Neues handy von Xiaocai, das vermutlich eher als externe Batterie dienen soll.
不仅是手机还是移动电源 小采X6将上市 mtksj

不仅是手机还是移动电源 小采X6将上市 mtksj
Not only is the phone or mobile power small mining X6 will be available
In the major manufacturers in the smartphone battle fierce battle was going on , the little mining mobile anti playing its Daoxing functional machine , the latest product called small mining X6, X6 not as many products as smartphones disguised appearance , This machine not only looks special, also supports charging for other devices , and low prices.
The phone has three mobile phones appearance, the edges of the convex design plays a role in protecting the body , is a look at the role of ruggedness , there are three anti- color features, providing a full black, orange and black + black + and green mix .
Another major feature is the small mining X6 battery capacity is large enough to reach the 5000 mA , as a function of machine , the 5000 mA power is undoubtedly large capacity , so by moving the power adapter cable can be used as a considerable + role in the backup machine is a mobile power . Also small mining X6 still continue to use MTK chips, the main chip for MTK6250, the chip is functional machine uses a lot , and even watch a lot of products built this chip to create impressive sales of MediaTek .
The aircraft has an official store shelves , marked placing $ 299, while X6 is also involved in the purchase of official winter activities , in addition to fine watches, electronic cigarettes , slimming belt ( three) toys as gifts, as well as the opportunity to receive free X6 phone.