Leider ist dort nicht angegegben was für LTE es kann .
Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQwMzc3MDMy.html
6英寸2GHz八核 TCL H900M上手视频 mtksj

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQwMzc3MDMy.html
6英寸2GHz八核 TCL H900M上手视频 mtksj
6 inches TCL H900M started eight-core 2GHz Video
TCL performance 4G era of increasingly positive, Recently frequently to see new TCL propaganda machine, a popular version of the product is Meme da 4G, 3G version of the aircraft's position and the same, through cost-effective to get users favor. But in addition to this new price of less than a thousand dollars, TCL is also preparing a big wave of 4G new machine, which is inside the most anticipated TCL H900M, it is not only a huge screen, as well as ultra-high screen with a full range of accounting functions, can also support LTE networks.
H900M real machine has started demo video was released, users can see the concern of the aircraft ahead faster.
Video in the H900M equipped with the native Android 4.42 system and the exposure of the machine processor information, H900M equipped with the high-frequency version of the eight-core 2GHz processor, high-frequency version is expected to be MT6592 can support 4G network, built-in 2G RAM +16 G ROM memory, guaranteed on 2G +2 G memory on eight-core performance, which is run from the video games, watch movies and other tests can be seen. May be the reason the project is not optimized machine, the machine run more than 15,000 points of only significantly lower than normal.
TCL H900M other with a 6-inch giant screen resolution of 1080P level, with 5,000,000 +1300 megapixel camera, standard stylus, and there may be support for wireless charging and other functions. It is worth mentioning that there are aircraft design, equipped with 6-inch large screen H900M measurements only 160.5 * 81.6 * 7.9mm, accounting for extraordinary screen.