I have a Ciphone 4GS.
I bought this many months ago from this website:
Now my phone just show a white screen and i can not switch off just after the battery will empty..
When the white screen the phone without any reaction.. So just a white screen.
(Before i tried upgrade the firmware with a new one and an IDT software but caused this..) Anybody can give softwares with original last firmware for reflash the phone?
Can i make something with this phone for use again?
Please dont say for me "send back to the chinese shop" because the shipping is too expensive for me (and i think i will lost my phone plus the shipping cost..).
I need solution what i can do here in Hungary/Europe...
Thanks for your help,
I have a Ciphone 4GS.
I bought this many months ago from this website:
Now my phone just show a white screen and i can not switch off just after the battery will empty..
When the white screen the phone without any reaction.. So just a white screen.
(Before i tried upgrade the firmware with a new one and an IDT software but caused this..) Anybody can give softwares with original last firmware for reflash the phone?
Can i make something with this phone for use again?
Please dont say for me "send back to the chinese shop" because the shipping is too expensive for me (and i think i will lost my phone plus the shipping cost..).
I need solution what i can do here in Hungary/Europe...
Thanks for your help,