Help please


New Member
I have this model of cellphone : HTC HD II "made in Taiwan" with the furter specifications :
4.3 inch wide WVGA high-definition electronic screen ,65536 colors, 800*480PX, Touch mode
- 1024MB memory (RAM=576MB), T-Flash card can expand to 16GB
-QUALCOMM 8250B , 1024MHZ Speed CPU
-Resolution is 800*480PX
-Windows6.5 mobile operaing system
-Built in WIFI wireless (802.11b/g)
-Built in GPS navigation
-Unlocked smart mobile phone, Support quad-bands Frequency(850/900/1800/1900MHZ),can work in all of the world
OS : Windows mobile 6.5 operating System
WIFI: Built in
GPS: Support GPS Navigation ,support Voice Navigation (Igo map)
Music: Built-in Media Player,support music of many format (MP3/MP4/WAV/WMA.....) and to play at backgroud,lyric sync.,online music player(third-party software)
Video: Support video of many formats(MP4/AVI/WMV/ASF...),support RMVB unlocked,support 30 frame/s
FM: FM,can play outside with earphone
Camera pixel :8.0MP; Support auto-focus, support unlimited audio recording

I want to install same update for camera from original softwere and after reboot the phone frozen.
Now I want to reflash in somebody know how to do this.
Any informations are welcome
THANK YOU in advance and GOD BLESS YOU ANYWAY ! ! !


Well-Known Member
- 1024MB memory (RAM=576MB), T-Flash card can expand to 16GB -QUALCOMM 8250B , 1024MHZ Speed CPU
The Vendors are "creative" with the Spec's.
Please give a Link to where you bought the Phone, and the real spec's from the Phone itself.
Maybe a Factory Reset could solve your Problem.


New Member
thanks Duffy-31, in windows that are the specifications but I copy/paste from site. Is like this : but have a Qualcomm 8250B processor and on top on display write T-Mobile and on bottom write HD II.
On the back under battery write " made in Taiwan" not made in China like other.
So that is. I new here and I dont know if I found here Android Froyo fot him in english.
If you know please send me a link.


Well-Known Member
but have a Qualcomm 8250B processor
That's a Lie, except you have a real HD2 from HTC.
Where you bought the Phone ?
Are you able to boot into Recovery ? Voume + held while booting up.
Anyway, you are Looking for a Android ROM for this Phone ?
I'm unsure, maybe only the outer Shell differs to the other Clones, but a wrong ROM possibly bricks your Phone entirely.


well i dont have that phone, so Im probably no big help :)

First of all there are 2 versions of this phone.

here is a instruction how to distinguish those phones. well since its an android phone , its the one with the MTK CPU , i guess.

from mobileuncle, ( requires to register there to see all images ) with google translate its allright.

How to distinguish between old and new capacitive screen instructions again:
First, the background of old and new capacitance screen like this, because early adopters of the capacitive screen follow-up to get a new capacitive screen, and
But the manufacturers in order to distinguish, there are some marked on the machine, and the capacitance of the new screen name changed HD2, called HDII up.
The following briefly the difference between the two machines:

1 Open the battery behind the sticker, if you see the battery compartment on the right has a hand-written 2 new screen, otherwise the old screen;
2, does not support the old screen capacitive Andrews HD2 system, or that the official did not release a formal Andrews systems;
3, both the logo is not the same, follow-up a new name to HDII the HD2 (remember the early November 2010 to December, some new
Logo screen hd2 may or HD2)

Well here is an instruction to install the ROM, i think ? hope its the right phone, did you get a ROM from etowalk?


New Member
Hello guy, first of all I dont lie because that is my phone (for duffi-31) is dual sim so is clone not real. I find software but is in chinese. :( I find the tutorial and I make the procedure and work but in chinese. So if you have sam link were to download english version for Android. I hawe software for WinMo 6.5 but I cant install.Mabye is not good tutorial who I have.
Thank you johndebur I will try to find something for use on that site.

Thank you all.


New Member
ok I understand that , but I see with my eye on display wend the device work, in "device hardwere" was write clear Qualcomm 8250B, I am absooluty sure !
I see the devicee on link who send it to me and ia almost exactly, look exactly, but have same tehnical diferences, one is just 1 CPU at 1024mhz and not have slot card . Have inside build memory 8Giga and inside have a slot card (must unscerw the body of device to see the slot card) i try to make a clip with device tonight and I put on share samewere. Thanks allot.


New Member
Hello Petteri, so do you thimk I found here Android ( english version) for my cell phone ? I download from E TO WALK but is in chinese. Please help me with one in english.
I have all software, IMEI writer, SP Tool for flash, I realy install one and wend starts...........was in chinese :(


Well-Known Member
But the Bruno ROM seems faster, surely Rumpelstilzchen is right! Normally you can cahnge ore use "More Local 2" App! :)


New Member
Rumpelstilzchen if you have time can you tell me step by step how to change language to chinese in english, that if I succeed to reinsta the softvare in chinese, because I will try to reflash with Brunos rom and now at the 40-50 % receive a ERROR messege like: S FTHND File Not Loaded Yet ???
OK so if you have time and pleasure to help me I wait tutorial from you how to change languige.
Thanks you allot.


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