hab die Herstellerseite noch nicht gefunden. naja , das Handy hat den MT6592 und unterstützt TD + WCDMA dual sim . Soll 1969 yuans kosten (236€)
hier die herstellerseite: http://www.3d69.net/
3D69手机公众版开放预订 裸眼3D+八核高配 mtksj

hier die herstellerseite: http://www.3d69.net/
3D69手机公众版开放预订 裸眼3D+八核高配 mtksj
3D69 public version of the open phone book naked eye 3D + high with eight cores
Formerly known as " dumplings " in 3D69 cell phone shortly before the official release, when the release of the book published by the activities has been officially opened , and the majority of users , such as the version on sale at the official website at a price of 1,969 yuan to accept reservations , limited edition 8900 . In addition there are special benefits versions of the aircraft , only "Hu Disciples " exclusive .
The public version of the phone's configuration and special edition , such as no different book open all colors , including the handsome silver, gold and deep blue Tyrant three versions , you just fill out a simple booking information at the official website to complete the order. However, according to official sources the first shipment of 2,000 units, 22 January shipments , special machine which accounted for 1,100 places to go , so the average user can get before the Spring Festival , then only 900 units.
3D69 phone's core selling point and its name , to emphasize the 3D function , the machine is equipped with a naked eye 3D display , the display size of 5.5 inches , with a 1920 * 1080FHD levels of HD resolution , not only can watch 3D, while playing 3D games and 3D pictures and so on. Another 69 phone also has a main frequency of 2GHz MT6592 eight-core processor , the machine also has appeared in a handful of true eight-core products using one of the high-frequency version MT6592 models, side proved strong supply chain , memory areas using a combination of 2G RAM +32 G ROM , and supports up to 64G expansion.
Excluding these , the first mobile phone equipped with the 3D69 8,000,000 13,000,000 pixels dual camera , have a physical camera button design , support for TD-SCDMA + WCDMA 3G dual standby dual , and is compatible with 2G telecom card , battery capacity of 2350 mA . Features , the machine is also equipped with a K6 amplifier to enhance sound quality, can act as a remote control to use, running Android 4.2 system .
The phone is officially defined as " second phone " designed by the naked eye 3D, configuration and grade fever all the features give users a better experience, if you are interested in this phone , it may be the venue 3D69 phone official website find out.
