" msdsc error " & memory card (2GB).


New Member
Hi people,
web search brought me here ... i'm using Google translator (for German to English) so i hope you can follow me in English .
First thank you for making the forum as help desks in China are very weak.

here is my problem :
After few months of normal work with this phone i got Memory card " msdsc error " when trying to access the disk =memory card (2GB).
my phone is :

I did few restarts and now i do not get that error but even worse the file manager now only sees C: drive (the phone ) and the D: drive( memory card) is gone .

Then I tried with USB adapter for microSD and i can read the files on my PC so card seems ok ?
Card is formated as FAT (windows say so, I think this MTK OS system does something (like encryption) to it as i can not see installed programes on the card but multimedia i can see )

Any idea/advice?
In the mean time i also ordered new card to see if it will read new card. I'm also waiting above webshop to respond me as well.


New Member
Hi Branko, i had the same Problem with the memory card in my Kiphone, sometimes (and after some weeks more often) the phone showed me the "MSDC-Sector-Read-Error". I bought a new memory card, copied all the data to the new one via the PC, and the error is gone. Hope it is gone forever. Seems like those cheap chinese memory cards that are delivered with the phones don't have that bit of quality...


New Member
Thank you Ciney & ColonelZap for quick reply
I got new microSD card but the phone does not read the new card at all... same as with old card : i even do not get "msdsc" error
, seems the phone can not see SD card anymore... could be contact issue but do not want to play with hardware I will send the phone back to the Webshop.

I see partner of this forum http://cect-shop.com/ has already Android phones ... prices are even less than in China shop http://www.lightinthebox.com (that i used for this phone ).
It seems it is in Germany? ( I guess that will be my next online shop to avoid customes trouble.)


Hello Branko_NL,

have you tried to set the phone back into factory defaults?

P.S. Je hebt in jou naam in NL, je bent Nederlands?


New Member
hi again,

>have you tried to set the phone back into factory defaults?

Cyberdog I will try it ... but to make sure:
- Will that delete everything ,apps, data, contacts etc ... ? or only phone options ?
- if yes , then i have to move all contacts from phone to SIM card ...
- oh en ik woon in de buurt van Amsterdam :) bijna Nederlander ,ik woon hier al 7jaar:)
... I do not consider myself belongin to any nation.. I'm just earthling :)
this matters: http://www.thevenusproject.com/

>The cect-shop is also a shop from China
yes i saw it the other day when i was looking to order Android ?
btw. What are experiences with these new phones from , Have you seen any review from
http://cect-shop.com/ ?

>Try to format your card with this, maybe it helps?
thanks but I do not think that can help as old and new card are FAT formated and PC reads them both fine...


p.s. Is there a way to set my profile so that i get emails as soon someone posts here ? usually there is a place to put that option but i didn't see it ?
oh and I got return form from the shop so i'll try one more cyberdog advice and see ...
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