Zopo C3 - MT6589T 5" FHD 1GB Ram 16GB Rom 13MP + 5MP Cams



Zopo Handy für Frauen: :)

定位女性群体 1.5GHz主频卓普C3即将上市 mtksj

Positioning women groups upcoming C3 1.5GHz frequency Zhuopu
ZOPO Zhuopu phone is the recent launch of many thousand Yuan Zhuopu black quad-core products, the dark horse, simple and stylish look and impressive hardware specifications become more susceptible to a hot quad-core products. In order to enhance the competitiveness of products, the recent listing of Zhuopu black 16G and Ultimate editions will also be upgraded to a 1.5GHz processor main frequency MT6589T, and also released a white version of the plan Zhuopu black, black white version will use Corning Gorilla glass screen.

But Zhuopu mobile products this year far more than these, recently officially announced the launch of a model for the internal C3 Quad Zhuopu new machine, mainly for female users customize, now open Zhengminghuodong, perhaps will be immediately available.
Black compared to the tough atmosphere, using pink body Zhuopu C3 is indeed full of femininity, figure can be found through the promotion of C3 body lines more changes, in boxes, and larger arc around the back, the whole style more soft and mellow. Positioning female user groups as smart phones, in addition to pink outside Zhuopu C3 may also have more colors to choose from, and is expected to have a slim black shoulder thickness.

Primary target users for the beauty of the girls, high-definition cameras and high-definition display screen natural and ultimately, Zhuopu C3 uses a front + rear 13,000,000 5,000,000 pixel dual high-definition cameras, equipped with the same black size 5.0-inch display screen, and the resolution reached a level FHD 1920 * 1080, PPI of 441, showing the effect worth the wait. Besides C3 is also equipped with main frequency 1.5GHz quad-core processor, the same should be black as MT6589T Ultimate Edition quad-core chip, running memory to 1GB, with 16GB of internal high-speed storage space.

For the upcoming Zhuopu C3, given official "exclusively for women's top smartphone" description of the core hardware parameters from a known point of view of the many high-profile female mobile phone belonging to a class, but since the choice of target women groups should also inevitably female proprietary systems, technology and other beauty pictures featured content, female users can look at.


Well-Known Member
... gibts wirklich "Ladies", die aelter als 16 sind und ein rosa Smartphone moechten ? Goldglaenzend, mit Swarowski oder aehnlichem Glas besetzt, ja ... aber pink ;)
Eher was fuer die Hello-Kitty-Generation.


Persona non Greta
wenn es ein richtig knalliges Pink ist,würde ich eins nehmen (das betont meine weibliche seite :dance4: ) - nur spass
aber richtig schrilles Pink wär mal was anderes aber so ein blasses,sieht schrecklich aus


Pfui, Pink geht gar nicht (auch nicht für mich als "Lady" :noo: )! Hat das C3 schon jemand? Bin am Überlegen, ob ich das ZP980 oder das C3 nehmen soll... Gibt nur noch keinen Erfahrungsbereicht zu Zweiterem so weit...


bestellt ist es, aber wann es ankommt...???
wenn es da ist gebe ich gerne einen bericht ab.
vorher gibt es aber sicher noch andere und dann schauen wir mal.
bin schon richtig gespannt.
gruß mcfly
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


am 28.6. soll das C3 für 999 yuans zu haben sein ( 125 € ) Ob nun der preis dabei bleibt steht jetzt nicht da. Außerdem bekommt es noch Lewa OS Rom.

1G+16G内存卓普小姿首发999元 28日预约 mtksj

1G +16 G memory Zhuopu small gesture starting 999 yuan on the 28th Appointment
Zhuopu phones were active this year's "Little" series recently added a member, the machine is called Zhuopu small gesture, will be equipped with Le Frog OS systems market, rather than the previous two models Ali cloud system, and this mobile phone positioned as self-love love fashion female users. Recently a small gesture on Zhuopu pricing information has taken shape, it is learned little tzu $ 999 starting price will be listed, and that time is already revealed the official 28th of this month.
The tough atmosphere with black different posture although Zhuopu small black fuselage and if similar, but there are improvements in the details, the overall style is more interested in soft, thick and black as the aircraft was 8.5 mm, the same super- narrow frame design, plus white, pink, blue three beautiful colors, appearance in female users presumably have greater appeal.
Zhuopu Another feature is a small gesture will cooperate with the music frog, frog OS provides customized by the music system, as well-known third-party ROM, Le Frog ROM fluency, ease of use we have seen, can guess, Zhuo Poor posture is equipped with a small music frog ROM will be taken into more personalized elements, such as female-specific applications.

In addition, the overall Zhuopu small posture same mainstream hardware configuration, the aircraft is equipped with a 1.5GHz frequency MT6589T main quad-core processor, 5 inches IPS wide fit screen, 1920 x 1080 display resolution, with a large Corning gorilla glass screen. Terms of memory use 1G RAM +16 G ROM combination of large capacity, can support 64G expansion. +1300 5000000 pixels with front-megapixel back-illuminated CMOS (blue glass filter) dual high-definition cameras, standard 2000 mA battery, can support WCMDA + GSM dual network.

Undoubtedly, the $ 999 starting price so competitive posture Zhuopu small highlight, though, is for girls to create the product, the estimated number of male friends have the heart of it, but Andrew Love of the available information may pay attention to the official announcement or continue to maintain attention.
MTK mobile phone network reproduced the original article, please keep links: 1G +16 G memory Zhuopu small gesture starting 999 yuan on the 28th Appointment


nachdem ich das c3, das 2. mal storniert habe, weil es die händler nicht liefern konnten :nono:,
habe ich es gestern bei meinem lieblingshändler bestellt, s t a r - a n d r o i d :dance2: !
allerdings können die es auch nur in weiss und pink liefern.
pink ist gar nicht mein fall, also weiss.
hoffe es gibt bald ein backcover, dann wird es gehen. sobald ich es in händen halte,
werde ich mal versuchen einen testbericht zuschreiben.
also bis die tage.
gruß mcfly


Und wer hat jetzt das C3? Wo gibt es erste Eindrücke und Testberichte?

Ich habe es auch schon bei zopo.de gesehen. Da wäre der Versand aus D. Ohne lästige Einfurumsatzsteuer und
Wir versenden unsere Ware, aus unserem deutschen Lager, per DHL-Paket als versicherten Sofortversand (an deutsche Adressen, Postfächer und Packstationen sowie international möglich).
. Echt ein Vorteil. Und der Preis dafür ca. 45,-€ mehr gegenüber Chinahändler, wo besagte Zusatzkosten kommen ...


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