THL W11 Monkey King - MT6589T 5" FHD display 13MP Front + 13MP Hauptkamera



neues handy von THL. Das Handy bekommt eine 13Mp Front sowie eine 13Mp Hauptkamera :crazy: :)


THL美猴王谍照再现 这样的外观你喜欢吗? mtksj

THL Monkey spy reproduce this appearance you like it?
Recent actions THL phone great new machine after another was exposed in front of friends, in addition to the T-series TD market into three new machines, W series W9, W11 and other new machines are starting to reveal the true capacity. In several new machines in, THL W11 is clearly the most talked about, and phone number of this phone is the only product THL enjoy a "nickname" products, W11 is called THL Monkey King, the exposure of the ID diagram, recently another new spy photos of the Monkey King passed out.
THL Monkey W11 has been out before the product's "rounded" shape, transformed into a classic candybar + rectangular style, smooth lines and bold, the whole appears to be very tough, can be found through the latest pictures, THL W11 show a side of the fuselage strong metal texture. Additionally Monkey King SIM card slot so moved around the body, the body may be Micro SD card slot on the left, the right focus on the volume keys and power button at the top of the fuselage more "lively", respectively, SIM card slots and Micro USB interface and a 3.5 mm headphone jack, from adopting unibody design analysis, the thickness of the phone should be compared to the force. This article comes from MTK mobile phone network


Monkey King on the hardware specifications of THL official to disclose the information is very limited, but the exposure parameters are out of the most attractive areas of concern, the aircraft will be equipped with dual 13 million-pixel high-definition camera, 8-megapixel camera, front camera products have been for everyone marvel, using 13 million pixel front camera THL W11 Self-emergence of successful acquisition of the "world's first 13 million pixel front smartphone" in the title. In addition this product is also equipped with a 5-inch full HD screen resolution of 1920 * 1080, while the official price has been hit shots, this phone listing price in 1699 yuan -1999 yuan. As for the processor, memory and other aspects of information, I believe that the next time will be announced.

There is no suspense, W11 will be THL phone flagship product debut, THL phone or hope to shout about Monkey warlords melee of domestic mobile phone market is also unknown, in addition to a powerful camera specifications and high-definition screen, this Other aspects of the same product is worth the wait.


sieht aber trotzdem nicht schlecht aus :) soll angeblich 1699 yuans kosten ? ( 210€ )

2G+32G内存前置1300万 THL美猴王售1699元 mtksj

2G +32 G memory pre 13,000,000 THL Monkey sale 1699 yuan
At present, many manufacturers began to seize the high-end quad-core products, the price of 1,499 yuan recently appeared in a variety of models, the widespread adoption of 2G and the main memory on a higher frequency MT6589T quad-core processors. Recently THL phone THL Monkey on the latest products, issued a statement this THL phone ever highest standard quad-core products will be sold in 1699, and recently that there may be officially listed, with prices announced, internal Model THL W11's Monkey core hardware configuration basically clear, Friends of the machine like the phone might find out.
THL Monkey Front 13000000 back-illuminated camera should be the biggest selling point, the main camera also reached the 13 million pixels, the same as the front-facing camera with back-illuminated, the main camera with LED flash, let THL Monkey King become the "world's first pre 13,000,000 webcam" quad-core smartphone. Processor as part of the W8/W9 beyond, powered by MTK MT6589T quad-core processors, main frequency up to 1.5GHz, while GPU frequency has increased to 357MHz, previously unannounced memory specification is adopted 2G RAM +32 G ROM large memory, and also supports 32G expansion.

Display of "Monkey King" a 5.0-inch IPS screen, OGS full lamination, resolution 1920 * 1080 FHD levels, from the exposure of the real machine photos, put out the screen after the results have been very satisfactory. In addition to the aircraft will be run through a custom Android 4.2 system, from the name attached to W series can guess, this phone will support China Unicom WCDMA 3G network.
THL Monkey real machine first impression is "long" very upright, straight and right angle to show the combination of tough atmosphere of the wind, which is the majority of the new machine W11 style with the previous round of products there are significant differences, it should be said THL Mobile also conform to many users aesthetic orientation, see more product after oval, square appearance is gradually became popular. The machine uses a one-piece design, so the SIM card slot, and storage card slot placed at the top of the fuselage and the right side of the border should be used is metal material that looks are more texture. In general, the use of one-piece models have a slim majority of the thickness, THL Monkey have amazing slim yet to be verified, but also because the body is not removable, so the machine's battery is not replacement.

Look through the known information, THL Monkey comprehensive level Yes, it is one of the few recent high with MTK platform products, the appearance is also more lovable, and 1699 yuan price I believe that most users should be able to accept. THL Monkey King is also expected to become a recent THL phone is a great tool, specifically how we'll see.


Fotos vom Handy:

即将发布 前置1300万像素THL W11真机图赏 mtksj

Not yet released has sparked countless hot THL W11 has a nickname for the THL Monkey King, equipped with a 13 million pixel ultra high-definition front camera self-timer will be officially released on 8th of this month, in addition to pre 13,000,000 pixels, the aircraft's rear camera is also a back-illuminated 13 million camera, and equipped MT6589T quad-core processor, with 2G RAM +32 G ROM's large memory contour configuration.

Hardware will surely attract attention, THL Monkey design also broke the previous product style, through the details of the plan to find out the real machine.


Ja der Akku & kein SD Card Slot haben mich auch sehr verunsichert. Sehr schade! Specs an sich sind super und das Design finde ich persönlich auch super.


Well-Known Member
Hehe, das F2 habe ich auch schon auf der Liste, allerdings gibts da noch nicht die 2GB Version und die moechte ich gerne haben, um ein wenig mit Videostreaming zu experimentieren ;) Alternative waere noch das Neken N6 mit 2GB (gibts auch erst Ende August).


Das kann ich leider nicht sagen, ich hatte das Handy nicht wirklich lange. GPS Test sah gut aus und eine Testfahrt mit Sygic hat mich auch problemlos ans Ziel gebracht. Wirklich Langzeiterfahrung habe ich aber nicht!


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