iZiNN CJ-3 Android 2.1 WVGA kapazititv


Active Member
Das ist doch kein konkurent da lacht das Meizu M9 nur laut... allein die Displayauflösung und der Cpu wert des Meizu M9 schlagen diesen Nokia Android Clone.


Well-Known Member
Wirklich eine wunderschöne Verpackung! :) Irgendwas stört mich an dem Handy, obwohl ich es eigentlich ganz cool finde!


ich glaube nicht daß der das handy verkauft, sondern eher eine schutzhülle. oder vielleicht auch nur das Gehäuse in anderen farbtönen, weil die Nokia Farbpallette anders aussieht. 600 Y wären auch zu wenig.
sieht auch vom interface eher wie ein MTK handy aus. Denke da wird irgentein billig klon mit falschen Bildern verkauft. Wenn überhaupt :)


das Izinn 3 bekommt anscheinend auch dieses 3D feature.

Keine Ahnung wofür man das braucht.

google Übersetzung ist mal wieder :!


N8 shape naked eye 3D technology coming out of the Yangtze 3 Communications
Rockchip Microelectronics booth appearance, resembles the shape of the Nokia N8 network exposure from the Yangtze River 3, since the majority of users received the attention, the Yangtze River 3, carrying the Android 2.1 system, and has a 3.5 inch screen (480X800) and homemade Zinn Docky UI, while the fuselage behind the mosaic of a 500 million pixel auto focus camera with 720P HD video recording, but this phone optimization phase is not yet listed, please pay attention to the specific details of the Zhongguancun online mobile phone channels.
Yangtze River on the 3rd also used Rockchip the latest generation of mobile 3G chip solution, the program's biggest feature is the maximum make up for Android phone video media capabilities, while the most prominent to the number of the naked eye 3D display technology, technical characteristics somewhat similar to the NVIDIA Tegra 2, a body in addition to built-in CPU 800 MHz, but also have both an independent research and development Rockchip GPU.

Wenigsten braucht man keine 3D brille :thumb_up: klingt interessant. :)

Of course, play 3D movies in addition to the powerful hardware support, but also on mobile phone screens have certain requirements, the Yangtze River 3 obvious from the appearance of the screen than the average thickness of the phone screen, the screen is easy for bonding by the two screens made, so as to not bring 3D glasses, you can watch with the naked eye 3D display.

Hey Leute gibts was neues über dieses Phone?
Finde den look gut.
Und dass auf dem Backcover was von Rockchip steht hört sich auch vielversprechend an.

Kennt jemand ne Quelle und nen Preis?

Sorry ich habe den Beitrag über mir übersehen, wollte nicht unnötig pushen...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


nun mal wieder ein update vom izinn 3 , sollte nun ja mal zu haben sein.

hier ein erster review vom izinn 3.


Symbian finally do not see the matter, the Yangtze River Three seconds Nokia N8
The Android version of the Nokia version of the N8 N8 and still do very similar, from the back, no matter the size of a design or appearance are designed to have many similarities, although both use a 3.5 inch screen, Android version of N8 with the mainstream of the 800 × 480 resolution, clear bright display.
Although the shape of the camera on the same, but the Android version of N8 with a 500W dual LED flash pixel configuration, this and N8 of the 12 million pixel camera, there are many gaps, after all, is taking the Android version of N8 route in the low-end
Machine configuration is a 2.5mm top headphone jack, this jack, although the volume of savings, but not compatible with some of most headphones, for friends who like to listen to music a bit tangled the.
The Android version of N8 is used in high-definition 3.5-inch touch screen inductive, while the phone's screen is, with first-class screen display.
Android version of this is true by N8 ARM9 600MHZ DSP 500MHZ processor dual-core processor, so high-end CPU must support up to 720p HD playback.
The Android version of N8 configured 1400 mAh lithium battery, the phone is using the built-in batteries, so can not open, can only be charged through an external interface. 1400mAh high capacity which is not bad for the phone, and in evaluating the call during the half-hour a day, send and receive text messages 10, 1 hour playing machine intensity, can also support more than 2 days time, battery life is still worthy of recognition .
Room IT168 Evaluation Summary: The Android version of the Nokia N8 N8 using the same design and modeling, fashion modeling style, while using the aluminum alloy shell, frosted, so that he has a good feel. Android2.1 phone is equipped with the system, the software selection is very large. The dual-core processing is the this phone has good speed and can play up to 720p high-definition movies. In the middle and low mobile phone is a strong competitor.


New Member
Hallo,kann mir jemand sagen ob und wo man das iZiNN CJ-3 kaufen bzw. bestellen kann?
Danke für die Hilfe.



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