Hi All! New Here, Need Some Guide Or Help.


New Member
Hi all, hope you guys can help me. i bought a pinphone I835S. version is I835S_FN_CA_W_V1_1_7 branch: 08B I835D, build: svn_3111.
can you all tell me if i want to upgrade the system default language to chinese how can i do it? the MTK editor requires manual editing. that would be my last choice. could someone guide me how can i update or change the systems language so it has chinese in it? i would love to add chinese into my pinphone, now my pinphone has german, dutch, malay, indon, english, but not chinese how can i add them? please help?

Hallo alle, hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich kaufte mir ein pinphone I835S. Version ist I835S_FN_CA_W_V1_1_7 Branche: 08B I835D bauen: svn_3111.
können Sie mir sagen alle, wenn ich an das System voreingestellte Sprache Upgrade auf chinesisch wie kann ich es tun wollen? Die MTK-Editor erfordert manuelle Bearbeitung. Das wäre meine letzte Wahl sein. Könnte jemand mich leiten Wie kann ich aktualisieren oder ändern Sie die Sprache, so dass es Systeme Chinesen in ihm hat? Ich würde gerne in meine chinesischen pinphone hinzufügen, jetzt ist mein pinphone hat Deutsch, Niederländisch, Malaiisch, Indon, Englisch, Chinesisch, nicht aber wie kann ich diese hinzufügen? bitte helfen?

Verzeihung für die miese Deutsch, ich mithilfe von Google Übersetzen


To do this "manually" is impossible, if you ask me. The phone needs to have the Chinese characters embedded in it's firmware and in your case those are not there.

The only thing you could do is to look for a new firmware that already has the Chinese language in it and then try to flash the new firmware on your phone.


Helfer in der Not
To do this "manually" is impossible, if you ask me. The phone needs to have the Chinese characters embedded in it's firmware and in your case those are not there.

The only thing you could do is to look for a new firmware that already has the Chinese language in it and then try to flash the new firmware on your phone.
But for this you need a special flash cable:


New Member
is the flash cable same cable type as the one i use to connect to the computer? hmmm. i wanna do it myself? and upgrade the firmware my self?


And keep in mind, you also need a Chinese firmware. That won't be easy to find, for some reason the Chinese are NOT very good at flashing this phone or doing readbacks of their phones.


New Member
Hi all, hope you guys can help me. i bought a pinphone I835S. version is I835S_FN_CA_W_V1_1_7 branch: 08B I835D, build: svn_3111.
can you all tell me if i want to upgrade the system default language to chinese how can i do it? the MTK editor requires manual editing. that would be my last choice. could someone guide me how can i update or change the systems language so it has chinese in it? i would love to add chinese into my pinphone, now my pinphone has german, dutch, malay, indon, english, but not chinese how can i add them? please help?
if the language is your only issue not the performance upgrade i think it's cheaper and safe for you to reorder the pinphone and let the seller do it and test for you.

just to share with my pinphone setting, trying to find more informations in this forum or else whre unfortunately not much help so far. Doing by "trial and error" without technical information is like playing russia roulette . I had to do a few hard reset with my finger crossed.
unless you can afford your pinphone become a paper weight...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Helfer in der Not
You can try the V1_1_3, this firmware is available in the Downloadbase. This FW has chinese integrated. But I think you will lose some features of the 1_1_7, so please make a readback of the 1_1_7. Because of this you could reflash the 1_1_7 if you do not like the V1_1_3 ;)


But NOT without doing a readback of your own firmware first, I have the "feeling" your firmware might not be a "S" firmware, could be a "NG" firmware wrongly labled and then the V1.1.3 won't work! :(


Helfer in der Not
Didnt I write that?^^

I thought of a wrong labeled NG-FW, too. But this 1_1_7 doesnt have a short label like the wrong labeled 1_1_5.


Maybe, maybe not?!? I have the feeling the last of the S firmwares was the V1.1.3 or MAYBE a V1.1.4 (Chinese), I highly doubt that the V1.1.7 is actually a S Firmware, but I don't know that :(


New Member
Hello all...i am a new owner of a pinphone 3gs I835NG V1_1_9 and i am wondering why i canot watch videos from utube...!!!!...i dont know much about mobiles....!!!

Sorry for the post but i didnt know where to post becuse of the German language....


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