Meizu Meilan (mblu) S6 - 5,7" HD+ Exynos 7872 3/4GB Ram 32/64GB Rom 8/16MP Cams 3000mah



Angebliche Bilder eines neuen Meizu Handys , das angeblich im Januar erscheinen soll.

魅族首款全面屏!魅蓝6S曝光:屏内还有小圆点 mydrivers

Meizu first full screen! Charm blue 6S exposure: screen there are dots
This year's Meizu is bleak, there is no last year to play chicken blood type outbreak, although there are many new machines introduced, but most of the market reaction was mediocre, some big adjustment, Huang Zhang is also expected to be able to re-attack next year.

Now mobile phone circle full screen design hot, Meizu has no movement, before the exposure of the charm blue 6S can be regarded as their first full screen product, the original double 12 on sale, but sources said that as a result of the new camera debugging problems, Be delayed until January next year release.

For the charm blue 6S this phone, now the latest news that the aircraft has been identified in the shape design, abolished the entity Home button, with 18: 9 full screen design, with the side buttons integrated fingerprint recognition.

As we are concerned about the configuration, Charm Blue 6S is said to use the processor is not MediaTek, and may be Samsung's Exynos 7872, based on 14nm process technology, with two Cortex-A73 core + four Cortex-A53 core, integrated T830MP2 image processor , And have full Netcom features, while also providing 13 million pixel camera and 3GB of memory.

In addition, sources also stressed that the price of Charm Blue 6S is the same level with the Nuts Pro2, then this is the case, it is also the main 2000 yuan file. By the way, in addition to Charm blue, Meizu also planning a full screen new machine, the same screen dot + side fingerprints design, but the processor will be Xiaolong 660.
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Active Member
Sieht mir stark nach Fake aus. Meizu ist so stolz auf ihren mBack Button, dass sie selbst bei den aktuellen Geräten nicht drauf verzichten wollten. Auch ein randloses Meizu ist ja in der Gerüchteküche schon aufgetaucht. Und selbst dieses hat den mBack Button. Wir werden sehen was da tatsächlich kommt.


Meizu ist so stolz auf ihren mBack Button, dass sie selbst bei den aktuellen Geräten nicht drauf verzichten wollten
wird angeblich bei den billigen Modellen hinten verbaut werden. Aber mal sehen was kommt :)

李楠:魅蓝入门全面屏可能用后指纹 小圆圈不会回归 mydrivers

Nan Li: Charm blue entry screen can be used after a small circle of thumb will not return
Since the release of millet MIX, the mobile phone industry set off a wave of full screen. Today, full screen mobile phone has been fully covered high-end, mid-range and entry-level market, the vast majority of manufacturers have released a full screen products.

But there are exceptions, it is charm blue. Charm Blue this year changed last year, machine sea tactics, just released Charm Blue 5s, Charm Blue E2, Charm Blue Note 6 and Charm Blue 6 four models, full screen product has not been introduced.

Of course, in the era of full screen, Charm blue is not motionless, their full screen mobile phone is also secretly developed.

Today, Charm blue president Li Nan revealed in the group news about Charm Blue screen machine, he said Charm blue classic circle design to full screen mobile phone is certainly fit, so look forward to a small circle of return of kerosene can not worried.

In addition, on the full screen after the fingerprints, Li Nan said in a very cheap model to consider the use of post-fingerprints. In addition, Li Nan Gravity suspension speaker there, but the release time is not disclosed.

In summary, Charm Blue high-end full screen new machine may use a positive fingerprint, while the positioning of the product may consider post-fingerprint.

Now 2017 has come to an end, looking forward to next year's charm blue new machine.


Das Handy wird wohl am 17.1. vorgestellt.

1月17发!魅蓝18:9新机S6曝光:要用三星全网通CPU mydrivers

January 17 hair! Charm blue 18: 9 new machine S6 exposure: use the Samsung Netcom CPU
Yesterday, Meizu generously announced its first full screen mobile phone, and it took the lead from the Charm blue family, but Li Nan said before, Charm blue do not want to be called a new machine full screen, so the title of the new 18: 9 more appropriate.

Now, the latest news shows that Charm Blue is about to release this full screen new opportunity on the name of S6, in fact, Weibo has also appeared on the topic of Charm Blue S6 new conference, and the release time is locked in January 17 days.

Information from the Ministry of Industry before the letter see , Charm Blue this full screen new machine is equipped with a 5.7-inch screen, the battery capacity of 2930mAh, body size is 152 × 72.54 × 8mm, in accordance with the screen size and length of the comparison, it should be 18 : 9 screen ratio is no doubt.

In addition, from the charm blue S6 spy photos, the aircraft will abandon its own signature mBack, provide fingerprints on the side, up and down the forehead is not very narrow, the overall visual effect is not very strong, I am afraid this is why they do not call full screen One of the main reasons.

As for the configuration Well, it is said that this charm blue S6 priced at 1299 yuan, competitors locked red rice 5 Plus, which may carry Samsung Netcom Exynos 7872 processor (14nm process technology and six-core design), while 3GB RAM + 32GB And 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM storage version optional.
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Angeblich ist der Fingersensor unter dem Display

魅蓝S6再爆重磅消息 将使用屏下指纹!cnmo

Charm Blue S6 heavy explosion of heavy messages will use the next screen fingerprint!
 [ Mobile China News] Charm blue on the new device charm blue S6 news recently emergently, the front of the full screen equipped with the basic is properly, and now we are looking at the charm Blue will put fingerprint identification where. Weibo exposure on a video today, the video in the charm blue S6 actually used the screen fingerprinting technology, it is really amazing!

From the video point of view, Charm Blue S6 appearance consistent with the previous exposure. 18: 9 full screen, rounded corners with a circular design. The front of the mBack key is canceled, the whole machine is still more sophisticated. The screen of the people, tap the screen wake up, put your finger on the screen fingerprint area, and then unlock the phone, the entire unlock process is still very easy to use.

As for the configuration of the aircraft, there is information online, Charm Blue S6 will be equipped with Samsung Exynos7872 processor has not been released, according to legend, the use of 14nm process. Samsung's processor, coupled with full screen and fingerprinting under the screen, Charm Blue S6 can be said to meet all our hopes. Let us wait for it to be released on the 17th!


Bilder vom S6

魅蓝S6工信部入网亮相:全面屏侧边指纹 cnmo

Charm Blue S6 Ministry of Industry debut: full screen side fingerprints
[ Mobile China News] Just after the New Year's Day in 2018, the news that Charm Blue Full Screen Mobile Phone was coming in full swing. On the morning of January 4, Charm Blue official announced that it will hold Charm Blue S6 new conference on January 17 . Recently, this new mobile network entry in the Ministry of Industry website debut, so that we can glimpse clues.

From the picture point of view, the biggest change of charm blue S6 is undoubtedly the well-known full screen design, the net biography of its carrying 18: 9 full screen, 1440 × 720 resolution. This will be Charm Blue's first full screen mobile phone, the new S series is likely to be named in order to make it a difference with the previous generations of Charm blue hundred machines, highlighting the advantages of full screen. In the body material, Charm Blue S6 is also likely to use metal material, compared to Charm Blue 6 more texture.

The phone's most unexpected change came as a side-finger design. Side fingerprinting appeared only on a handful of handsets before, compared with a large number of front / rear fingerprinting handsets, making it even nicer and arguably more unique. In addition, this phone is likely to use Exynos 7872 six-core processor, built-in 3000mAh battery, support 18W fast charge.
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Active Member
Also irgendwie macht meizu in letzter Zeit, aus meiner Sicht, alles falsch! Micro USB Anschluss und überstehenende Kamera sind nur einige Punkte, die sofort negativ auffallen. Verfolgt man die community und deren Wünsche, entscheidet sich meizu stetig dagegen. Und damit tut sich die Firma einfach keinen Gefallen! Experimentierfreude ist ja schön und gut aber soweit weg vom Kunden zu sein, halte ich für eine sehr schlechte Strategie.


Also ich hätte nach wie vor Interesse am Meizu M6S, allerdings bekommt man es in dee 64GB Variante so gut wie gar nicht, zumindest bei den bekannten Shops.
Und Reviews leider auch nicht.


Das Problem bei Aliexpress ist zum einen der Versand und zum anderen das Thema Software. Die schreiben ausdrücklich, das OTA Updates nicht unterstützt werden. Da vermute ich stark eine chinesische Firmware die von den Shops mit Multilanguage und Playstore aufgerüstet wurde...also typische Shoprom.

Mich wundert es halt, dass bei Gearbest.oder Banggood es nicht verfügbar ist.

CECT Shop schaue ich mir mal an, danke.

Letztendlich wäre aber auch bzgl. der Software ein Review ganz gut.


Danke, hatte aber mittlerweile das Redmi 5 Plus in der Hand. Da gibt es eine Globalversion mit Band 20 und Updates, sowie einen super Akku und größeren Speicher fürs gleiche Geld.
Zudem kommt das Redmi Note 5 als Globalversion, deshalb ist das Meizu, welches ich echt interessant fande leider raus.
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