Pinphone Camera & SMS sounds


New Member
Dear masters a.k.a problem solvers...

I just got this Pinphone 3GS version I835S_FN_CA_W_V1_1_2.
There's 2 things i need to know if there is any available solution you guys could provide.
First, the sound when typing message, can i just disable it without turning on the silent mode??

Second, when taking pictures, for example, i took a portrait picture but it results in landscape mode which includes all the thing at my left & right side. I just aim at 1 car, but all the cars beside it comes into the picture. When i turn the phone and try to take landscape picture, the same thing happen (vice versa).

Beside those two problem, everything was totally perfect!

Please help me solve the problem.. i've been to the shop who sold me the phone but he knows nothing.

Thank you.


Helfer in der Not
1. In 1.1.2 isn't any solution, except that you replace the sound with an absolutely silent one.

2. This problem is solved in the firmware after 1.1.2, so just need to upgrade.


New Member
Thanks master we3dm4n, :good2::good2:

So that means the message sound problem was still not solved even after upgrade, right? And the camera problem was solved after firmware upgrade, right?

One tiny question.. how to upgrade?? :exclamation:


New Member
Thanx a lot we3dm4n!!

I am interested in buying the cable later but I dont actually understand Germany language. Sorry..

So in case i wanted to order 1 unit, what should i do? how much was it in USD & how i should pay ?

Warm Rgds..


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