farbe für den Hintergrund wählt. Ohne hat man oft so tolle Kombinationen wie weiß auf weiß..
Richtig nervig ist es aber, wenn man so wie ich aktuell, ständig zwischen Hard und Soft Keys wechselt. Auf dem Mi4 ist Back rechts, auf dem X2 links...

Bei dem P9 bin ich gespannt, wie gut die Kamera wirklich ist. Leica war in der Vergangenheit nicht immer ein Garant für tadellose Bilder.


Well-Known Member
was denkt ihr bezüglich preise ? ich nehme mal an 299€ für die günstigste p9 lite und high end p9 599€.
finde die huawei geräte echt gut, was mich nervt sind halt diese on screen tasten.
Der lite Preis ist ok, P9 würde ich 100€ günstiger ansetzen, die 599€ werden für das Mate 8 reserviert sein. Aber da ja alle angezogen haben bleibt das eine Vermutung.


Mi-Boy [CH]
hier noch die specs gemäss

  • 5,2 Zoll großes FullHD-Display mit einer Auflösung von 1920 x 1080 Pixeln
  • Kirin 950 Octa-Core-SoC (2,53 GHz/1,8 GHz)
  • 3 bzw. 4 GB RAM
  • 32 bzw. 64/128 GB interner Speicher
  • 12 MP-Dual-Cam von Leica auf der Rückseite
  • 8 MP- Front-Cam
  • USB-Typ-C
  • 3900 mAh Akku


Mi-Boy [CH]
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Das Handy wird nun anscheinend später vorgestellt. Angeblich gibt es Probleme mit der Kamera oder so
P9 for this product, Huawei has acknowledged the generous indeed exist, but to be Published postponed.

Huawei official has said, P9 will not debut in March 9, the product does exist, will certainly be released in the coming months, but the release date has not been determined.

In addition, Huawei also stressed that 2016 has just begun, the next offer will give you much better Huawei products .

It is said, the reason why the extension P9 are some technical issues need to improve (dual camera related), release time may be postponed for a whole month , while the aircraft would not have 6GB of RAM and a 650 version of the unicorn.

P9 biggest surprise is the dual camera, the message given by foreign media said yesterday , Huawei P9 provides dual 12 megapixel main camera, but matching the optical system is completed by a Leica to help.

und so ein Twitter Heini "Evleaks" meint irgendwann im April. Ist aber nichts bestätigt, auch wenn mydrivers am 6.4. behauptet.

Huawei has confirmed the existence of P9, but denied that it definitely will not be published on March 9 , as the reasons for the delay, there is news that some technical issues need to improve (dual camera related).

P9 in the end released? Now the answer finally came, the big news broke God sent evleaks stressed that Huawei will release P9 on April 6, London is still the place, also in this year's P8 London published .


Am 6.4. hält Huawei irgendeine Präsentation

华为全新旗舰P9再曝光:终于放心了! mydrivers

Huawei's new flagship P9 exposure again: finally relieved!
Today the foreign media exposure Huawei released the latest invitation to everyone in the April 6, 2016 gathered and called for a "change the way you see the world" (Change the Way you See the World) .

Almost certainly, it will be released P9 rhythm.

Interestingly, the three invitations looked very strange symbol "#oo", a bit like the human eye, both fit on top of the phrase slogan, also in line with the rumors saying: P9 will be equipped with dual rear 12 million pixel camera, and has a well-built Leica lens.


Angebliches Bild vom Huawei P9

漂亮:华为P9外观高清大图首曝!这逼格爆表了 mydrivers

Pretty: Huawei P9 appearance definition big picture first exposure! This forced the cell burst table
April 6, Huawei will be officially released a new generation of ultra-thin flagship P9 in London. After a series of spy photos, and now finally the appearance of the machine back to full debut, plus dual cameras Leica standard, forcing the full grid .

Today, microblogging users exposed debut appearance P9 high-definition big picture, color value is high. Before comparing the exposure of the spy photos, is simply the difference between beauty and makeup.

P9 back with all-metal integrated design, the most attractive of course, dual cameras, equipped with a color temperature of the flash, and laser focus module .

In addition, the next you can see a very prominent "LEICA (Leica)" logo, is equipped with SUMMARIT H 1: 2.2 / 27 ASPH lens (maximum aperture 2.2,27mm focal length). This is the first Leica standard to spend on a smartphone, simply forcing grid burst table ah.

In addition, the figure can see, P9 metal bezel, high light chamfer texture, while the back is equipped with a fingerprint. Antenna aperture can clearly see the "vaginal."

According to previous exposure of the sale notice P9, P9 is not a model, but a family, including the standard version, high version, as well as the youth version of Max version.

It is reported that Huawei P9 is equipped with a 5.2-inch 1080p screen , the standard version equipped with Kirin 950 processor + 3GB RAM + 32GB storage, while the high version is Kirin 955 processor + 4GB RAM + 64GB / 128GB memory, running Android 6.0 system.

In addition, P9 Max version of the overall configuration and P9 high version of the same, but the screen is 6.8 inches with a resolution of 2K level.

Expects Huawei P9 will be April 16 officially on sale, it said to P9 P9 Max Plus and the prices are 3688 yuan and 4088 yuan, while P9 Standard Edition is 3088 yuan (P8 was priced 2888 onwards), the youth version of P9 It is 1888 yuan.
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Mi-Boy [CH]
in ein paar std. ist es soweit dann erfahren wir die definitiven specs. und ob
oder wieviele varainten es davon geben wird. denke mal wieder
in den vers. p9 lite , p9, p9 max und vielleicht noch p9 premium.
glaube um 18:00 soll die vorstellung beginnen.


Mi-Boy [CH]
display: full hd 5,2"
akku: 3000mAh
usb: typ c
sim: dual sim oder 1sim + 1sd karte
soc: kirin 955 1.8Ghz mit gpu mali t880
ram: 3gb

zur kamera, auszug von curved:

Die Kamera des Huawei P9 liefert Fotos mit zwölf Megapixeln Auflösung. Gespeist wird diese von zwei Sensoren: Einem RGB-Sensor und einem monochromen Sensor. In der Kamera-App findet Ihr aber einen Extra-Modus, der die zweite Linse aktiviert. Bei diesen Bildern könnt Ihr nachträglich den Fokuspunkt versetzen und die Blende zwischen f/0.95 und f/16 verändern und so die Tiefenschärfe beeinflussen.

HIER der komplette artikel von curved


paar Fotos vom gerät,36

华为P9陶瓷白开箱:徕卡可乐标附体 颜值逼格爆表 mydrivers

Huawei P9 ceramic white box: Leica standard Coke possessed Yen value burst table to force Georgia
Huawei's new flagship ultra-thin P9 / P9 Plus has been officially unveiled , the National Bank in Shanghai version will be released April 15, then the domestic price will be announced (expected between 3000 to 4000 dollars).

Here it168 has brought Ceramic White version P9 of the box. Before we guess Leica "Coke standard" Although he did not appear in the body, but in front of the box is still very prominent , and this once again confirms Leica's first exclusive cooperation, Yu Chengdong said, expensive .

Back P9 itself, Huawei introduced, said ceramic white 5-layer coating process, so that the metal surface of the phone showing a ceramic-like texture and crystal gloss.

P9 Dimensions 70.9 × 6.95mm × 145 (machine weighs about 144g), equipped with a 5.2-inch 1080p screen (support pressure sensitivity), equipped with Kirin 955 processor with 3GB RAM + 32GB + 64GB storage and 4GB of memory storage in two versions Alternatively, the main camera for the double 12 million pixels (one color and one monochrome), Leica lens through certification, built-in battery 3000mAh.

In addition, P9 offer pre-800-megapixel camera, support functions and infrared stereo speaker, built-in is the fourth generation of fingerprint module , unlock faster and further enhance security, based on Android 6.0 running the EMUI 4.1 system, two phone provides dual-slot in Asia, the European market is only a single card .
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Und hier wären Beispielfotos von der Kamera:


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