FLEI - MTK LangPack Editor/Importer/Exporter


New Member
Good day.
Let's discuss new free MTK LangPack editor - FLEI.
Main advantages:
- allow to change phrase length
- allow to change only one of multi-used phrases
- allow to import langpack from one firmware to other with determination translation's accuracy and alternative translations.
- allow to make multi-import - import parts of languages to one firmware from few other firmwares.

Limitations of current version (TO DO):
- you can't save changes directly to the firmware, you can save it to 2 files: langpack and offsets which easily can be written to the firmware with WinHex or something like this.
- at the moment you can't save import project (accuracy of translation, alternative translations, etc...) you can only save result - langpack + offsets

Also there are in the TO DO list langpack compression (removing doubled phrases).

Windows x86 version
Windows x86_64 version
Linux version
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


New Member
Thanks for your interest.
Later I will add full German/English description of FLEI on my site.
This is first alpha version, so there could be bugs (for example if you opening setting file with settings only for BIN1 or BIN2, but not both, settings will be applied to the BIN2 form, regardless path written in the settings file - this bug fixed in the Linux version, but updated windows version not released yet), so if you find some, please write here.


New Member
New 1.04 version released.
Fixed some bugs. MTK6225-6226 langpack auto-search added.
Writing langpack changes to the firmware added.

P.S. Always make back-up before writing changes to the firmware.


New Member
New 1.05 version released.

Few bugs fixed, fixed bug with incorrect phrase change in case if changed phrase is multiused and it has been changed to the phrase wich is present in langpack.
Possibility to do not remove unnecessary quotes during reading the language was added. Also functionality to remove duplicate phrases and unnecessary quotes after language is read was added.

Please write if 64 version doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
Hello Funt :)

I tested your editor now with some NOR and NAND Images.
And all Firmwares worked 100% correct after editing.
Great work you have done here, respect! :)

A really great option is the translation with respect of another language (import an already good translated pack).
Your tool ist looking for balance between reference language Bin1 and Bin2.
That is a really great idea.

One option would be very helpful (from my side):
An option to show only the "red entries = Phrase was not found in reference language 1" after importing the new pack.

Please keep up the great work.
Really helpful :)


New Member
One option would be very helpful (from my side):
An option to show only the "red entries = Phrase was not found in reference language 1" after importing the new pack.
Thanks for the feedback!
I will add this option in next versions.
In the current version you can sort imported language, so all the "red entries" will be together, and in this case it will be easier to translate it manually.


New Member
I have not found that option. And im am working with version 1.05, the newest one.
You should just click to "Language for import" column caption to sort entries (ASC / DESC) by Alphabet / Accuracy of the translation / Multi-used or non multi-used phrase / Phrase with alternative translations or without it / By index.
Also you can sort entries by index (ASC/DESC) clicking by "No" column caption.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am planing to add some indication, but I have no time to implement it now :(
No need to make pressure :)
The tool is workling good as it is now.
That option is only luxury. Not really important.

I am working also with china editor and MTKore (stops working next year, pity)
But FLEI is a really good addition, better in editing language packs as china editor :)


New Member
Version 1.06 released. Changes:
- Fixed bug when search started without any row selected in table
- Added case insensitivy search possibility
- removed "swithc BIN1 <-> BIN2" button
- Added possibility to change name and codes of the language (works only if languages found with autosearch)


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