Bricked Ciphone C4(4GS)


New Member
I got a Ciphone C4(4GS) from a friend abroad.The problem was i couldn't install .netcf 3.5 even though i tried every method/procedure from the net &
i gambled flashing it with a Ciphone C6+ and iv'e ended with a white screen. I can however see both the on-board & added memory via mobile device
center with full access to the contents.Any help on how to flash it properly will be welcome. Thax in advance


try to flash it back to c4 rom. sounds as if only the display doesnt work due to different hardware drivers.

start downloadmode on the phone as usual (just "blind"). then connect it to your computer with running flash program. should work...


New Member
try to flash it back to c4 rom. sounds as if only the display doesnt work due to different hardware drivers.

start downloadmode on the phone as usual (just "blind"). then connect it to your computer with running flash program. should work...

- Can you explain this download mode?
“Power key”, “Volume Up” & “Home Key” simultaneously pressing just restart again the phone and just the blank white screen again..
- What flash program i needed, and where can i download?
- Where the original c4 rom, and where can i download?

I have a same Ciphone C4 (4GS) with white blank screen.
(After charge i can switch on but jus a white screen
and after i can not switch off.)

The chinese shop support just say: sorry, no solution..(FCK!)

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New Member
Thanx Usemyass, however phone cant be detected.Here is more info:
1.Whilest trying with various apps, I foundout using mymobiler that upgrade had gone thru except nothing could be seen on da phone but on da PC via mymobiler & da phone was fully functional.
2.Strange thing that happened is, after using it tru mymobiler on the pc(as i was now used),I removed it & da next time I wanted to use it, it could not be detected & that was it! & thats da status
the only thing remaining is power on/restart & continually on until battery runs out & recharge again


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