Getting Java applications installed on the Pinphone


This instruction is for computors with M$ Windows
Here's an old trick I learned a long time ago.
1)Plug your phone into usb, then select Mass Storage.
2)When Windows asks what you want to do, select Open Folder
3)Depending on your version of Windows, you need to locate Folder Options, usually in the Tools Tab at the top of Windows Explorer. Once you launch Folder Options, click on the View Tab, now scroll down to Hidden Files and Folders and select Show Hidden Files and Folders. Right below that uncheck Hide File Extentions of Known Types. Now select OK to exit.
4)Now you are able to see the hidden folders on your phone's SD Card. (if you can't refresh your screen)
5)All the folders that are hidden need to be unhidden, here's how you do it. Right click on a hidden folder, select properties uncheck Hidden and Archieve. Click OK to exit. Do that with all the hidden folders.
6)Select the Java Jar file you want to install, Copy and Paste that to the Download folder. Once that is finished close the Explorer window and unplug your USB cable.
7)On your phone select the File Explorer, now you should be able to see the Download Folder, open it and then select the Java Jar App you just placed there. Your phone will prompt you, Where do you want to install the file? Select SD Card. Let install complete then exit File Explorer.
8)Select Games\Java\SD Card Game\then select the (Java App you installed).
Have fun, just make sure to installed touch screen enabled Java Applications, not many out there for big screen like this phone has. is a good place to start.


OOPs forgot to mention this is for the Pinphone!
Also, you will have to repeat this proceedure everytime the phone is restarted if you want to install new Java Apps, because the operating system keeps resetting the hidden folders attributes at reboot.
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Ok, I've gotten some PM's from folks still having problems getting Java applications installed. So here's a Jave app to do a test with. It is for a touch screen phone, but just for a smaller screen. I did successfully install this app to my Pinphone.
Just follow my tutoral at the top then try to install this app Be sure to give feedback so we can solve this problem.
The attacted file is not a Zip file, simply remove .zip and replace with .jar
I had to rename the file to .zip so I could attach it to this reply.


No it don´t work, i get a error message. Application file(.ja) for META-INF/MANIFEST.MF appears to be corrupt. Contact the application provider for more information. i make like your tutorial.


Humm, very strange. The problem isn't the firmware, it's the Java Manager isn't reading the manifest file properly. I will attempt pull the Java Manager from my phone then post it here with instruction on how to replace or overwrite the one currently on your phone.


Try this, download the attached zip file, unzip to your desktop. Unhide your Java folder on the phone. Inside the Java folder there is another folder named lib . In that folder there are two files (internal.config) and (system.config), replace those files with the ones in the folder you unzipped to your desktop. Follow the tutoral again and try install. If same problem, reboot the phone then try java app install again and post results.


Hang in there. Let's try another approach. Download the attached file unzip to desktop. Plug in phone to USB, unhide hidden folders. Look for the Apple folder, inside there should be another folder named AppMan. If the folder is there either delete that folder or overwrite it With the folder you just unzipped to your desktop. When done try unplug phone Java app install, if unsuccessful, reboot phone and try install app again. Good Luck!


Give this method a try. I snagged this from the forums. The translation is kinda bad since Google tranlator isn't the best but it's understandable.

pinphone Mobile practical method to install java program!
After several days of research, finally succeeded in the installation of the pinphonejavaProgram. Here is the installation process.
First of all firstDownloadjarFile. If the file name is *. jar.rar of this type should only behind ". Rar" can be removed. Remember, do not need to decompress.
Step two: Download a jad ProductionSoftware. According to my research pinphoneMobilePractical java need jad files. Open the jad authoring software to download jar file to jad software, where production would, afterAutomaticGenerated jad file on the desktop.
Step Three: If you want the java program java centers appear in the phone, you must use Notepad to open the jad file just generated. The end of the file by adding the following characters in "Nokia-MIDlet-Category: Game" (without the quotes).
Step four: In the phone's root directory new folders (such as game), the downloaded java programs and have copied into the generated jad.
Fifth Step: Open the phone's File Manager, select just the new folder, you can see the two of you just copied into the file. Casual click on an installation will appearInterface. Installation path can pick any. After the installation is complete java center in the root directory of the directory or find you have just installed the file. You're done!
That is all I have to install java in pinphone experiences, if so what's the problem. Give me a message. Explore!
Annex is the jad authoring software.
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oh i thing its to complicated for me. i can´t make a jad file

it says always error extractin manifest
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YBH, sorry I couldn't help you. I haven't found anthing to work with this phone. I have decided to call it quits. This phone is all hype and little substance. I'm going back to Windows Mobile where I can get native applications, most of these Java based apps are crap. Going to give this phone to my brother for a birthday present. Good luck with getting your Java working. Hopefully a new firmware will be leaked and you can update your phone.
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