Xiaomi Mi MIX 2S -5,99" FHD+ Snapd 845 6/8GB Ram 128/256GB Rom NFC B20 5/12&12MP Cams 3400mah



Soll angeblich auch während der MWC vorgestellt werden.

搭载骁龙845!小米MIX 2S大曝光:屏占超95%、隐形指纹 mydrivers

Snapdragon 845 equipped! Millet MIX 2S large exposure: screen accounted for over 95%, invisible fingerprint

Although the Mi 7 is still very mysterious, but millet MIX 2S new machine information gradually surfaced, it is rumored that it is expected to launch during the February 26 MWC exhibition, for the global Internet users appearance.

On the afternoon of February 9, aesthetics of science and technology shared the spec sheet of suspected millet MIX 2S.

First of all appearance, the millet MIX 2S uses a very unique upper right corner of the front camera approach , making a significant increase in the proportion of positive screen, it seems at least 95% or more, called the full screen 3.0 (Full Screen Display 3.0).

Back only camera / flash module hole at one, is the integration of ceramic body to consider.

Other details, the continuation of the four surface edge of the transitional grinding program, the whole simple and innovative.

The main parameters, millet MIX 2S will carry Snapdragon 845 chip, clocked at 2.8GHz, 8GB LPDDR4X running memory, 256GB UFS flash memory, rear 12 million pixel dual camera, optical zoom.

ast but not least, Millet MIX 2S integrates screen fingerprinting.

Prior to the exposure shows millet MIX 2S in Ann Bunny 7.0 under the run more than 270,000, the overall performance of more than 35% increase over millet 6.
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Angebliches Poster vom MIX 2S

小米MIX 2S新外形渲染曝光:全视曲面屏点亮后震撼 mydrivers

Millet MIX 2S new appearance rendering exposure: all visual surface screen lit shock
Rumorous millet debut at the end of the MWC will launch millet MIX 2S phone, the shape changes.

On February 17, Slashleaks got the rendering spy photos from the film maker called Millet MIX 2S, this time using a curved screen with almost "zero" forehead and a narrow chin border.

This broke the news with the current popular "partial" shape is different, the former is based on the millet MIX2 to do border width and screen optimization, while the latter is in the upper right corner of the front set aside a corner, Used to place the front camera.

Of course, in addition to the shape, fever level configuration is millet MIX 2S the flagship.

Combined with XDA firmware information, millet MIX 2S Sony IMX363 dual camera will be used to support four-axis optical image stabilization, the battery capacity of 3400mAh.

Other areas, as well as Snapdragon 845 chip, top with 8GB memory + 256GB storage, ceramic body and so on.

In addition, the fingerprint is also a rather suspense, which is in the end is the hidden fingerprint screen, or post-fingerprint design.


Am 27.3. wird das Handy vorgestellt.


大惊喜!小米MIX 2S升级功能曝光:米粉最期待的是它 mydrivers

a big surprise! Millet MIX 2S upgrade features exposure: rice is the most anticipated it
On the morning of the 25th, millet official announced a heavy news - the new flagship millet MIX 2S will be officially released March 27 .

At the same time, the official also confirmed the two key new machine information: 1, equipped with Snapdragon 845 processor; 2, Ann Bunny ran over 270,000 points.

From this point of view, Millet MIX 2S performance undoubtedly, is already the top level of the current Android camp. In addition, the new machine will bring what surprise?

Millet mobile phone official public number launched a vote after the announcement of millet MIX 2S release date, from which we can spy on the Milky MIX 2S may bring the upgrade, including: better photo quality, AI AI blessing, faster Internet access speed , Better face unlock experience, more lasting life.

Before the deadline, users' votes showed that the more enduring battery life (24%), the better camera quality (21%) and the AI blessing (20%) became the three most anticipated upgrades .

In addition, faster Internet access speed, better face unlock experience also respectively 17%, 16% of users vote.

For millet MIX 2S, do you have those expectations? May wish to leave a comment in the comments.
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Angebliches Bild vom Display, ob es echt ist wird aber angezweifelt . naja mal abwarten :)

这就是小米MIX2s外形和配置?参数如此彪悍 mydrivers

This is millet MIX2s shape and configuration? Parameters so sturdy
Millet has said publicly that March MIX2S will be held on the new conference, and announced the news, it also confirmed that it will carry a Snapdragon 845 processor.

It is worth noting that, in order to highlight the millet MIX2S equipped with the horror of the Snapdragon 845 performance, the official also announced its security Bunny run points, 270,000 + results are currently the most advanced, while Apple's A11 Bunny run points at 26.5 Around

Now, some netizens in the microblogging release a so-called MIX2S spy photos, a lot of fancy, the first is the appearance, if the picture is real, then the MIX2 shape will continue, but the bottom of the screen should be carried out chin Narrow, in order to improve screen share.

In addition to appearance, the spy photos also exposed MIX2S configuration is equipped with a 6.01-inch screen with a resolution of 2160 × 1080 pixels, battery capacity of 4400mAh, and the memory combination is 8GB RAM +256 GB storage, while the post-dual 16 million pixels Camera, preloaded MIUI 9 system , the parameters look very fantastic.

For the exposure of the so-called MIX2S configuration, its authenticity is not very high, especially with 4400mAh capacity and dual 16 million pixel camera, which are too radical .
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User des Jahres
Naja, ich nehm das was Wasserdicht und QI und Kamera kann.

Warten wir mal ab. Xiaomi wird schon signifikante unterschiede rein bauen.

Erstmal bin ich weiter mit dem Mix2 zufrieden.


User des Jahres
Das wundert mich mit der Frontkamera grade nicht. Denn das Bild mit der Triefaugenkamera (was ein blöder Begriff) hatte ich auch in Bezug auf das Mi7 gesehen.

Ich muss sagen: ich bin mit dem Mi Mix2 immer noch sehr zufrieden.

Upgrade wäre wirklich höchstens das Mi7 und dann ist das Mix2 fast ein Jahr alt und es ist Zeit für ein Upgrade. (ja, ich weiß es ist kein Jahr, lasst mich in dem Glauben)


ich finde, das mit der Kamera unten ist kein Problem. ich nutze die Frontcam aber zugegebenermaßen recht selten.
Phone 180 Grad in der Hand gedreht - zack - Kamera wie gewohnt links oben zum Selfie ...


Nun, ob ein "Triefauge" (tatsächlich ein blöder Begriff), oder eine Notch wäre mir persönlich egal. Irgendwie muss es ja mit der Kamera gelöst werden... Könnte mich vermutlich auch an die untere Kamera gewöhnen, allerdings verursachte es ja bisher bei manchen Apps ein paar Probleme. :(

Dann bin ich aber gespannt wie es beim Mi7 gelöst werden soll... Ich gehe ja mal davon aus, dass auch hier jetzt weniger Rahmen verbaut wird.


User des Jahres
Ich nutze die Frontkamera recht häufig und bin immer noch von der Quliät der Selfies begeistert. Man sieht was frischer aus - ohne das der Weichzeichner zu sehr reinknallt und die Brille wird erkannt.

Mein Iphone ist da wesentlich ätzender.

Aber das "problem" mit den Apps geht auch halbwegs. Snapchat kann ich nciht beurteilen - da kann unser Berufsjugendlicher @Erbsenmatsch was zu sagen.
Bei FB geht die Kameradrehung nicht - aber a) mache ich da wenig bis keine Bilder und B) geht es mit etwas übung auch ohne drehen


Aber das "problem" mit den Apps geht auch halbwegs. Snapchat kann ich nciht beurteilen - da kann unser Berufsjugendlicher @Erbsenmatsch was zu sagen.
Bei FB geht die Kameradrehung nicht - aber a) mache ich da wenig bis keine Bilder und B) geht es mit etwas übung auch ohne drehen
Facebook mache ich eig. auch keine Fotos, wenn kann man das Foto immer noch machen und dann erst hochladen...
Snapchat hingegen mache ich schon hin und wieder mal ein Foto... Aber eig. sollte es wie du sagtest ja auch einigermaßen machbar sein, das ein oder andere Foto ohne Drehung der Kamera zu machen?


Well-Known Member
Also ich brauche überhaupt keine Kamera auf der Displayseite........is eh nich so hübsch was man da sieht.......... spart auch Geld. :)


Angeblich ist die Front-kamera unten. Ausserdem soll die Hauptkamera im Dunkeln bessere Bilder machen.

大惊喜!小米MIX 2S造型曝光:后置双摄/陶瓷机身 mydrivers

a big surprise! Millet MIX 2S modeling exposure: rear dual camera / ceramic body
Earlier, Xiaomi official has confirmed that the new flagship millet MIX 2S will be officially released on March 27. Unlike in the past, the location of this conference was no longer Beijing but moved to Shanghai.

From the official release of the warm-up poster, the millet MIX 2S will continue the shape of the millet MIX 2, and there is still no camera at the top, nor the current popular "Liu Haiping" design. Obviously, the front lens of the millet MIX 2S is still designed at the bottom and the chin is expected to be further reduced.

Of course, more than that. Last night, Xiaomi's mobile phone official issued a warm-up again, suggesting that the new machine will be equipped with double shots, while the night shooting ability will be significantly improved.

“The most important number this week: 327. The Xiaomi MIX 2S will be released in Shanghai . Known surprises are “Embark on Xiaolong 845, run 270,000 points” and “More than AI cameras.” What else will happen? "

There is a bright moon in the poster, and there are reflections below, which seems to indicate that the new aircraft will be equipped with a vertical dual camera, and the mobile phone's night shooting capability will be enhanced.

Not surprisingly, the millet MIX 2S will continue to use all-ceramic integrated body . From the previous vote of rice noodles, the battery life, camera, artificial intelligence AI is the most anticipated upgrade of the millet MIX 2S.
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DAs Mix 2S bekommt drahtloses Aufladen

小米MIX 2S官宣支持无线充电:99%的人期待已久 mydrivers

Millet MIX 2S announces support for wireless charging: 99% of people expect long-term
Millet MIX 2S will be released in Shanghai on March 27th. Millet will continue to “squeeze toothpaste” and expose the new key features of the new machine.

According to previous official clues, Xiaomi MIX 2S will be equipped with Xiaolong 845 processor (domestic mobile phone starter), security Bunny run up to 273741 points, while carrying AI dual camera, support background dynamic flare effect, and it is likely Two cameras work independently.

Today, Xiaomi official released a new clue, saying that the millet MIX 2S is not just ... ... followed by a lightning icon, while there is also a disk-shaped bottom thing.

This is a good understanding, millet MIX 2S will not only support fast charging, will also support wireless charging , in line with previous exposure.

This will be Xiaomi's first mobile phone to support wireless charging (it would be said that Xiaomi 7 will also have). The official claims this function is "99% of people have been looking forward to it for a long time." I believe that the charging power will not be low, and it must be Qi. 15W.

According to the news, the millet MIX 2S will basically continue the design philosophy of the millet MIX 2, but the chin continues to narrow, still accommodate the front camera, while the screen ratio changed from 18:9 to 19:9.


Das Mix 2S kann slow motion Videos aufnehmen und hat u.a. optischen zoom.

拍照能力爆发!小米MIX 2S支持多帧降噪、240帧慢动作 mydrivers

Photo ability broke out! Millet MIX 2S supports multi-frame noise reduction, 240 frames slow motion
However, this level is far from the 90+ top clubs built by Apple, Samsung, Huawei, and Google, and the most likely new breakthrough is the Xiaomi MIX 2S.

According to the current information, as an "S" change product, the appearance of MIX 2S has not undergone major adjustments. The main upgrade areas are the core hardware, including the Xiaolong 845 chip and the rear dual-camera CMOS.

XDA reported that from the latest leaked firmware, the shooting of the MIX 2S has many features, including portrait mode, multi-frame noise reduction (MFNR) and 1080P 120-frame slow motion.

In terms of hardware, the MIUI camera APP shows that the lens also supports optical zoom.

The so-called multi-frame noise reduction is a feature supported by the Spectre 280 ISP (integrated in the Snapdragon 845), which reduces the noise under dark light by continuous shooting of multiple recombination.

In slow-motion shooting capability, MIX 2S also promoted from 720P 120 frames of one generation to 720P 240 frames or 1080P 120 frames . Of course, there is still a gap between the 1080P 960 frames of the Sony XZ2 and the 720P 960 frames of the Samsung S9 (condensed-time photography).

For other leaked information, the Xiaomi MIX 2S will carry an 18:9 FHD+ screen and 3400mAh battery. The CMOS may be the Sony IMX363.
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Bild vom Mix 2S, ausserdem gibt es angeblich eine Edition mit 8Gb Ram und 256GB ROm


搭载骁龙845 小米MIX 2S定妆照出炉:屏占喜人 mydrivers

Equipped with Xiaolong 845 millet MIX 2S Dingzhuang photos released: screen Champagne
Millet MIX 2S will be released in Shanghai on March 27. Details of the aircraft will be announced in succession.

On March 19th, Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun announced the actual photo of Xiaomi MIX 2S, and announced the spokesperson of Xiaomi MIX 2S, Wu Yifan. The publicity slogan was “a technology, an art”, which was once used by Xiaomi Note 2. slogan.

As shown in the figure, the front of the millet MIX 2S still continues the classic design of the MIX series, leaving only the chin and the front camera on the bottom. After lighting the screen, you can see that the screen is higher, and the visual effect is very shocking.

Unfortunately, Xiaomi did not publish the MIX 2S's back map. From the previous exposure of the spy photos, the dual cameras on the back of the millet MIX 2S were arranged in an upright position, and the fingerprint recognition was centered. The layout was basically the same as that of the red rice Note 5.

Configuration, Xiaomi MIX 2S will be equipped with Qualcomm Xiaolong 845 processor (An Tu Rabbit Run points up to 270,000 points), 6GB of memory (probably will launch 8GB memory top version), equipped with a dual camera, and joined the artificial Smart technology, its photographic effect is worth looking forward to, support wireless charging.

小米MIX 2S包装背贴曝光:全球首款8GB+256GB mydrivers

Millet MIX 2S packaging back exposure: the world's first 8GB+256GB
The millet MIX 2S was officially released for nearly a week. The government kept warming up, and various kinds of exposures also appeared.

Kuai Technology now exclusively received the back box of the MIX 2S box. It was shocked to show that the machine will have a top-level “black ceramic exclusive version” with 8GB of memory and 256GB of flash memory. It is an emperor-class configuration and is currently the strongest in the industry. combination.

Looking at the current top six mobile phone manufacturers in the world, none of the flagship models use the 8GB+256GB configuration. Even if we step back and use the 6GB+256GB Huawei Mate 10 Porsche Edition and the Samsung Galaxy S9+, the price will reach 8999 yuan and 7599 respectively. yuan.

DRAM memory has experienced continuous price increases of up to one and a half years. For example, IC Insights reported in October last year that the price of DRAM memory chips rose from 2.45 US dollars to 5.16 US dollars, an amazing 111% increase, PC, mobile phone, and server memory. All suffered.

Affected by this, smart phones tend to be conservative in memory configuration, and the millet MIX 2S brings 8GB top-level configuration at this time.

The millet MIX 2 once had 8GB of memory and an all-ceramic exclusive version of 128GB of flash memory. The price was only 4,299 yuan, less than half that of Huawei's Mate 10 Porsche. Therefore, it is conceivable that Xiaomi’s “cost price” strategy has always been Millet MIX 2S 8GB+256GB price is also worth the wait.

As for the usefulness of such large memory, look at the memory of today's mainstream applications:

Taking the above example as an example, Weibo accounted for 286MB, NetEase music 195MB, QQ 144MB, and WeChat was as high as 450MB. Only these four commonly used applications accounted for 1GB of memory.

Today's Android system will easily take 2GB of memory, a dozen applications can eat 2-3GB, the result is that 6GB memory will not be rich.
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