I downgraded my phone to APL216_V1.1_20080910 too but the radio still doesn't work. When I plug handsfree in the phone says that "TV-Out plugged in". When I press the radio ON button the phone wants me to plug in earphone. Is it possible that we have a different phone model? It looks like the same than yours. I got mine from DealExtreme three weeks ago.I didn't test the radio with the v1.5 firmware
I have the v.1.1 firmware on my phone right now and the radio is working fine
"Problem" solved! I downgraded to APL216_V1.1_20080530 and at first I couldn't get radio to work with my SE P800 handsfree which I'm using to listen MP3 for better music quality. When I tried the shitty handsfree which came with the phone radio worked fine. It seems like you have to press the plug deep enough to make radio regocnize the earphone. The SE P800 handsfree plug is too thick on the bottom that it won't work with radio. Any recommendations for a good quality handsfree that works with CiPhone?That's really "strange"?!? The radio works just fine on my phone!!! Did the radio work on your phone with the original firmware you had on your phone when you first got it from DX??
I found a chinese forum so I guess a new firmware is announced there first???