Jiayu G4 - 1,2ghz MT6589 4,7" IPS HD720 display 8,2mm dick 1800mah / 3000mah Akku



Neues handy von Jiayu. Wird sich wohl noch einiges ändern bis das kommt.

佳域G4,重新定义千元四核智能手机! - Powered by Discuz!

[Information exchange] good domain G4 redefine thousands of quad-core smart phone!

December 12, 2012, immediately following the MTK 6589 quad-core chip release, good domains phone will launch next-generation flagship smartphone - the good domain G4 redefine thousands quad-core smartphone!
Good domain the G4 main performance parameters are as follows:
1, CPU: MT6589 1.2Ghz four nuclear; the GPU: SGX544
2,4.7 inch IPS screen with a resolution of 1280x720 HD (MIPI interface) to reach the retina level; using the OGS whole process (single glass program fit)
3, the thickness of the dual-battery design, thin electric 1800 mA, 3000 mA thick power for the different needs of the user selects.
4, gyroscope \ distance \ light \ Gravity \ magnetic sensor \ double wheat Noise Reduction \ WIFI \ Bluetooth \ FM \ GPS galore!
5, body measurements: thin electric about 133 × 65 × 8.2 (mm) thick electric 133 × 65 × 10 (mm), a larger screen, a shorter, narrower, thinner body!
6, higher definition camera configuration, specific parameters be announced separately.
The ultra-narrow border design, screen frame unilateral narrow to 2.8-2.9 mm (1.8 mm capacitive screen border).


New Member
Also optisch garnicht so verkehrt... allerdings sieht die front etwas naja aus. Das G3 ist auf der vorderseite optisch schöner.
Aber ich bin mal auf den Preis gespannt, wenn es im Juni 2013 rauskommt ;-)
Das Design vom G3 ist in meinem Augen schwer schlagbar... das G4 würde ich mir aber auch zulegen ;) mal abwarten, was die preise sagen, ggf. lohnt sichs ja ^^


Well-Known Member
Kann mir einmal ein Android-Profi sagen wieso NFC kein Thema ist bei den Chinesen ? Würde ja so gut wie nichts kosten. Oder kopieren sie auch da Apple (welche NFC auch vergessen haben beim neusten Wurf).


noch mal eine aktuelleres Bild vom g4:

[资讯交流] 佳域G4,重新定义千元四核智能手机! - Powered by Discuz!

Golden G4, redefine thousands of quad-core smart phone!
Golden G4 major performance parameters are as follows:
Quad-Core 1, CPU:MT6589 1.2Ghz; GPU:SGX544
IPS, 2 inch screen, resolution 1280x720 HD (MIPI interfaces), reaches a retinal level; using OGS laminating technology (single glass scheme)
3, thickness double batteries design, thin 1800 Ma, thick by 3,000 Ma, for different needs of users.
4, gyro \ \ \ distance light gravity \ \ magnetic sensor dual noise-canceling Bluetooth \FM\GPS \WIFI\ MAK-everything!
5, body measurements: thin about 133x65x8.2 (mm), thick 133x65x10 (mm), a large screen, a shorter, narrower and thinner body!
6, HD camera configuration, specific parameters be announced separately.
7, ultra thin border design, screen border unilateral narrow to 2.9 mm (1.8 mm capacitive touch screen border).


Jiayu Pläne für 2013:

佳域手机2013年发展规划 Jiayu Forum - Powered by Discuz!

2013 the good domains phone product line planning:
Good domain G2s, located in the 4-inch small-size screen quality mobile dual-core CPU, mainstream configuration QHD resolution, OGS process IPS screen effect, outstanding work fine with the battery level, the metal frame.
Good domain G4, the popularity of quad-core mobile phone targeted at the 4.7-inch large-size screen, quad-core CPU configuration mainstream HD resolution, OGS process IPS screen effect is excellent, the same level in the battery, and the thickness of the dual-battery version of the design, the lowest price .
Good domain G5 targeted at 4.5 inches in size screen boutique phone, quad-core CPU configuration mainstream HD resolution, OGS process IPS screen effect superior, ultra-thin, full metal body, compatible with the thickness of the dual battery technology standards to catch up with international brand.
The good domain G6, targeted at 5.5 inches above the oversized screen phone, quad-core CPU configuration leading HD / Full HD resolution, screen superior results, the thin fuselage oversized battery support stylus, dual speakers leading function.
Above several products have been included in the research and development of an advanced stage, the more details we will at the appropriate time to report.


Das sieht ja nicht übel aus, aber ich verstehe nicht, warum die nicht den edel-look des G3 beibehalten, oder gar verbessert haben... Da waren die doch auf dem absolut richtigen Dampfer mit...
Wo die Android-"gegner" doch praktisch nur noch das Argument mit dem Plastiklook auf der Pfanne haben.


Es wird wohl 2 G4 geben, eine dicke version mit 3000mah Akku und eine dünnere Version mit 1800 mah Akku.
Die standard edition soll irgendwas unter 1000 yuans kosten. Glaube das soll die Übersetzung heißen ?

[资讯交流] 佳域G4详细参数及售价区间透露 - Jiayu Forum Powered by Discuz!

[Information exchange] the good domain G4 parameters and price range to disclose
Jia domain G4 into submission stage, detailed parameters exposure are as follows:

  • Jia domain G4 Standard Edition | High-equipped version of the good domain G4

  • CPU MT6589 1.2Ghz Quad-Core
  • GPU SGX544
  • RAM 1GB | 2GB
  • ROM 4GB | 32GB (to be determined)
  • Screen Size 4.7 inches IPS (PPI 312 retinal level)
  • Screen technology And OGS full fit Corning generation gorilla glass
  • Resolution 1280x720 HD
  • Touch screen Multi-touch capacitive screen
  • Camera 3,000,000 pixels + after 13 million pixels Flash, autofocus
  • Battery capacity Thin electrical Edition 1800 mA | 3000 mA thick electric version
  • Operating system Android 4.1
  • Sensor
    The gyroscopes \ distance \ light \ Gravity \ magnetic sensor \ double wheat Noise Reduction
  • Additional equipment WIFI \ Bluetooth \ FM \ GPS
  • Memory expansion Maximum 64G
  • Network Dual card dual standby
  • Other Metal frame; 2.9 mm ultra-narrow bezel
  • Body size The thin electrical Edition: 133 × 65 × 8.2 (mm) | thick electric version: 133 × 65 × 10 (mm)
Note: The above is for reference only, specific to the actual phone factory configuration shall prevail!

Price: 1G RAM Standard Edition thousand dollars less than the initial price; joint commissioning 2G RAM high version needs with the flash memory chip supplier, Samsung, time-consuming and relatively long, 1G RAM Standard Edition will be listed in advance!


Hört sich doch gut an. Fehlen nur noch die Release Termine und die Preise natürlich. Ich finde 10mm jetzt nicht wirklich dick für ein Smartphone.


also einen prototypen oder so müssen die ja auch erstmal vorführen , bis jetzt gibt es ja auch nur ein paar Photos. Ein Datum steht ja auch noch nicht fest und im Jiayu Laden steht auch noch nichts :)
Am 21. Jannuar gibt es nur einen discount von G2 und G3. G2s kostet 880 yuans und G3 899 yuans. Aber mehr news gibt es sonst auch nicht.

Jiayu forum thread
[Offering Circular] good domain official mall next Monday (January 21) Mobile Offering
The good domain official Mall next Monday (January 21) Offering merchandise plans:
1, good domain of G2s, black, priced at 880 yuan.
The purchase page address: 佳域G2s(黑色0121)_佳域手机官方商城
Good domain G3, black and silver-white, priced at 899 yuan.
The purchase page address: 佳域G3(0121)_佳域手机官方商城
3, the best the domain G2 dual-core version, black and white, priced at 799 yuan, to send battery and charger.
The purchase page address: G2双核版(送电池座充0118)_佳域手机官方商城
The good domain G2 dual-core popular version, black and white, priced at 599 yuan.
The purchase page address: G2双核普及版(0118)_佳域手机官方商城
5 the good domain G2 dual-core TD, black, priced at 599 yuan.
The purchase page address: G2双核TD版(0118)_佳域手机官方商城
Sale at the time, at 10 o'clock on January 21 about the intention to attention!


Ich hab von einem händler auf aliexpress erfahren dass die ersten geräte ab april erhältlich sein werden.
Er meinte auch dass das G4 eines der ersten mit MT6589 sein werden. Inwiefern das stimmt kann ich natürlich nicht sagen, aber wird schon hinkommen mit april.


Active Member
Du kannst mit an Sicherheit grenzender Warscheinlichkeit davon ausgehen das vor Juni kein G4 auf dem Markt sein wird, wenn überhaupt.


G4 Bilder:

[资讯交流] 再曝G4工程机照片 - Powered by Discuz! Jiayu Forum
[资讯交流] 佳域G4工程机照片2 - Powered by Discuz! Jiayu Forum

[Information exchange] good domain the G4 engineering machine photos
Current engineering prototype are censorship appearance with the official version will have some differences.
Engineering machine LOGO signs of the back of the phone better domain old logo signs, witnessed the G2 the birth friends should have the impression. The official version of the phone will still use the logo of the the seedlings the flags and jiayu new logo.
Jia domain G4 support dual card inside a card with a small card design.
Black back cover with matte material, white back cover piano paint.

And longer exposure G4 engineering machine photo
OGS full of ultra-narrow border thin body beautiful and extremely fit screen!


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