Das hier schreibt ein "UMI RUSSIA" Moderator im UMI-Forum:
First of all, we thank you very much for the people who stand up and tell us the truth.
We appreciated it very much for the info so we could stop the further mistake is carried on.
After a couple times of production investigation, we found out there are a few devices from our first bench has the incorrect battery due to Battery supplier’s negligence and disregard the serious problem that cause to UMI.
They have given all UMI Hammer user who has the battery issue a free accurate battery.
So for our dear UMI hammer users who has received inaccurate battery, you could go to the seller where you bought the device to claim a free battery.
We apology for our overlooked the battery quality control and this is a great lesson for us to make sure our next phone won’t have this problem!
Das ist doch genau das, was wir wollten, eine Entschuldigung und einen neuen, besseren Akku - kostenlos.
Insofern...sooo übel ist UMI doch gar nicht
First of all, we thank you very much for the people who stand up and tell us the truth.
We appreciated it very much for the info so we could stop the further mistake is carried on.
After a couple times of production investigation, we found out there are a few devices from our first bench has the incorrect battery due to Battery supplier’s negligence and disregard the serious problem that cause to UMI.
They have given all UMI Hammer user who has the battery issue a free accurate battery.
So for our dear UMI hammer users who has received inaccurate battery, you could go to the seller where you bought the device to claim a free battery.
We apology for our overlooked the battery quality control and this is a great lesson for us to make sure our next phone won’t have this problem!
Das ist doch genau das, was wir wollten, eine Entschuldigung und einen neuen, besseren Akku - kostenlos.
Insofern...sooo übel ist UMI doch gar nicht