Reboot loop with F600


New Member
Hi everybody,

I just got this F600 model and started playing with it, backing up apps and settings from my old android phone with Titanium backup to restore it here and I did what I obviously shouldn't... I restored system settings along with apps. Now the phone keeps rebooting and the only thing that I was able to do is to get to that 'factory mode' in chinese that looks like the one in the screenshot here and according to that translation down there, that's not much of a help (factory reset seems to be just only a headline, not an option). Is there anything that could help in this situation?

My friend also got this same model so I guess that would help to get the original ROM, but how to flash it here?

Best regards


New Member
Never mind, I repaired it. First I downloaded images and other files with MtkDroidTool from my friend's working phone and then uploaded system and user image (user maybe wasn't needed) to my phone with Sp Flash tool, version with mt6589 support. Now everything is back to normal :)

Lesson learned, don't transfer system settings with Titanium between different phones (don't know why they didn't emphasize/prompt that when restoring was chosen). It looks obvious now, but I was easily fooled.


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