Philips W6500 / Xenium - buntes Handy von Philips



neus handy von Philips, hardware info gibt es keine. Da steht nur was von einem kleinen display, also 4" - 4.3".

拥有多种炫彩颜色 飞利浦W6500真机曝光 mtksj

Bright colors with a variety of real machine exposure Philips W6500
Philips phone has been focused on long standby area, so we see the vast majority of smart phones with Philips relatively strong business colors, such as some time ago just listed flagship endurance Philips W8510. But then upcoming new machine has changed our view of the Philips mobile phones, this will launch a new machine model Philips W6500, although still a long standby Xenium series, but out of the real machine exposure photograph shows like W6500 is a stylish smart phone.

The exposure out of the Philips W6500 uses a yellow color, with black giving a strong visual impact, in addition to a combination of yellow and black outside, W6500 there are blue, green and red variety of beautiful colors to choose from, so rich The color is a Philips phone unique. Also you can see the W6500 design is still unique, bottom of the screen in addition to three regular Android touch keys, also comes under the "chin", makes the body appear more slender.

Philips W6500 has a larger fuselage upper and lower ends of the arc, the machine does not adhere to our common smart phones like or rounded rectangle, rectangular square design, machine looks full of changes, and this is a Philips mobile phone major feature. Back top is the main camera, equipped with a flash, specifications unknown, Central is black PHILIPS logo on the bottom left of loud sound chamber.
The aircraft left flagged Xenium long standby machine is also a member of the family, and the same with the W8510 is equipped with a key to saving switch, it will also built-in power-saving technology, the other can be found after the shell is a direct deduction on the body and can be easily replaced with other colors.

There is no more information about the aircraft's configuration information released, from the published pictures of the real machine to speculate Philips W6500's screen size is not very large, probably in about 4-4.3 inches, the other Xiangxi information has yet to be officially announced.


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Eigentlich gibt es kein Philips Handys mehr. Die werden seit 2006 von China Electronics Corporation (CEC) hergestellt, durfen aber die Name Philips benutzen.


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