Sorry (Iich spreche nicht Deutch)
I have ThL W8, a very good phone (quad core mt6589), but it does not have internet calls - only voice calls and video calls - I see the code settings for SIP calls in the framework-res.apk and in the phone.apk I see nothing in the menus on the phone.
How can I restore this ??
Does anyone have this phone with internet calls working ??
Sorry (Iich spreche nicht Deutch)
I have ThL W8, a very good phone (quad core mt6589), but it does not have internet calls - only voice calls and video calls - I see the code settings for SIP calls in the framework-res.apk and in the phone.apk I see nothing in the menus on the phone.
How can I restore this ??
Does anyone have this phone with internet calls working ??