Yota max 4g trouble


New Member

I own a Yota Max4g and i did try to upgrate it's firmware.

Following the steps, as described in this video -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DaHt3OLUos
all seemed to work fine, till the step where i connect the phone.
IDT says "Phone Checked" and after 2 seconds it says "UE not entry download mode!(Mode 0x00)" and result turns to "FAIL"

Trying to solve this myself ended up on me being unable to even hard reset the phone. It keeps rebooting on and on.

So at this moment my phone can be in 4 conditions:
1. Normal open which ends up on infinite rebooting
2. Volume UP + Vol DOWN + Power on, which goes to hard reset, it does it and returns to infinite rebooting
3. Volume UP + Power on, which goes to "Calibrating" Screen, and if connected to IDT says UE not entry download mode but mode says 0xC0

and last
4. Volume Down + Power on, which goes to "Downloading..." screen, if connected to idt says the message described above.

Searching for hours didnt come up with something, so, any help would be greatly apreciated!
Thanks in advance



normaly this is the right mode to flash. Do you use a Windows XP computer? And please tell me witch ROM you use.

Is this a english ROM?

Here is the document, how I flashed my YOTA. And it works




New Member
I use windows 2000 and i tried both english and german ROM.
The directions described in the document are more or less the same i followed myself. Not sure about the part "make sure the battery is enough to flash".
My battery should be >50% but is this enough? Could this be the reason?

P.S. Some "major" difference is on installing the IDT. In the German rar of the rom, it includes an IDT.exe, which is the installer i used. Nothing relevant to the setup.inf etc which the doc describes, but i believe the installer is a self-extract which prolly does these things by itself.

P.S. 2
I v tried this method in Windows 2000,XP,Vista,7, english and german versions. All the same result
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New Member
Is it probable that this phone has any kind of "Lock switch" that turns the rom to RO/RW? Like some flash sticks do, like some old nokia phones did with 2 pins onboard.
Any ideas?


could be also the wrong flash rom ? As far as i know there are already 2 other yota max out, with slighly different hardware. Read that once on m8cool, beause the first yota max was a little buggy.

this would have been the article, unfortunately it doesnt exist anymore , since m8cool updated their webpage, i think


yota max 4g old version of cottage new PK



yes it exist a YOTA with one camera and a YOTA with two cameras. So be shure witch version yours


New Member
Aha i was not aware about that. Seems to make some sense i guess.

My yota has 2 cameras, front and back.
The ROM on this site is for which phone?

I ll make some investigation and i ll share any results :)

Havnt found anything yet.
But i was wondering, still, a wrong firmware Cant be updloaded to phone? It wouldnt work, but it could be uploaded right?
My problem is that i cant upload any rom.
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The ROM on this site is for which phone?
It's for the Yota with ONE camera. When I uploaded the firmware and made the video, there wasn't even a different version of the Yota available.

I think your best bet is to try to get a rom for your phone from whoever you bought it from.


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