I had try to flash my pinphone with the flash cable. But i fail to do it.
I plug the usb cable to my PC, it do not have any response. I cannot transfer any file to my pinphone.
Anyone can help me.........
I need some help..............
If you have a USB flash cable, you'll need a driver to install it. Could be most likely one of two drivers, depending on which chip is used in your cable.
"Du musst registriert sein um diese Funktion Nutzen zu können!"
Pack die doch in unsere Downloadbase und schreibe bitte dazu, welcher Treiber für welchen Chipsatz ist. So vermeidet man, daß man sich einen Treiber installiert, den man dann eventuell erst wieder loswerden muß, bevor man einen anderen testen kann.
Erm...... i think me need a proper modify flash cable. I modify my flash cable but it does not work to my pinphone. Now connect to pc with usb data cable can not read my pinphone memory too..........
Where can i order a flash cable for pinphone? How much for the pinphone?