Hi im new in this community.


New Member
Hi, can someone upload a stock froyo rom for mtk 6516 in an update.zip format? Because after i tried the tweaks for the build.prop file. My phone doesnt boot up, its stock on the logo. Please can someone help me?


New Member
Hi, colonelZap, the phone is Cherry Mobile Candy form philippines, can you help me? Its stock in the start logo and doesn't boot up,

Doppelpost zusammengefügt nach 3 minutes:

Model Number: L102
Android Version: 2.2.1
Baseband Version: MAUI.10A.W10.48.MP.V5.F1, 2011/01/27 16:48
Kernel Version:
Mon Oct 17 17:06:18 CST 2011
Build Number: L102-M24.Cherry.l3.BT.FM.WF.42.V006

this is the details found when i tick the "About Phone" on the settings, im glad ive save its details to my comp.

Doppelpost zusammengefügt nach 11 minutes:

Youve got a nice blog up there! Keep up the good work!

Any ideas for my problem sir?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


I doubt anyone will be able to help you find something like that here :(

You can't just use any "stock MT6516" firmware, every firmware is custom made for a phone and it only works on that particular phone.


New Member
Yeah as ive searched through the web i cant do that, but if its the same phone as mine, will it work? ive got two cherry mobile candy phone at hand, how can i get a copy of the other phone to flash it in the defective ones? is there a method that exist?

or are there any phones floating around, the same as mine? Thanks for the reply,


New Member
Thanks for the reply, im gonna do a lil more searching, if i dump the original rom my working phone, how will i install it to the defective ones?


New Member
Hey, colonelZAp its been a long time since i last logged in, anyway i just want to drop by and say thanks for helping me fix my phone. Ive downloaded Android Commander and from there i deleted the tweaked build.prop and restore the original one from my other phone. I never thought such method exist. XD Thank you so much, I owe you my life, :grin:

Cheers, please continue helping others. :grin:


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