Mediatek nächster SOC soll dieses Jahr irgendwann im Herbst kommen. U.a. kommt da diese big.LITTLE Architektur zum Einsatz, so wie beidem 8 Core von Samsung.
联发科Q3量产big.LITTLE架构A15/A7双核处理器 - MTK手机网
联发科Q3量产big.LITTLE架构A15/A7双核处理器 - MTK手机网
MediaTek the Q3 production big.LITTLE architecture A15/A7 dual-core processors
The message from the new electronic display MediaTek in the third quarter of this year will be the mass production of dual-core dual-core Cortex-A15 Cortex-A7 four-core tablet application processor, and will be using to adopt big.LITTLE framework is expected to significantly improve the chip performance and power consumption performance draw more brand factory branch
The message from the new electronic display MediaTek in the third quarter of this year will be the mass production of dual-core dual-core Cortex-A15 Cortex-A7 four-core tablet application processor, and will be using to adopt big.LITTLE framework is expected to significantly improve the chip performance and power consumption performance rope in more brand factory support; addition, the company will also be launched simultaneously big.LITTLE four nuclear program integrated modem (Modem) system-on-chip (SoC) design to high-end smart phone market share in the expansion of the territory. Other media message is displayed, the Taiwanese mobile phone company HTC will launch in mainland China to cooperate with MediaTek equipped with the MTK programs in low-end smartphones.
MediaTek general manager, said Xie Qingjiang, lock mainland China smartphone replacement wave and tablet device shipments continued walking Yang, trend, MediaTek MT6589 phone chip quad-core reference board in addition to efforts to promote this year, the second the postseason will add re products firepower to invest in developing the Chinese mainland itself wafer jointly compete with the international chip maker, brand and white brand tablet market opportunities in order to improve product cost, quad-core tablet processor design based big.LTTLE size nuclear.
Xie Qingjiang MediaTek strong play since the end of the quad-core application processor platform design with wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) module for the first time to step into the tablet market, has received a lot of mainland China brand whitebox tablet favor of the industry, but the recent wave of low-cost tablet rise, the cost-effective chip of the company's flagship brand, is also expected to attract customers favor; Therefore, MediaTek estimated tablet processor market share in mainland China this year is expected to exceed 10%, and brand customer shipments will reach 60 to 70% the proportion of become the center of gravity of the tablet career.
Focus on the brand factory to improve the high demand for the next generation of cost-effective products, Xie Qingjiang stressed MediaTek development is at full speed, the Cortex-A15 plus the Cortex-A7 core application processor, and will be the third quarter of this year into volume production. A new chip expertise of the big.LITTLE architecture, the maximum clock to 1.5GHz, and the use of low-power core charge of light load, thus prolonging device usage time.
In fact, Samsung (Samsung) in this year's International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the first to release big.LITTLE eight-core processor program Huida (NVIDIA) to build a four-plus-one core Tegra 4 processor; Today MediaTek joined compete for the size of the nuclear design, which shows that this architecture has become a the chip giant card digital mobile devices battlefield weapons. Xie Qingjiang revealed that MediaTek will also be in the next generation of mobile phones in public board design, import the size of the core architecture to enhance the device performance and power usage efficiency.
As for the development of mobile phone chip, MediaTek fourth quarter of 2012, influenced by the effects of global economic factors, with the traditional off-season and shipments slowed down, but still pay out forty million to forty-five million sets of good results, the successful conclusion of the whole year The wisdom one hundred ten million sets of mobile phone chip shipments target; 2012, total consolidated revenue reached NT $ 99.26 billion yuan, increasing 14.33% year-on-year, after-tax profit greater earn NT $ 15.688 billion yuan.
However, MediaTek first quarter of this year operating forecast conservative, Xie Qingjiang the first quarter of this year under the influence of the number of days short of the company only shipped about thirty-five million to forty million units of smartphone chips; The revenue figures are expected to fall between NT $ 219 to 240 billion, a quarter of a reduction of about 10 to 18%. Into the start of the second quarter, chip demand will gradually begun to turn the mobile device industry began to prepare for the May Day holiday spending spree; MediaTek then plan several new products in the second quarter of this year, the third quarter production in response to the pulse of the market, and actively card bit.
Xie Qingjiang stressed, the persistent fever smartphone replacement tide of mainland China, and China Mobile is expanding provisioning timeshare - synchronous code division multiple access (TD-SCDMA) and long-range Evolution Plan (LTE) network, will drive the chip market demand straight up, MediaTek the second quarter of this year and the end of mass production of TD-SCDMA dual-core application processor, and TD / FDD-LTE multi-band multi-mode baseband processor, and efforts to expand its product lineup. Estimated MediaTek this year will be able to challenge the 200 million sets of wisdom mobile phone chip shipments, as well as more than half of the Chinese mainland mobile phone chip market share.