Chinese Android Power Button NOT WORKING!!!!


New Member
I had purchased a Chinese Android Phone from near Chinese Border, it worked fine for months. Now talking about the manufacturer, the Battery says "Samkimoke" (whatever company that is), the Back Cover of the Phone has "LA-I" written.

It was working fine the last time I got a call, then I simply pushed the power button (to turn off the Screen as usual). The Phone turned off the display.

And now, when I press the Power Button, it simply WON'T turn on!!

I googled a LOT, I 'think' it's the broken Power Button, I un-screwed the case, and played with the button, it did not work.

So, as it was written online, I took the battery out, connected it to the Laptop USB, and inserted the battery, nothing happens, no display, nothing.

What's weird is: even when it was switched off, it would simply light up to show that it's charging (<- when I connected it to the USB), and NOW, that does NOT happen either.

I don't understand whether it's a dead Power Button, or a Dead Phone..!?

How can a Phone die like that? I have never dropped it, the only thing I did was pushed the Power Button (which everyone using Android does).

What should I do?

Thank you ...

(It's NOT the battery)
(I don't understand German. Please reply in English. Thank you)
(I'm not immediately taking it to the Local Repair shop cause they are thieves, they are infamous here for being unworthy of trust. Hard to explain.)


New Member
I discharged the battery and did the "connect to USB - insert Battery" trick again, this time it did show the Boot logo, and then "charging" message, it would lead me nowhere, so I pressed Power + Vol down + Vol Up, it gave a never-ending vibration (without any display).

So I took the battery off, and the method did NOT work again. What is happening?


Well-Known Member
If you removerd the battery and plug the phon on USB - ist there anything in device manager to see (Windows)
If there is for about 1-2 seconds a device called preloader, there is a chance, the phone to recover.


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