Alcatel One Touch Hero - 1,5 ghz Quadcore 6" FHD + E ink display 2GB Ram 8GB 16GB Rom



noch ein neues Alcatel handy mit eInk display + 6" FHD display.

Alcatel unveils 6-inch One Touch Hero smartphone with E Ink and LED cover options - engadget


meet the One Touch Hero. The new Android 4.2 smartphone upgrades to a 6-inch 1080p LCD, and gets a raft of optional cover accessories that augment the giant display. An E Ink cover lets owners read books without using the power-hungry main screen;



Fotos vom handy. Wird in der chinesischen Version als TCL Y910 erhältlich sein.

全能旗舰 阿尔卡特One Touch Hero真机多图曝光 mtksj

Almighty Alcatel One Touch Hero flagship real machine picture exposure
Alcatel (Alcatel) latest flagship product OneTouch Hero scheduled debut at the IFA exhibition, this phablet large screen smartphone is undoubtedly true this year, Alcatel's flagship product, there are foreign media exposure of the Hero of the real machine photos from the same design can be sure that the machine that is TCL Y910 overseas version.

One Touch Hero has a 6-inch FHD Full HD big screen, and because the body design is reasonable, a high proportion of screen, the MTK MT6589T equipped with a 1.5GHz quad-core processor. Built-in 2GB of memory to run, 8G and 16G storage space with two different specifications, self-megapixel front camera, the main camera for the 13 million pairs of cameras. It is reported that the standard 3400 mA Hero large battery, but the body thickness is only 8.5 mm! Do endurance beautiful correct.

The aircraft most people look forward to the expansion of the local course, is rich in features and additional accessories, One Touch Hero supports projection, NFC and handwriting functions, through appropriate smart accessories can achieve wireless charging capabilities, and supports the contents of the screen sharing to other devices (Alcatel TV Link). Intelligent machine accessories is very rich, with LED indication of surface protective cover, can read the contents of E-ink screen shell and supports reading SMS, call enabled smart blue accessories should be recent high playability a product.

Domestic version of the TCL Y910 also has network, One Touch Hero features should be extended to Y910 in the body, and if so, then, Y910 will be the latest of the most anticipated smartphones.


Wow, richtig gutes Teil mit super-ideen...

Und Samsung scheinen nicht die einzigen zu sein, die ihre Displays bis sehr nah an den Rand bauen können.


Mein Neffe hatte es auf der IFA in der Hand und schrieb, es soll sehr gut darin liegen. Trotz 6 Zoll Display recht schmal und leicht. Mein Favorit.


Bilder von der chinesischen Variante , TCL hero N3 :

售价不超2000?TCL Hero N3大量高清真机图赏 mtksj

Price not exceeding 2000 ? TCL Hero N3 large number of high-definition real machine diagram Tour
"Play big" seems to have become the new flagship TCL N3 TCL's slogan, this new product is not the only big screen, accounting for 83.4% of the screen is a major part of the machine. TCL Hreo N3 has a 6.0 inches 1080P full lamination screen resolution, 1.5GHz main frequency MTK MT6589T quad-core processor, running memory up to 2GB, but instead of internal storage space of 16G 32G, the main camera but also non-13000000 800 megapixel, front 2 million, 8.5 mm thick body built 3400 mA battery capacity.

N3 is the predecessor of Alcatel ONE TOUCH HERO, known by Suning first domestic version, the price is said to not exceed 2,000 yuan, probably already legends 1850 yuan. There are a lot of TCL N3 real machine photos spread out, to simply look at this phone.


am 14.10. ist die chinesische Version erhältlich ( TCL Hero N3 ) . Preis ist allerdings noch nicht bekannt.

赶在米3之前 TCL Hero N3于14日苏宁首发 mtksj

In time for the m 3 before TCL Hero N3 Suning starting at the 14th
TCL mobile phones this year's most anticipated smart new machine TCL Hero N3 expectations by many users , the largest proportion of screen , high-profile and a variety of accessories and both are attractive specialty focus , the aircraft will be confirmed Suning Tesco starting on sale , and the time in the 14th of this month , a little regret that the official price not yet announced .


der preis fürs N3 wird 1999 yuans sein ( 240€ )

TCL Hero N3今日首发 售价1999元 mtksj

TCL Hero N3 today starting price of 1999 yuan
In collaboration with the launch of the Eastern Jingdong after gun TCL S950 , TCL Mobile playing a " big" , a big screen and has six inches high proportion of the new machine screen -TCL Hero N3 on sale starting today about the Chinese name as cattle 3 . New Hero N3 No Jingdong starting at 10 am today, officially went on sale in Suning , online and offline volley.

Although none of TCL and Suning two parties officially announced the price of N3 , but a moving picture has been exposed cattle 3 TCL price , the aircraft price 1999 yuan ! Also in October 14 the day before the 1000 purchase of $ 199 you can get LED indication protective sleeve or a small Bluetooth phone , and there are one hundred yuan coupon redemption .


Lt. soll es mit deutschem Menü sein also multilanguage vorinstalliert! Kann das sein?? Oder wollen die nur dass ich bestelle?? Kennt einer den Shop?


Well-Known Member
Dieses Handy könnte ja der LG G2 Klon sein oder? Mit dem Note hat es keine Ähnlichkeit aber mit dem G2 auf jeden fall


Nein, Alcatel macht keine Clones. So wie Htc, samsung, huawei und nokia ein 6 zoll phablet anbieten hat alcatel auch eins.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9500 mit Tapatalk 4
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Das Hero N3 ist am 29.11. erhältlich

Hero N3移动版还早 要等到11月29日才上市 mtksj

Hero N3 mobile version still early to wait until November 29 before listing
Smart phone hardware specifications reaches a certain height , the difference of development determines the viability of the product , which is near we can see more featured products comes into play. TCL new machine internal model Y910, two versions of pre- existing formal networks , namely, Y910 and Y910T, the former being officially on sale starting in Suning 's TCL Hero N3, support China Unicom WCDMA dual sim dual standby, support TD-SCDMA network mobile version of the release date has also been clear, but from the market still early , Hero N3 mobile version will have to wait until November 29 officially listed .


Active Member
Es ist schon erhaeltlich , habs gerade geordert mit multi language rom und zubehoer fuer 370$ , das andere zubehoer wie : wireless charger, mini bluetooth mobile und led flip case kostet nochmal 150$ extra :)


Active Member
Nur kurz von dem Teil berichtet :)

ist schon ein richtiger Brocken ;) aber macht mega fun, ich kann bis dato nur wenig probieren, aber erstes Fazit nach 2 Wochen wenig Nutzung super, das Zubehör überzeugt auch, und Qualität ist oberklasse , ich hoffe der Pico Beamer und das e ink cover kommen auch bald :)

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Akku sieht auch gut aus :)

Fazit, lösst mein meizu ab :)


Gesendet von meinem TCL Y910 mit Tapatalk 2


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