Huawei Honor Note 8 - Kirin 955 6,6" 2K Super AMOLED 4GB Ram 32/64/128GB Rom 8/13MP OIS Cams 4500mah



Angebliches neues Huawei Phablet. Wann das erscheint steht wohl noch nicht fest.

荣耀V8 Max曝光!比小米Max还大 mydrivers

Glory V8 Max exposure! Larger than millet Max
This evening, Huawei will hold a press conference, officially released its new machine glory 8. The latest news shows, in this conference, and the glory V8 Max will also meet with us.

Ann Bunny claimed that glory V8 Max uses a 6.6 inches 2K screen, equipped with Kirin 950 processor, 3GB of RAM and built-in 32GB storage space body, providing 800/1300 megapixel camera , battery capacity 4400mAh, interface USB Type- C, support for fast charging.

In addition, the aircraft will have the full support of the company's high version, built-in 4GB memory and 64GB of storage space body.

Prices, glory V8 Max is priced at 1999 yuan , according to projections of the starting price, the entire network high version should be around 2499 yuan.

Kirin 950 with 2K screen, play games?
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Das Handy wird wohl Note 8 heissen.


Indeed without the slightest preparedness! Glory also came NOTE8

Glory phone is now more "diligent", and in May launched the glory V8,6月份畅玩5A formally launched recently glory 8 and heavy debut, as the official put it - "not a little preparedness" glory there are new released confidential! ! This time, the arrival of new aircraft and some of the past glory of the mobile phone is different, the official said the phone will open "a new era of large-screen phone," identification for the glory NOTE8.

Today, the sudden release of the official notice of the glory of the phone, and the glory NOTE8 coming, this new product hit the "big-screen phone will 2K" banner, obviously, is the glory and honor NOTE8 an application of the 2K Ultra HD resolution display screen products, and "large-screen phone will 2K" slogan can not help but think of millet MAX "big-screen phone is millet MAX" slogan, glory NOTE8 seems likely to be directed against the impressive sales of millet MAX.

Coincidentally, a few days ago, there are two new glory appeared on the Ministry of Industry, the glory of these two new models are the internal EDI-AL10 honor and glory EDI-DL00, these two products is consistent with the official called "big screen" , "2K" and other features, is expected to both, that is, two versions of glory NOTE8.

Such judgment is correct, then there will be glory NOTE8 standard version and high version and other versions, except that the processor and memory, and the glory NOTE8 or launch 3G + 32G and 4G + 64G memory, such as different versions of the processor main frequency is also somewhat different (possible They were equipped with Hass unicorn 950/955).

In addition, the glory will be equipped with 6.6 inches NOTE8 2560 * 1440 ultra-large high-definition screen, with 800 million +1300 megapixel camera, 4400mAh battery and Android 6.0 system support full Netcom network.

If the glory NOTE8 really prove safety millet MAX, then also do not rule out the possibility of large-screen phone this glory to 1999 yuan sold.

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Am 1.8. wird das Handy vorgestellt.

荣耀Note 8确定8月1日发布:2K级别巨屏 cnmo

Glory Note 8 to determine the August 1 Published: 2K level giant screen

 [ Phone China News] recently made a new momentum glory machine is very fierce, following the launch of the glory and honor 8 V8, now hit the big screen glory Note 8 also determines the release time. This afternoon, the glory phone official micro declared that "big enough glory Note 8" will be held on August 1 Huawei officially unveiled the Beijing Exhibition Center.

 Posters from the latest trailer, the glory of this Note 8 quite confident, choose to spend the 2K level display. Previously, in order to support VR glory V8 has pioneered 2K screen.

  As detailed configuration, the Ministry exposure information display, the glory of Note 8 has a 6.6-inch 2K resolution screen, equipped with 2.5GHz eight-core processor (possibly Kirin 950), built-in 4GB memory on body + 64GB storage, 800 pre-owned Wan + rear 13 million pixel camera, equipped with 4400mAh battery with USB Type-C interface and rear fingerprint sensor.

Glory Note 8, once there, a lot of people conclude that it is directed at the millet Max come.However, the overall configuration glory Note 8 seem more powerful than millet Max. In addition, Kirin 950 is the flagship chip, the processor if it is mounted, the glory of Note 8 should be positioned as the flagship.



Das Handy wurde heute vorgestellt. Kostenpunkt in CHina ab 2299 yuans (310€) für 32GB, 2499 yun für 64GB (340€), 2799 yöns für 128GB (377€)

荣耀NTOE 8发布:大屏/长续航让你够爽 cnmo

NOTE 8 glory Published: large screen / long battery life lets you Goushuang
[ Phone China News] August 1 news, recently released the glory of the rhythm of the new machine soon, following the recent launch of glory 8, at 3 pm big screen glory NTOE 8 new machine also Huawei Beijing Exhibition Center was officially unveiled. Glory NTOE 8 one up on the big screen as a main selling point, seeks to address the needs of the user pain points, it will become a big "cool." So, glory NTOE 8 2K resolution using a 6.6 inches screen, equipped with 4500mAh high capacity battery, priced at 2299 yuan.

Appearance, glory NTOE 8 offer to provide light platinum gold, ice silver and gray color, and elegant, positive use of 2.5D curvature of the glass, the back-end aluminum, silky feel comfortable. Meanwhile, the machine size is 6.6 inches, with a thin body thickness of only 7.18mm, weight is 219g. On the display, and the glory NTOE 8 uses 2K Super AMOLED screen, to restore the bright colors, the pixel density of 443ppi, NTSC color gamut up to 105%, and provide 70,000: 1 high contrast ratio, so that bright and dark colors clear.

Of course, using a mobile phone to see the right way to large, in addition to having a large screen outside, powerful sound and a long battery life is also necessary. Therefore, glory NTOE 8 uses 1.5 times larger sound chamber + Smart PA + DTS certified sound, with 4500mAh battery (13 hours continuous chase drama), more support for split-screen function, have a better stereo effect and a number of power-saving optimization ensure that you chat babies chase drama correct.
In the case of the above conditions are met, then we must consider the problem of the large resources. This time, Youku potatoes glory NTOE 8 will provide massive high-definition video resources. Future glory with Youku potatoes will also expand the contents of strategic cooperation, the first eco-open mode, according to user habits will not only push for the contents, but also allows users to NTOE 8 shooting quickly upload video content. Glory NTOE 8 users can open one yuan three months Youku potatoes members, asked you cool bad mood!
Moment, mobile reading has become a habit for everyone, but we tend to be very expensive at the screen to remind the long eyes, and glorious NOTE 8 against such questions with a set of their own solutions. The machine built with similar size on the 11th book comfortable reading font, and the glory of professional eye pattern, and offers three months glory read VIP, a better reading experience.

  In addition, NTOE 8 also supports the entire network and high-speed mode, and VoLTE HD voice calls, 4G +, with 9V2A Type-C fast charging, can be connected to the glory of the box Voice multi-screen interaction with the business of gold portfolio to ensure travel more efficient.Camera, the machine offers pre 8 million + rear 13 million pixel camera, the main camera uses RGBW four-color sensor, OIS optical image stabilization and dual noise reduction DSP + GPU, and you can press a fingerprint, voice to take pictures.

Finally, publish glory glory NOTE 8 (4GB RAM + 32GB ROM) price of 2299 yuan, 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM version is priced at 2499 yuan, 4GB RAM + 128GB ROM version is priced at 2799 yuan, will begin at 17:00 this afternoon appointment, August 9 officially first pin. And before the release of glory will provide magic night falls 8 version will be starting August 16.
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Well-Known Member
Hi @johndebur,
Habe mir inzwischen das Handy zugelegt.
Allererste Sahne. Habe es über eglobal in UK gekauft für 320,- € und (über niederlande) zollfrei geliefert.
Keine Probleme, die Angeben stimmen und 4G ist auch sauschnell, wie auch das gesamte Phone.
Inzwischen gerootet (allerdings geht das zu Lasten der Garantie, da man das Gerät unlook machen muss, ist aber kein Problem über den Huawei-Service bekommt man den code, dann ist das in 2 Minuten erledigt) und somit werbefrei und auch für Backup usw. alles im grünen Bereich.
Weiterer Vorteil ist die 2K screen. Man kann Ihn auf 1K zurücksetzen und hat somit eine Laufzeitverlängerung von 300-350%. Die Einschränkung ist bei der Auflösungsherabsetzung am Gerät ist nicht zu bemerken. Video, Pictures läuft superflüssig und einmal bis zweimal die Woche laden ist supi!!


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