Hi. Looking for (English) roms for the Yota Max2g


New Member
Hi. Looking for (English) roms for the Yota Max2g.

I got my phone last week, it is installed with Android 2.2, but they made a crappy 2.2 ;
The market app is old, can't be upgraded and shows allmost no downloads.
Installing Opera Mini (apk) causes the phone to reboot (without installing).
Flash can't be installed.
The phone auto powers off after a few hours (full battery).
Need I go on...

So my question;
Can anyone help me get a custom / better Android rom or the latest Windows Mobile rom for my phone.
I can't find anything online.
I found only two forums with downloads, the first one has only dead links the other doesn't let me register.

Help would be apriiciated.


PS Does anyone know how to root this phone?


New Member
Thank you, but that is one of the forums I found myself, the problem is that they put all their downloads on a site named 91ppc.net and that site doesn't exist anymore :(


Well-Known Member
Hmm, Some of our Members are registered at Mobileuncle, maybe they can be helpfull.
Try to Contact the Vendor, or other Shops for a ROM, mo bino 1 for Example


New Member
That was the other site I registered...
I registered a week ago and I can still not log in, I get a message that the moderator must still look at my registration and I will have to wait for him to do so. (or something like that)
If no one ellse can help I'll go and contact some shops for a rom.


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