Meizu 16 / 16 Plus- Snapd 845 6"/6,5" FHD+ AMOLED 6/8GB Ram 128/256GB Rom 3010/3640mah



Das Handy soll im August erscheinen

黄章:魅族16标配屏下指纹 没有NFC 明年上16S! mydrivers

With the release date approaching, Meizu boss Huang Zhang (J.Wong) recently appeared in the Meizu official forum, frequently exposed their own polished new machine emperor 16 series of fierce materials, the amount of information is a little big ... ...

According to Huang Zhang's previous statement, the 15 series is only a small test chopper after his re-emergence. The 16 series is the masterpiece. The highest is equipped with the Xiaolong 845 processor. Instead of Liu Haiping, there is a better camera and stereo loud speaker. It will be launched around August. .

In the two days of interaction with netizens, the 16 series of materials disclosed by Huang Zhang can be quite a few:

1, the entire series of standard screen fingerprint identification.

2, in addition to Xiaolong 845, there will be Xiaolong 710 version.

3, there are 8GB memory versions.

4, no 2K screen.

Huang Zhang explained that the current full-screen COF packaging technology can only achieve FHD + resolution (horizontal 1080, vertical 1920 +), 2K screen must use a flexible screen.

5, no NFC.

Huang Zhang said that NFC applications are very limited in China, and public transport payments have been replaced by Alipay and WeChat. Moreover, NFC in cities is not uniform, and adaptation is a bit tricky. However, if many people need NFC, they will consider it later.

6, the price of low version does not exceed 3000?

Some netizens hope that Xiaolong 845+ dual camera + OLED screen + stereo + NFC + front-end beauty + screen fingerprint level configuration machine price can be achieved below 3,000 yuan, Huang Zhang said no problem.

However, according to previous exposure, Meizu 16's starting price is 3398 yuan, up to 4288 yuan , and this is still seeing competitors after the emergency adjustment.

7, on the screen share

Huang Zhang said that he did not carefully calculate, but it will not be lower than the iPhone X, Xiaomi 8 (that is, more than 80%), and the other is not the same as the vivo NEX, but how specific does not say the same.

8, on the forehead and chin

Now the full screen is strongly reducing the forehead and chin, but Huang Zhang believes that the screen width will only affect the content display size, the screen length is a little shorter or the upper and lower borders are a little bit wide to give the camera only the benefits of the experience is not bad. This is not a TV, horizontal game playing games to see the video around the border is definitely better for the experience. Of course, it does not need too wide a border.

9, About Flyme

Huang Zhang said that in addition to hardware polishing, interactive optimization is also one of the important tasks he must participate in, such as Flyme's advertising push a lot less, and all advertising can be closed.

10, on the personal polishing products

Huang Zhang said that in fact , in addition to M8, M9, MX3, other products are not personally built by him! 15 is the first paragraph of its return, 16 continues, next year is an upgraded 16S - this is the first time to see the 16S name.

11, on streamlining layoffs

Meizu has released an open letter a few days ago, proposing to adhere to streamlining and efficiency, and confirmed 610 layoffs.

Huang Zhang said that the first thing he returned to Meizu was to improve the efficiency of the company's operations. In the previous year, it sold more than 20 million units and used 4,000 people. He needed more than 2,000 people to be able to cope with more than 20 million units of annual sales. Significantly reduce operating costs and increase efficiency, and product competitiveness will also be greatly improved.

In addition, in recent years, whether it is the rapid development of e-commerce, or the new concept of new retail, the core is to further improve efficiency, efficient replacement of inefficient competition becomes inevitable.


Hier noch ein paar Details. Einen render von Meizu gibt es ja auch noch nicht.

魅族16细节曝光:前置摄像头不居中 mydrivers

Meizu 16 details exposure: front camera is not centered
Recently Meizu technology founder Huang Zhang frequently appeared in the Meizu community, revealing more information on Meizu 16.

On the evening of June 24, Huang Zhang revealed in the Meizu community that Meizu 16's forehead and chin would be relatively narrow. Known as "narrower than the Samsung Galaxy S9 + 2mm can be easily achieved." Compared with Meizu 15, Meizu 16 has a wider border.

Huang Zhang said: "The Meizu 15's left and right borders are too extreme, and the cost is too high to be exceeded. Since the proportion of 16 screens is longer, the borders needed are even larger."

In view of this, Meizu 16 abandoned the 16:9 ratio on Meizu 15, and may adopt the ratio of 18:9.

In addition, Huang Zhang also revealed that the Meizu 16's front camera will not be centered like the Meizu 15. Because the front center of the forehead is narrow, it will collide with the stereo speakers, so the pro-cap can not be centered.

It is reported that the Meizu 16 series a total size of two versions, they will be equipped with Qualcomm Xiaolong 845 processor, the highest equipped with 8GB of memory, standard screen fingerprinting.

And Huang Zhang said, "The current screen ratio of 18:9 is most appropriate, 18.5:9 is acceptable, 18.7:9 is the limit, too long the fuselage is not easy to use", which speculates Meizu 16 screen ratio may be 18 :9.


Laut Meizu gibt es ja zwei Versionen, wobei die Meizu 16 Plus Version anscheinend ein 6.5" Display erhält. Und das gnaze soll noch mal toller als das Mi 8 sein. naja wer weiß :grin:

骁龙845+8G内存 魅族16 Plus曝光:采用6.5寸屏 mydrivers

Xiaolong 845+8G memory Meizu 16 Plus exposure: 6.5-inch screen
Before the Meizu 15 release, Meizu technology founder Huang Zhang had said that Meizu 15 is a "small test chopper" for the Meizu 16 is to build products , which makes the charm of the Meizu 16 more than a look forward to the Meizu.

On the evening of June 26, Huang Zhang revealed the details of Meizu 16 in the community. Huang Zhang revealed that the Meizu 16 feels much better than the Xiaomi 8, and said he is using the Meizu 16 Plus, the aircraft's screen size reached 6.5 inches.

Previously, Huang Zhang had revealed that the Meizu 16 series has a total of two versions, both of which will be equipped with Xiaolong 845 processor, with a maximum of 8GB of memory, and standard screen fingerprinting.

In view of this, Meizu 16 Plus equipped with 8GB memory should be no suspense, and it will be Meizu series history screen the largest flagship product.

In addition, Huang Zhang also revealed that the Meizu 16 series will not use curved screen, and will be equipped with dual speakers, the front camera will not be centered, the forehead is narrower than the Samsung Galaxy S9+.

As for the release time, Huang Zhang only said "will be released as soon as possible."


Active Member

Ist zwar vieles Spekulation, aber evtl könnte das Meizu 16 die Lösung sein für Menschen wie mich, die sich nicht zwischen dem Mi8EE und dem Mix2S entscheiden können. Keine Notch (was momentan für mich gegen das Mi8 spricht) und ne klasse Frontkamera von MP her (was für mich zZ gegen das Mix2s spricht). Wenn man dazu den Fingerabdrucksensor auf den Display packt und preislich beim Mi8 Standard ist, könnte man den Konkurrenten da bzgl des EE ausstechen.

Mal abwarten auf den Preis, die Verfügbarkeit und die entsprechenden ROMs. Wie siehts denn bei Meizu mit den Updates so aus?


Well-Known Member
Meizu hat richtig gute Firmware. Ich hab damals 2-3 Geräte im 100-150€ Bereich bestellt, als Geschenk und war erstaunt, wie gut diese laufen.
Leider immer Exynos oder MediaTek, kein B20 und kaum ein Händler, welcher diese anbietet (bin immer über Aliexpress gegangen).

Preislich waren die zu Beginn auch eine andere Liga. Die Qualität war dafür immer gut. Die denken aber auch oft mit und gehen nicht den Weg wie alle anderen. Die beiden Bilder aus dem Netz gefallen mir sehr.


Wann genau stellen die es jetzt vor? Weiterhin 08/2018?
genau steht das noch nicht fest. Allerdings haben im August angeblich auch Huawei und Apple etc Konferenzen und laut irgendwelchen Meizu fans wäre dann der 16.8. ein prima Datum. Meizu hat dann nur gemeint, es erscheint so bald wie möglich.

On June 26th, there were Charm Friend posts in the Meizu Community: “If Meizu 16 was released in 8.16, it is estimated that it will be cool again, because there are Apple, Samsung, Huawei and other conferences.” Huang Zhang responded: "I will be as soon as possible."


Angeblich soll das Meizu 16 schon vor dem 26.8. erscheinen, also entweder Ende Juli oder Anfang August.

魅友询问魅族16上市时间 黄章回应 mydrivers

Charm friend asked Meizu 16 listing time Huang Zhang response
On June 30th, there was a charm friend posting in the Meizu community asking if the annual flagship Meizu 16 series could be bought before August 26, because the charm friend would go abroad around August 26.

Huang Zhang replied: "Yes," it seems that Meizu 16 series has been on sale on August 26, then the machine may be released in early August or even at the end of July.


Bilder vom Display und irgendwas mit root.

黄章:Flyme彻底开放root权限 mydrivers

Huang Zhang: Flyme completely open root privileges
Recently, Mei Zhang, the founder of Meizu Technology, frequently interacted with Meizu in Meizu community, and the details about Meizu's new machine were announced.

On July 4th, there was a message from the fascinating friend: "Flyme has a complete root and various restrictions, and the file manager can't get it out." Huang Zhang responded: "Flyme has been notified to completely open the root."

The root privilege refers to the system administrator privilege of a Unix-like operating system (including Linux), similar to the Administrator in a Windows system. Android root permissions can access and modify almost any file in the phone, or you can delete the pre-installed apps in the phone by root.

In addition to the open Flyme root authority, Huang Zhang also released the real machine photo of Meizu 16, which supports screen fingerprint recognition, supports the display of the screen, and the border is narrower than the competition.

Configuration, Meizu 16 series will be equipped with Qualcomm Xiaolong 845 processor, equipped with 8GB of memory (Meizu 16 and Meizu 16 Plus have 8GB memory version).


Well-Known Member
Sollte das mit dem Root so sein, wie ich es mir vorstelle, dann ist es so, wie wir es damals unter CyanogenMod hatten.
In dem Fall kannst du Root erlangen aber auch Apps Root-Rechte geben. Das wäre zu schön um wahr zu sein..


In dem Fall kannst du Root erlangen aber auch Apps Root-Rechte geben. Das wäre zu schön um wahr zu sein..
War das mit dem root nicht immer so? Also beim MX3 konnte man einfach in den settings root auswählen, ohne daß man TWRP oder irgendwas installieren mußte.

Anscheinend gibt es bei dem neuen Meizu Handy keine Knopf mehr, wird wohl per Gesten und Gewische gesteuert.

魅族全新交互手势曝光 和实体键说拜拜 cnmo

Meizu new interactive gesture exposure and physical key saying bye bye
[ Mobile China News] After entering the full screen era, most full-screen mobile phones have lost physical keys on the front, so the built-in gesture operation of the system becomes the best basic operation plan. At present, Meizu and Charm Blue have launched a full-screen mobile phone, but the gesture operation has not been added. However, according to users involved in the charm blue E3 Flyme 7 internal test, the version of the system finally added gestures based on mBack.

Specifically, Meizu's gesture operation is: short-sliding from the bottom of the screen to return to the previous menu, and long-sliding to return to the desktop, sliding up and pause for the outgoing background, similar to the existing gestures of friends. It is worth noting that Meizu also added a global return function, which is a very practical operation on the iPhone, which can be returned to the upper menu by sliding from the left and right ends of the screen.

Interestingly, the previous Meizu technology CEO Huang Zhang broke the news in the Meizu community, saying that the upcoming Meizu 16 flagship will cancel the small circle key, and at the same time mBack interactive evolution. The gestures that appear in Flyme's beta version are likely to be carried by Meizu 16. In addition, Meizu 16 will also be equipped with mEngine, Meizu may combine it with the latest gestures.



Angeblich wird das Meizu 16 ein Amoled Display erhalten, ausserdem Finger Print Sensor unter dem Display und duale Lautsprecher.

魅族16核心资料泄露!7大卖点提前曝光 cnmo

Meizu 16 core information leaked! 7 big selling points early exposure

 [ Mobile China News] Following Meizu 15 , Meizu will once again usher in heavy new products. According to the latest news released by Meizu CEO Huang Zhang, Meizu 16 's release meeting is likely to be August 2 or August 8. Currently in late July, Meizu 16 is also close at hand. Now there are digital bloggers who have exposed the internal information of the suspected Meizu 16, and the 7 big selling points of the machine have been exposed.

According to the pictures released by @老爆科技, Meizu 16 has 7 major selling points. Including: on-screen fingerprint recognition, Snapdragon 845 flagship mobile platform, AI super camera, 6GB big save, new custom symmetrical full screen, Bass-level stereo, second-generation touch engine. According to the previous news of Huang Zhang, the reliability of these selling points is very high. The Meizu 16 series will feature a 18:9 full-screen design with symmetrical upper and lower frames, standard screen fingerprints, and an 845+8GB version of the Snapdragon, equipped with dual speakers and mEngine.

 In addition, the picture also shows that Meizu 16 and 16 Plus have a body thickness of 7.3mm and weights of 152g and 182g respectively. The rear camera features a Sony IMX380 sensor that supports four-axis optical image stabilization and 3x lossless zoom. COF using the narrowest width of the screen, screen, accounting for up to 91.18%, the sampling rate is close to the screen iPhone X and so on.
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黄章:AMOLED屏势不可挡 未来LCD屏应用在中低端机上 mydrivers

Huang Zhang: AMOLED screen is unstoppable. Future LCD screen applications are on low-end machines.
On July 19th, there was a charm friend posting in the Meizu community. I hope that the Xiaolong 710 version of Meizu 16 will use an LCD screen.

Contrast Huang Zhang said: " The future of high-end mobile phones is known as the world of AMOLED and micro-LED. The value of LCD screens in the future is only because of the cheap application on the low-end machines. This is not something that some consumers or manufacturers can change. ".

From this point of view, the Meizu 16 series uses AMOLED screens. It is reported that Meizu 16 series include Meizu 16 and Meizu 16 Plus, of which Meizu 16 provides two versions of Xiaolong 845 and Xiaolong 710, while Meizu 16 Plus is equipped with Xiaolong 845 processor.

All of the above models use 18:9 full screen, equipped with dual speakers, standard screen fingerprint recognition, up to 8GB of memory.


Angebliches Poster vom Meizu 16. Soll am 8.8. erscheinen, wenn das stimmt

魅族16官方宣传海报流出:屏内指纹识别 没有刘海 mydrivers

Meizu 16 official propaganda poster outflow: fingerprint recognition in the screen without bangs
The upcoming Meizu 16 will be the first official propaganda poster. According to the information on the poster, the new machine will be released on August 8. It is very glad that Meizu has not followed Feng Haiping.

Meizu 16 adopts Samsung AMOLED screen, which is symmetrical design up and down, and the screen ratio is very high (beyond the use of Liu Haiping's Xiaomi 8). The border around the phone is very narrow, the handset is placed on the top of the phone, and the front camera is on the right side of the forehead.

Recently, Huang Zhang spared no effort in the Meizu Technology Forum crazy news, Meizu 16 information has basically been exposed by him.

According to the data so far, the Meizu 16 series models include two types, Meizu 16 and 16Plus. Both should be only the size of the screen, they will use 18:9 full screen, the upper and lower borders are narrower than the millet 8. Configuration aspects include: 骁龙 845, 6/8GB memory, custom symmetrical Samsung AMOLED full screen, Bass level stereo, second generation touch engine, thickness 7.3mm, weight 152g, IMX380 main camera, AI super camera and screen fingerprint Identification.
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Well-Known Member
Band 20 und Kopfhöreranschluß und ich überlege, ob ich nach ein paar Jahren mal von Xiaomi zu Meizu wechsel. Mir gefällts :)

PS: Noch geiler wäre es, die haetten das kleine Display des Pro 7 auf die Rückseite genommen und die Frontkamera ganz weggelassen. Eine Dualcam reicht doch auch.


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