Galaxy S4 Clone Touchscreen Problem!


New Member
After a long search, finally a speech que forum on Chinese clones!
I recently bought a copy of Galaxy S4, most unfortunately, he provides the following problem
I wonder if some solution exists, and if so, I ask you to help me !!
Thank you!

Olá pessoal ...
Depois de uma longa procura, finalmente, um discurso that fórum sobre clones chineses!
Eu comprei recentemente uma cópia do Galaxy S4, a maioria, infelizmente, ele fornece o seguinte problema
Gostaria de saber se alguma solução existe, e se assim for, peço-lhe que me ajude !!

Hardware: MT6589 (UNIVERSAL5410 (exynos5) é errado!)
Modelo: GT-i9500
Número de compilação: ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.26
Construir data UTC: 20131015-111301
Android v 4.2.9
Baseband v: MOLY.WR8.W1248.MD.WG.MP.V23, 2013/07/25 04:17
V Kernel: 3.4.5 (zhanghongqiang @ Yaocong desktop) (versão gcc 4.6.x google 20120106 (pré-lançamento) (GCC)) # 1 SMP Tue 15 de outubro 19:10:49 CST 2013
Uboot construir v: -----
Controlador de LCD IC-1 nt35590_hd720_dsi_cmd_truly

Download link de backup não MTKdroid corrigir!


But when the backup does not flash back to normal
This problem i had also been in a similar model. Please look for information to this thread, and ask @Ora for correctly ROM or display driver (uboot image). I think it is the same model? :)
Bezeichnung des Handys: GT-I9500 S4 1:1 MT6589 720 x 1280 Screen 512MB RAM+4GB
Beschreibung: GT-I9190 Android 4.2.9 (customized Stock) basierend auf ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.26
In unserer Download Datenbank FT Archiv
Unfortunately file does not exist. @Ora, it could be this ROM?


Well-Known Member
If you made a backup with MTK DT - did you convert the files for flash tool?
The backup is not flashable itself - but the droid tool will correct this.
There is also a valid uboot image (lk.bin)
But if I remember right, there is only a setting in the build.prop to correct this.
Try to search for "flipped display" (or similar)

You may extract the old build.prop from your system.tar backup and put it to your phone.
(Or read and compare line by line both build.prop files.)


Bezeichnung des Handys: GT-I9500 S4 1:1 MT6589 720 x 1280 Screen 512MB RAM+4GB
Beschreibung: GT-I9190 Android 4.2.9 (customized Stock) basierend auf ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.26
In unserer Download Datenbank FT Archiv

I will renew the obsolete download link. Please be patience. :(

The Rom will be only for this phone:
Hardware : MT6589 (UNIVERSAL5410(exynos5) is Fake!)
Model : GT-I9500
Build number : ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.26
Build date UTC : 20130923-102713
Android v : 4.2.9
Baseband v: MOLY.WR8.W1248.MD.WG.MP.V23, 2013/07/25 04:17
Kernel v : 3.4.5 (zhanghongqiang@yaocong-desktop) (gcc version 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Mon Sep 23 18:25:03 CST 2013
Uboot build v : ----- sollte root shell
LCD Driver IC : 1-nt35590_hd720_dsi_cmd_truly
At first try the following:
-- search in your build.prop to this value "ro.sf.hwrotation=0"
-- change to "ro.sf.hwrotation=180"
-- search in your build.prop to this value "ro.sf.hwrotation=180"
-- change to "ro.sf.hwrotation=0"
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Please use the SP Flashtool and flash only the UBOOT Section with the LK File.
Start a own backup from the whole phone first, please.

mobile via T1


New Member
Please use the SP Flashtool and flash only the UBOOT Section with the LK File.
Start a own backup from the whole phone first, please.

mobile via T1
Yes, Well, I saw this on another forum, tried unsuccessfully more: //.
I believe the problem is the lack of LCD driver. I also find it strange .. before giving problem I did the backup ROM by MTK Tools droid, the rom that is available for download at the beginning of the topic. The guy who sold the device not provided support, worse, his shop is no longer available: ///


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