W801 - iphone 4 klon mit Qualcomm CPU? +Android



Naja wäre ja mal was neues, keine MTK CPU zu verbasteln. M8cool behauptet im W801 ist ein 600Mhz Qualcomm prozessor drinnen, ob der besser ist weiß ich nicht.

Ansonsten läuft es mit Android. Aussehen, naja schaut irgentwie billig aus, noch dazu ist es keine 1:1 Kopie.


but here you Xiaobian absolute explosion of this W801 to the force, aircraft used high-pass MSM7227CPU, carrying Andrew 2.2 operating system, runs quite smooth.
The W801 equipped with the popular Andrews 2.2 operating system, open source in the system and application software, the playability is very strong, Qualcomm MSM7227 CPU clocked at 600MHZ's up and running very smoothly, with 3.5-inch HVGA capacitive screen, either in the game or the Internet are considered to force oh.

Top of the machine are the SIM card slot, 3.5MM headphone jack and the switch locking keys, this W801 supports GSM and WCDMA network of China Unicom, for friends with special needs is very convenient.

The W801 is the data interface and the bottom of the charging port, and the data lines and Apple is also common, fairly easy to use, the machine's built-in 4G memory card, the battery is built, but built-in way fair to thickness to be thinner that some, but it ~ ~ personally think you can do drop, the materials can be better, still feel not good enough texture, then again, perhaps manufacturers are now considering the price factors.
Editor Comments
The W801 to create a cottage on the first of its kind Qualcomm CPU, and performance in various aspects are very good, equipped with Atradius 2.2 operating system, 515/288 memory, 3.5-inch HVGA capacitive screen, GPS / WIFI / gravity sensing, function very comprehensive Oh, and to support China Unicom's WCDMA network, currently the aircraft already on the market, like friends can focus the next.
mehr bilder bei m8cool.



New Member
Müßte das neue efox phone sein. Soll 156Euro kosten und ist lieferbar.Sieht jedenfall sehr ähnlich aus auch die vielen Knöpfe.Würde ich gerne mal testen.
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hat ja auch WCDMA allerdings ist es glaub ich recht dick. Das ding kann man aber gut erkennen , da es an der Seite neben der lauter und leiser taste noch eine zurücktaste hat und auf der anderen Seite sind noch mehr komische tasten. Und eben ein komisches logo.

hier sind noch mehr bilder :

W801 listed with Qualcomm CPU, pull the wind imitation iPhone appearance, popular operating system android, fertile beauty W801 strong attack to seize a masterpiece of low-end market , This machine uses MSM7200 Qualcomm CPU, android2.2 operating system that supports GSM and WCDMA
Summary: The W801 to create a cottage Qualcomm CPU on the first of its kind, and I believe a reasonable price if the sale of the aircraft will be able to get a lot of machines

Oil support, and performance in various aspects are very good, equipped with Atradius 2.2 operating system, 512/288 memory, 3.5-inch screen HVGA capacitor

, GPS / WIFI / gravity sensor, features a very comprehensive and gave strength and support China Unicom's WCDMA network, currently the aircraft already on the market, like the Friends can be


New Member

ich hab mir das tel grad bei efox angesehen...
von den funktionen hat das endlich mal alles was ich mir wünsche: wdcma, aktuelles android, gps, wifi, capazitive screen
nur die optik ist nicht so berauschend

bin echt am überlegen, aber ich glaube ich warte nocht die ersten tests ab *g*


New Member
hmm meint ihr das es echtes UMTS kann? und hat es die iphone Logos hinten drauf...auf den fotos scheint es ja nicht so?!?


neues vom W801, das WCDMA ( 3G ) unterstützt.


Wal-W810 hardware configuration parameters United States:
Liquid crystal display (LCD): 3.5-inch glass capacitive screen HVGA 320 × 480px resolution screen material
CPU: Qualcomm MSM7200A processor clocked at 528MHZ to support China Unicom 3GWCDMA network (real support for WCDMA networks)
Operating System: Google Android2.2 Intelligent Systems
Memory observed: Memory observed: 512M ROM +256 M RAM
Support high-speed Internet access: WCDMA / WIFI / EDGE wireless high speed internet
Photo: 500W camera, AF AF + built-in full-screen viewfinder LED fill light
Multimedia Player: CPU hardware decoding, smooth video, sound, restore true, 3.5mm headphone jack, gravity sensors, free GPS navigation,
With a force of Qualcomm CPU, pull the wind imitation iPhone appearance, popular operating system android, fertile beauty W801, grab a masterpiece of low-end market, this machine uses MSM7200 Qualcomm CPU, android2.2 operating system, support GSM and WCDMA 3G for the domestic market becomes more mature and want to follow-up reserved for allocation to upgrade it, this machine is absolutely the only choice. I evaluation Meng


laut m8cool läuft nun Android 2.3 auf dem W801.


View system information. android version is 2.3.3, the kernel version is 2.6.29.
Wal-US W801 using Qualcomm's MSM7201 chip, clocked at 528MHz, 512ROM, 256RAM and capacitive touch screen be the cottage mainstream configurations, MSM7201a are ARM11 + ARM9 dual-core architecture, MSM7201A chipset built-in 3D graphics processing module, supports WCDMA 3G Model . In HTC's G1, Touch Diamond Motorola also have used several models of the android While this chip. This machine is currently priced at 13XX yuan. Be a good cost-effective machine. May wish to look like a friend.


New Member
It was solding here for a long time.Seems great!

Here is the new rom--Android 2.3.
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