ciPhone 3g firmware geflasht :-)


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New Member
hehe geil da wurde das "tschau" in "hi" übersetzt ;)

an den apps wäre ich auch sehr interessiert besonders an den games
hast du da welche oder waren das die standrat dinger? mfg Fuller


Ey, ich werde hier keine Links zu irgendwelchen Sofwaredownloads posten, noch werde ich sonst was verteilen!!! ;) Da müßt ihr schon selber google quälen ;)


The pictures only show how to make one of these flashcables by yourself, I don't even understand that, those pictures are from some guy from Russia ;-)

Don't worry about those, it's better to buy the cable :)


New Member
Certain!! Just for this, I asked you if for the updating he had to be proceeded with a change hardware. In that case, I would surely have abdicated to any manipulation.
Better this way. The cable just arrives. ( But when???????) We immediately will put there to the job.


New Member
It excuses my curiosity Dirk.
But what job do you do? I see that you are very prepared in subject.
As I have told some days ago you, me, for the translation from English to Italian, and from Italian to English, use the program "" power translator 11 "". I would want to know from you if you find difficulty to understand, and, if you also use a software, or you translate only reading.


Your English translations are easier to understand, I don't use a software, I speak a little English ;-)

I don't have a job right now but I am an economist :)


New Member
I didn't test the radio with the v1.5 firmware :(
I have the v.1.1 firmware on my phone right now and the radio is working fine
I downgraded my phone to APL216_V1.1_20080910 too but the radio still doesn't work. When I plug handsfree in the phone says that "TV-Out plugged in". When I press the radio ON button the phone wants me to plug in earphone. Is it possible that we have a different phone model? It looks like the same than yours. I got mine from DealExtreme three weeks ago.


That's really "strange"?!? The radio works just fine on my phone!!! Did the radio work on your phone with the original firmware you had on your phone when you first got it from DX??


Then ist HAS to be a software thing, right?!? Have you tried to "play" with the engineer mode a little??? BUT BE CAREFUL!!!!


New Member
I tried but no help. Reset factory didn't help either. I will flash APL216_V1.1_20080530 to find out if it's still a hardware problem (and to get umlauts...).


Have you tried a HARDWARE reset as well??? Just insert a pointy thingy into the little hole on the left side of the phone. Maybe that will do the trick???

Just a thought ;)


New Member
Hi ColonelZap,

I tried to download the ZIP file for the MT6229 COM driver given in the post but it only contains 1 file called " usb2ser_2k.inf ". When I go to install it, Vista gives me an error saying "Windows encountered a problem installing the driver software for your device ... 6218 USB Modem Driver " system cannot find the file specified.

Can you help me at all,
best regards,


New Member
That's really "strange"?!? The radio works just fine on my phone!!! Did the radio work on your phone with the original firmware you had on your phone when you first got it from DX??
"Problem" solved! I downgraded to APL216_V1.1_20080530 and at first I couldn't get radio to work with my SE P800 handsfree which I'm using to listen MP3 for better music quality. When I tried the shitty handsfree which came with the phone radio worked fine. It seems like you have to press the plug deep enough to make radio regocnize the earphone. The SE P800 handsfree plug is too thick on the bottom that it won't work with radio. Any recommendations for a good quality handsfree that works with CiPhone?

Anyway I upgraded back to CiPhone 3G v1.1 firmware and the radio works well too with the included handsfree. The previous firmware felt really old compared to this new one...


Hey, that's good news :)

And you are right, I wouldn't want to miss the new firmware(s) as well, but I still need one with Umlaute :)


New Member
It`s very hard to understand anything, when you just read the texts. The google translator is not that good for a homepage with technical details. Does anyone have a better one?


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