Ob das Handy jemals kommt ist fraglich, ist nämlich ein crowdfunding Project aus taiwan. Klingt aber interessant. Das handy soll 1800 yuans kosten ?
这部1800元的手机真逆天! mydrivers
Crowdfunding seite: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/project-s-a-smartphone-to-fit-all-your-needs

这部1800元的手机真逆天! mydrivers
Crowdfunding seite: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/project-s-a-smartphone-to-fit-all-your-needs
This 1,800 yuan phone really Guards !
The phone is called Project S, which is equipped with a 5.8 -inch touch screen , resolution of 2560 × 1440 pixels , built-in 3GB RAM and 16 million pixel camera , support for Qi wireless charging standard , with three anti function.
In addition , the aircraft 's shape looks very Founder ( both front and rear glass ) , users can unlock the phone by gestures, while providing eight-core processor and 32GB of storage space , and support for 4G LTE networks.
At present, the vendor has posted online this project financing , that the project needs to start five million dollars ( now financing nearly 250,000 ) , the price is very attractive, so long as 1800 yuan .