Xiaomi Kaffeemaschine ? - Matratze / Reiskocher / Regenschirm / VR / Zahnbürste usw


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Sehr cool! :grin: :grin: Aber eher wegem dem Tripod...hoffentlich ist da auch wieder die Xiaomi Qualität hinter!
If you think the selfie stick is cool, wait until you see the latest accessory Xiaomi just added on the Xiaomi Mall without any formal launch. It is a selfie stick which also doubles as a tripod stand for snapping selfies. Selfie snapping couldn’t get any easy and comfortable with the device which is priced at just 89 Yuan ($13).
Most of all, it comes with a Bluetooth remote control which enables it to connect to smartphones running Android 4.3 KitKat as well as iOS 5 and higher. It also has a self-counting timer such that it gives users time to pose properly before triggering the shutter. The remote control is attached to the stem of the device but can be removed and moved about as long as it is within the Bluetooth’s range.
From the hardware point of view, the Mi selfie stick comes with a lever made from aluminum alloy but with a handle pad for firm grip, making it impossible to slip off your hands. There is also a durable bracket meant to hold the smartphone which can rotate 360 degrees. Like other selfie sticks, it is foldable and very portable. Can fit easily into a small bag or even a pocket.
The Xiaomi Selfie stick with tripod comes in gray and black colors and as stated earlier, it goes for just 89 Yuan ($13). The device is available for purchase on Xiaomi mall.
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Neue Klingeltöne! :hehehe::spiteful:
Xiaomi has recently released the latest update to its home-grown Android-based operating system, MIUI 8.2, and one of the new things the company has brought with the new version is a large suite of new system sounds and ringtones.


Xiaomi Waage:

199元!小米体脂秤发布测量10项身体数据 mydrivers

$ 199! Millet body fat scale issued to measure 10 physical data
In today's conference near the end of the time, millet also released two new ecological chain, one for the millet body fat scales.

According to millet, millet body fat scales with a minimal appearance and ultra-thin design, to detect 10 physical data, the maximum support 16 people can be measured with the use of millet sports App.

Compared to millet weight scale, millet body fat scales thin more than 30%, the lowest body only 14.75mm scale.

At the same time millet body fat scale contact with the lower ground, the center of gravity is also more stable, built a piece of one piece of steel, to strengthen the overall strength , to ensure that the flatness of the scale, the scale weighing more stable and safe.

Millet body fat scale using the industry's mature BIA bioelectrical impedance technology. The basic principle is that the body is divided into conductive body fluids, muscles, and non-conductive adipose tissue, when the user barefoot on the body metal scale after the four metal electrodes, the internal BIA module will measure the user from the left to the right foot Of the resistance, with the formula to calculate the results of human ingredients.

Fat is not conductive, muscle moisture content, good conductivity, through the two points between the current and voltage changes, calculate the resistance, the higher the resistance, the higher the fat content. And then combined with the user's height, weight, age, gender and other data, calculate the body fat, muscle, water and other human health parameters.

In addition to body fat, millet body fat scales can also measure body weight, BMI, muscle mass, basal metabolism, visceral fat grade, bone mass, water, body fat rate, body size, body scores a total of 10 human data. Through the mobile phone and millet movement APP binding, each weighing and fat-related data will automatically upload, as the current physical condition of an indicator to guide the user to maintain or improve. When used by many people, it can also intelligently identify different weighing people, were recorded, up to 16 people to support data measurement, and unlimited storage of weight data.

The body fat price of 199 yuan, will be officially opened on March 3 0:00.
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Xiaomi Walkie Talkie

249元!小米米家对讲机真机图赏:告别黑大粗丑 mydrivers

$ 249! Millet rice walkie-talkie real machine map tours: farewell black big ugly
For frequent activities in the field of students, the walkie-talkie is one of the essential equipment. Today, millet released a meter walkie-talkie, support UV double, standby up to 8 days, the appearance of fine beautiful, bid farewell to the traditional walkie-talkie "black big ugly."

According to the official introduction, rice intercom with minimal design, 8 days standby, FM radio, location sharing and other selling points. Support UV two sections, suitable for urban centers and wilderness and other occasions. Ps.UHF Frequency range: 403-470MHz, VHF frequency range: 136-174MHz. Respectively, suitable for the city, wild.

Official data show that about 10 km of communication distance in the sea level environment can automatically filter noise and interference signals, the general frequency of calls can be used for about 17 hours .

In addition, rice walkie-talkie support fast team, share the location, with subwoofer, poor frequency, dual frequency and other radio enthusiasts commonly used functions.

It is reported that rice home walkie-talkie pricing 249 yuan, millet mall, rice mall, lynx millet official flagship store, Jingdong, Suning 3 o'clock on March 3 to sell, millet home on the same day on sale.

The following is a rice walkie-talkie real machine map tours :
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Well-Known Member
Scishare Coffee Machine
In terms of size, the Coffee machine measures 34 x 10 x 26 cm and for controls, there is a power button sitting alongside a button for extraction. On the whole, the machine is easy to clean and easy to operate. There are also LED lights for direction as well as a flow control lever.
The machine is also designed to express the coffee beans based on the different concentration preference of individuals. There are also 8 difference cup sizes ranging from 15-85ml. The Coffee machine is available for funding on the crowdfunding platform and each participant will get 50 imported coffee capsules. The first batch of the product is expected to ship on April 18. You can head on to Xiaomi’s Mi home in case you are interested in finding out more about the product or grabbing one for yourself. It cost just 399 Yuan ($58).
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Well-Known Member
Kann sein, dass Xiaomi so langsam ein Tchibo Image bekommt. Besonders, wenn man nicht klar zwischen den Eigenentwicklungen und den Crowdfunding Produkten differenziert.

Ich wundere mich zwar auch über den einen oder anderen Artikel, aber auf der anderen Seite, wer von uns hätte je von z.B. den Kugelschreibern gehört, wenn nicht Xiaomi mit seinem Namen dahinter stehen würde? Stände irgendeine andere Firma hinter dem Crowdfunding, hätte ich garantiert nicht mittlerweile 5 Stück von denen... ;)

Zur Kaffeemaschine, da bin ich mal auf den Preis gespannt! Die Maschinen gängiger Hersteller, werden ja nach dem Druckerprinzip stark vergünstigt angeboten. Den Gewinn macht man mit den Kapseln.

Da die Xiaomi Kapselmaschine aber universal mit verschiedenen Kapselsystemen gefüttert werden kann, fällt diese Einnahmequelle für den Hersteller weg.


Well-Known Member
wie soll das funktionieren? das konnte ich nicht wirklich rauslesen ...
Da steht leider auch nicht viel mehr, als dass sie mit verschiedenen Markenkapseln laufen soll. Vielleicht verschiedene Einsätze?

Wird anscheinend nicht von Xiaomi produziert, gibt es bereits in Portugal für 28,16€;
Stimmt, interessant dabei ist allerdings nur, dass diesmal der eigentliche Hersteller bekannt wird. Die Produkte von der Crowdfunding Plattform stammen ja alle nicht von Xiaomi.


Wichtig wäre halt zu wissen welche Kapseln genau reinpassen.
Das hat mich auch interessiert. Und genau über diese wichtigste Info wird sich ausgeschwiegen.

Immerhin, auf der Mi Homepage kann man auf einem Foto sehen, dass die Kaffeemaschine mit Kapseln der Marke 'Cafe Liegois' kommt:

Und wenn man auf die Homepage dieser Kaffeemarke geht, so findet man die Information, dass deren Kapseln kompatibel mit Nespresso (Citiz, Essenza, Pixie, U, Maestria, Latissima) sind. Also: Zumindest Nespresso Kapseln sollten passen.

Auf der Mi Homepage steht auch, dass die Maschine zusammen mit 50 importierten Kaffee Kapseln kommen soll ('will be presented with 50 imported coffee capsules'). Das kann man zwar zweideutig verstehen, aber mal sehen, ob tatsächlich Kaffeekapseln schon mit dabei sind. Edit: Es scheint, als ob nur die Crowdfunder 50 Kapseln dazu bekommen werden.

Im Mai könnte es sein, dass ich die Chance habe nach China zu fahren. Aber wie ich Xiaomi mittlerweile kenne, wird die generelle Verfügbarkeit, sogar in den eigenen Shops, wohl mal wieder mindestens sechs Monate dauern ('...is expected to be shipped on April 18 one after another'). Wenn es doch schneller gehen sollte (die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt), dann würde ich definitiv so eine Maschine mal kaufen und mitnehmen.


Xiaomi Schuhe mit Intel chip


小米众筹智能跑鞋发布 299元/Intel芯片 cnmo

Millet all raised intelligence running shoes released 299 yuan / Intel chip
 [ Phone China News] @ m home this morning announced the App # Milletcrowdfunding # first 68 products, that is powered by Intel chips 90 UItra Smart intelligent shoe, which sells for $ 299, both men and women, male models There are surfing blue and black, female models have camellia powder and black optional.

It is said that the running shoes by the Shanghai Run meters Technology Co., Ltd. research and development, April 15 from the delivery. Its built-in button size Inte Curie chip, can accurately detect the movement of the data, including the route, distance, speed, calories, etc., but also intelligent identification running, walking, riding, climbing four kinds of sports state, And provide future sports fitness program for runners. The chip once charge, life time up to 60 days.

According to reports, 90 points UItra Smart smart shoes designed for the first runner design, the use of breathable sandwich mesh uppers, cushioning foam material, antibacterial removable insole, followed by air cushion, high elastic foam in the end, TPU cup design, The soles have ring-shaped shock-absorbing material, the arch support balance sheet, anti-collision toe, non-slip wear-resistant outsole, not only comfortable to wear, can cushion, but also reduce the movement of unnecessary pain and injury. In addition, the blue special edition in the end also added luminous material, more cool.
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Well-Known Member
Tee soll ja mit gefiltertem Wasser wesentlich besser schmecken. Kommt aber IMHO auf die örtliche Wasserversorgung drauf an. Ich habe meinen Aktivkohlefilter vor ca 20 Jahren weggeschmissen, da mir unser Wasser und auch der damit zubereitete Tee, pur besser schmeckt.


Well-Known Member
Es ist nur hoffen dass das Wasserfilter zu diesem Preis besser funktioniert als die billigere Modellen von Xiaomi. Die Warentests davon sind nicht sehr positiv in China.


Well-Known Member
Wie schön das man diesen Thread immer wieder findet, wenn man nur "kaffeemaschine" eingibt! :grin: :grin:

Xiaomi Smart fitness device
The Xiaomi Smart fitness device has a design that is sort of a storage and the different equipment can be split into different fitness tools like elastic rope, abdominal wheel, push-ups, skipping rope, and other fitness equipment. Apart from the multipurpose fitness equipment, the Smart fitness gadget comes with seven different types of sensors which detect and record fitness data. The data can be monitored in real time via an app on smartphones.
Also, the Xiaomi multipurpose fitness equipment also comes with a professional fitness video tutorial which can serve as your fitness trainer. It carries a price tag of 1299 Yuan ($188) and is currently open for crowdfunding. The equipment is expected to ship on April 25.
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Außerdem hat Xiaomi jetzt auch Zugang zur Warner Music Group's Musikbibliothek.
Habe von so einem Dienst von Xiaomi noch nie gehört^^
Warner Music. And Xiaomi just signed an agreement with them.
Warner Music Group or Warner Music for short is the third largest recording company in the world. The recording company has what can be referred to as an endless list of record labels under its three main ones listed above. That means hundreds of artists and millions of songs, right? Yes, and with Xiaomi’s new partnership with them, that means access to this large digital music library.
Xiaomi has been working on expanding its music library for millions of Xiaomi fans out there. The partnership will solve this problem, allowing users to have access to songs from a wide range of foreign and local musicians. It will also serve as a way for the artists under Warner Music to access new distribution channels. In addition to Warner Music, Xiaomi also has access to songs from Universal Music, Sony Music, Decca Records and more than 30 others.
Xiaomi, recently updated the MIUI music app with a number of new features. There is now an immersive mode, advanced search mode, cloud sync, artist’s info page, lyrics feature, and lots more. The music industry is a very big and profitable market. The partnership is, therefore, a huge deal for Xiaomi.
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